dwemer_paleologist wrote: »please keep in mind that imperial city is not the size of cryodiil. much smaller and probably alot less build area, this will give us a better chance. ( i hope ) only way to see it in action is on monday when its live and we all are in there.
just my 2 septims.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »
I wish that were true, but even on the PTS there was 2 groups of about 12 fighting each other and the game was having problems.
The PTS server is inherently unstable as it doesn't have the same server resources dedicated to it that the live servers do. For instance, there have been numerous times on PTS that the server would stutter for about 0.5 sec every 5-10 sec. Everyone in my TS was getting these stutters at the same time, so yes, it was the server.
Really? I was on PTS once when cyrodiil was pop locked even and i never saw any lag.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »Here's whats going to happen in IC, and its not happy so I hope no one has their hopes up (I usually try and look forward to this stuff, but IC is going to put the nail in the coffin for pvp).
In Imperial city districts, when you die you can instantly spawn, jump out of the spawn zone and be right back in the fight. Which is amazing, its constant pvp and its really fun. But that is in a perfect world, well, the un-populated pts where there was no where near enough people to lag the server.
In reality, there will be a massive amount of players constantly spawning and running to fight, which will probably be 5x the amount of players for each faction. Every seasoned PvPers knows what I'm about to say/type next... With the massive amount of players constantly running into a fight, the latency is going to be a complete sh*t show, even worse then how it is now. It doesn't matter if there are zergs there, it doesnt matter if everyone is solo. All the players + all the NPC's + close quarters combat = you paid money to play an unplayable expansion.
Imperial city is going to be a complete mess, I hope everyone enjoyed it on the PTS because its going to be nothing, and I mean nothing like how it is on the PTS. The only good thing about this is that the lag in IC and Cyrodiil wont effect each other, though I'm sure ZoS will find a way to mess that up.
Rune_Relic wrote: »
bosmern_ESO wrote: »Here's whats going to happen in IC, and its not happy so I hope no one has their hopes up (I usually try and look forward to this stuff, but IC is going to put the nail in the coffin for pvp).
In Imperial city districts, when you die you can instantly spawn, jump out of the spawn zone and be right back in the fight. Which is amazing, its constant pvp and its really fun. But that is in a perfect world, well, the un-populated pts where there was no where near enough people to lag the server.
In reality, there will be a massive amount of players constantly spawning and running to fight, which will probably be 5x the amount of players for each faction. Every seasoned PvPers knows what I'm about to say/type next... With the massive amount of players constantly running into a fight, the latency is going to be a complete sh*t show, even worse then how it is now. It doesn't matter if there are zergs there, it doesnt matter if everyone is solo. All the players + all the NPC's + close quarters combat = you paid money to play an unplayable expansion.
Imperial city is going to be a complete mess, I hope everyone enjoyed it on the PTS because its going to be nothing, and I mean nothing like how it is on the PTS. The only good thing about this is that the lag in IC and Cyrodiil wont effect each other, though I'm sure ZoS will find a way to mess that up.
I completely agree with you except for the fact that you think instant respawn is amazing in a perfect world. Instant respawn is crap and Call of DUty like. Instant access from home base to each district is also crap.
Should have been, respawn in your base, and go through the sewers to get back to the districts
I completely agree with you except for the fact that you think instant respawn is amazing in a perfect world. Instant respawn is crap and Call of DUty like. Instant access from home base to each district is also crap.
Should have been, respawn in your base, and go through the sewers to get back to the districts
And with all the buffs zergs are getting(blanket damage nerf) it will take even longer for zerg-clusters to die... which means more purge and barrier spam, and more lag.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »please keep in mind that imperial city is not the size of cryodiil. much smaller and probably alot less build area,.
dwemer_paleologist wrote: »please keep in mind that imperial city is not the size of cryodiil. much smaller and probably alot less build area, this will give us a better chance. ( i hope ) only way to see it in action is on monday when its live and we all are in there.
just my 2 septims.
It's not the size of the zone. As ZOS has admitted, it's the server load caused by calculating spammable AoE spells for large number of players packed in close proximity. There is little reason to think ZOS has fixed that issue.
I will be amazed if IC isn't consistently and horribly laggy.
It's not the size of the zone. As ZOS has admitted, it's the server load caused by calculating spammable AoE spells for large number of players packed in close proximity. There is little reason to think ZOS has fixed that issue.
I will be amazed if IC isn't consistently and horribly laggy.
lordrichter wrote: »
Hopefully, they still have the money to throw additional server resources at PC/Mac for a couple of weeks to handle the extra population just checking out the DLC.
newtinmpls wrote: »
IC isn't a single area. It is 16 separate areas(with zone transitions between them), and the same amount of players that originally all played in a single zone will now be split over 17, because the population cap hasn't been changed and applies to both cyrodiil and imperial city.
ijacksparrowed wrote: »but they tested it with 120 bots fighting all at once. They said it wont lag, that's what they said.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »If you don't like instant respawn play in sewers instead. That's what I'll be doing. Die in the middle of the sewers you have to run all the way back again. Wayyy better imo then the districts call of duty style spawn and die style.
Instant respawn is crap.
I hope everyone loves killing someone only to have them respawn and jump right back at you, you kill them again for zero exp and zero AP. Awesome!
That's not even the biggest issue, nor is lag. The combat on PTS is boring. The tab targeting sucks and its a single direct damage ability mashing *** that will remind you such much of WoW you'll want to go back and play the Arena in Burning Crusade... Until you remember that sucked too.
I wrote a whole thread on this in PTS forums along with countless others. Enjoy your last few days of enjoyable PvP, without some major combat changes I don't have much hope.