dwemer_paleologist wrote: »please keep in mind that imperial city is not the size of cryodiil. much smaller and probably alot less build area, this will give us a better chance. ( i hope ) only way to see it in action is on monday when its live and we all are in there.
just my 2 septims.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »
All districts are not separate zones, IC is its own zone and Cyrodiil is its own, those are the only two.
You have to zone to move from one district to another, it is not seamless. Thus they are separate zones.
That the lag in one of the zones won't affect others is actually from the dev's mouth (said during some eso live IIRC).
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »
well, then thats excelent news
this means we might see almost zero lagg, i hope
bosmern_ESO wrote: »
Which is the exact reason why AoE damage needs to increase in damage based on targets hit instead of reduce. ZoS said "we dont want to increase AoE damage based on targets hit because that will negatively effect PvE". That is probably the dumbest thing I've heard, they are afraid of changing something which will greatly benefit PvP because of PvE. Its simple Make AoE attacks increase in damage based on targets hit in PvP, leave it as is for PvE it doesnt take away from PvE and it would help PvP a lot.
If AoE increased in damage on targets in PvP everyone would spread out because if they balled up they would get destroyed, the reason why we see zerg trains of 40+ people is because if they all stack they take literally no damage. If ZoS ever wanted to fix or give a damn about PvP they would start changing how abilities work in PvP and PvE, because its obviously not working how it is currently.
And I sure am tired of playing an unplayable game.
It's not the size of the zone. As ZOS has admitted, it's the server load caused by calculating spammable AoE spells for large number of players packed in close proximity. There is little reason to think ZOS has fixed that issue.
I will be amazed if IC isn't consistently and horribly laggy.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »
I, and many others enjoyed it because its instant combat, and its never horse riding (or stuck in combat) simulator.
imredneckson wrote: »I hope you're wrong buddy I really do
It's not instant combat, it's instant "I killed you but you're back in 5 sec wow your death is meaningless"
bosmern_ESO wrote: »
Which is the exact reason why AoE damage needs to increase in damage based on targets hit instead of reduce. ZoS said "we dont want to increase AoE damage based on targets hit because that will negatively effect PvE". That is probably the dumbest thing I've heard, they are afraid of changing something which will greatly benefit PvP because of PvE. Its simple Make AoE attacks increase in damage based on targets hit in PvP, leave it as is for PvE it doesnt take away from PvE and it would help PvP a lot.
If AoE increased in damage on targets in PvP everyone would spread out because if they balled up they would get destroyed, the reason why we see zerg trains of 40+ people is because if they all stack they take literally no damage. If ZoS ever wanted to fix or give a damn about PvP they would start changing how abilities work in PvP and PvE, because its obviously not working how it is currently.
And I sure am tired of playing an unplayable game.
Agreed & bolded for truth. Large group pvp is hands down, the most efficient way to
1) Earn AP
2) Not die
For the good of the game, there needs to be some hazard/some counter to this kind of play. Because people in large groups need a challenge and because people in small groups need a chance. Right now zergs are all but infallible to anything but larger zergs. Unless they're just really bad and stand there and get murdered.
Its been clear that there are two separate versions of skills needed, PVP vs PVE, for a while now. However they keep trying to maintain that tipping the balance of one will somehow not negatively affect the other. (IE: ending permablocking in cyrodiil = fu PVE tanks). In PVP, AoE's should definitely scale in a way similarly to what you said instead of the complex ways they do now. And sure, they did this with prox det, but it only scales up to 5 people for an additional 25% damage. So this did nothing to help small man overcome zerg.
Bring back dynamic ulti gain.
Make AoE scale with targets hit.
Revert Proxy Det or make it scale higher than it does now to deal more damage. Currently they are nerfing it by ~3% before Battle Spirit.
Bring back dynamic ulti gain.
Make AoE scale with targets hit.
Revert Proxy Det or make it scale higher than it does now to deal more damage. Currently they are nerfing it by ~3% before Battle Spirit.
Also the permablocking was actually a PvE thing that spilled into PvP. They've said they didn't like that tanks could just permablock their way through dungeons.
Oh and fix dat lag.
I liked it better when the crutch to big groups was sorcs. They have 6 sorcs well we need 7!!!!!. I remember that one day I had like a 8 man group with 6 sorcs. I had 3 of them just anti negating. They could rework negate back into the game I think people forgot how crucial that ulti was.
I liked it better when the crutch to big groups was sorcs. They have 6 sorcs well we need 7!!!!!. I remember that one day I had like a 8 man group with 6 sorcs. I had 3 of them just anti negating. They could rework negate back into the game I think people forgot how crucial that ulti was.
A well placed negate can still destroy any group in a chokepoint or a stand still, such as on a flag. People were too dependant on it to win fights though imo, and it was way to spammable.
A well placed negate can still destroy any group in a chokepoint or a stand still, such as on a flag. People were too dependant on it to win fights though imo, and it was way to spammable.
It needed to be toned down just a little bit -- agreed we were too dependent. But the meta has shifted to Barrier spam, which isn't a whole lot better. Basically the ultimates needed a balance pass, not huge nerfs, so that they all retain effectiveness.