So I am really enjoying the IC DLC but the fighting in the districts and getting back to the base is a real chore. So you can get to the districts real fast from the base but you cant get to the base from the districts. That means if you are questing in say the Nobles district and youre AD, you can do one of the following.
1. Die to mobs and lose 10%
2. Travel to the sewers in an enemy faction's area and hope to God you make it all the way back to your base.
3. Travel to the temple district then onto the sewers there and then all the way back to the base.
When you've been questing and killing mobs and have quite a number of TV stones, most times death and the 10% penalty is the best choice. I had 1200 stones last night and decided to die to bank my 1k. My friends did not and they thought they would run back the long way (they chose option 3 above). Well they got zerged and lost most of their efforts over the hour we were questing/PVPing. Ouch!
TLDR: Death by NPC is the best option most times to travel fast.
Edited by Lord Xanhorn on September 2, 2015 2:12PM I'm kind of a small deal!