I would hate to have guards attack because I am a vampire
The most important thing to remember about sufferers of Noxiphilic Sanguivoria is that, as the name implies, they are not weakened by daylight as in other strains of vampirism, but are, instead, strengthened during the nighttime hours.
By night, these hunters are possessed of extreme fortitude and a powerful ability to recover from wounds.
"I was afraid to hunt, so I was always hungry, and the hunger turned me feral. It was in this state that I came across them. A family of innocent farmers, just like the innocent farmers that had hounded me from village after village. My vision turned red and I flew into a fury."
Would love that, an actual lore related scope behind the two diseases, but sadly the Vampire and Werewolf mechanics are by far more important to players than the lore. Which really imo is the only reason to become a Vampire or Werewolf is just for the abilities and passives. So much so that I have one of my chars at lvl45 and people harass because he is neither Vampire or Werewolf with "Dude what about that passive buff you noob!" Non diseased players are the ones now who are looked at like they have a disease.
Some challenge to make those dark abilities seem more worthwhile would only be an improvement in my perspective. It would be far more fun for me having to slink around on my Vampire, dodging guards and the sunlight. Rather than waltzing along the beach during mid-day enjoying getting a tan.
How about vamps getting hurt from being out during the daytime. It would be like a slow ticking dot. Werers in there form would be kos from any NPC in the game.These cursed infected demonic creatures need to have bad consequences for being evil. I will NEVER be any one of these.
So much so that I have one of my chars at lvl45 and people harass because he is neither Vampire or Werewolf with "Dude what about that passive buff you noob!" Non diseased players are the ones now who are looked at like they have a disease.
Resipsa131 wrote: »How about vamps getting hurt from being out during the daytime. It would be like a slow ticking dot. Werers in there form would be kos from any NPC in the game.These cursed infected demonic creatures need to have bad consequences for being evil. I will NEVER be any one of these.
That has never been lore in TES, they don't regen in sunlight but that's different than taking damage.
Resipsa131 wrote: »How about vamps getting hurt from being out during the daytime. It would be like a slow ticking dot. Werers in there form would be kos from any NPC in the game.These cursed infected demonic creatures need to have bad consequences for being evil. I will NEVER be any one of these.
That has never been lore in TES, they don't regen in sunlight but that's different than taking damage.
starkerealm wrote: »Fortunately the passive buff for Werewolves is going away with the IC... which is honestly a good thing. You can still get it if you have the transform ultimate equipped.
With Vampires, the regen passives are getting the same treatment, so not wanting to be dipped in kerosine is still a valid reason to not be a vampire.
starkerealm wrote: »Fortunately the passive buff for Werewolves is going away with the IC... which is honestly a good thing. You can still get it if you have the transform ultimate equipped.
With Vampires, the regen passives are getting the same treatment, so not wanting to be dipped in kerosine is still a valid reason to not be a vampire.
I agree that the update will be a good thing overall. It's not that I dislike either Vamps or WWs either, I have my one vampire. Though what I have always wanted to see as a contrast to the Vamp/WW skill line would be some sort of Advanced Hunter type of skill line. Dunno, like after fully leveling both Fighters/Mages or some other accomplishment to unlock a skill line to hunt down the evilness in the realm. I mean ... someone has to hunt down the evil things that go bump in the night, right?
Some people want easy mode for their afflictions. I want to feel the curse and enjoy the benefits that come from it.
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »
RAGUNAnoOne wrote: »
I do agree that we could spice up things a bit through vamp stages, and feedings. My main has been a vampire since launch and has not fed in over a year... this is sad, as I loved playing a vampire character in all other ES titles I've played. I have no need to feed in eso... tie our regeneration passive to feeding... make it a 4 hour buff so it isn't a crazy inconvenience, but something that has to be done.
Do the same to werewolf and our devour mechanic. Yes we have to slot the ultimate in order to devour and gain our regen passive... but don't have to slot it on both bars.
As werewolves we should be attacked by gaurds in cities
and vampires rank 4 should be the same.
...Or so we say.
Couldn't we have things that make you feel like you're really an "afflicted" in some way?
- because where are all the "noble" vampires quietly drinking a cup of te... blood in their castle?
Oh man, do I love the feeding animation. I just love doing when I know I won't need reduced cost on my vamp skills (especially bat swarm). But... I'd love it if it was the other way around, where you'd have to feed often to have reduced ultimate cost and a high health recovery, so that it actually feels like it brings constraints.
It's also fairly irritating to have some NPCs call you "mortal" when, obviously, you're not quite alive anymore *cough *cough*. It would be just great to have people start hating on you because they recognize you as a vampire (merchants refusing to trade, guards attacking if you get too close to them if you're a stage 4 (even 3?) vampire, NPCs cowering in fear "don't get close to me you monster!"...).
Maybe some other stuff. like weaknesses while it's broad daylight (reduced resource recovery?) but buffs during the night (there are already some, Dark Stalker allows you to sneak faster, and Drain Essence will be more powerful, I don't know the exact details...).
Extra for PvP: merchants will buy from you, no matter what your current stage is.
- is that fur coming out of your ears?
Behold the BEAST! Yes, the thing that you're supposed to have trouble controlling. Pretty much like the first time you become a WW in Skyrim and go rampage, before awaking in the middle of nowhere wondering "what the hell just happened?".
Fighting outside while there is a full moon has a chance to force a you to morph into a WW (impossible to cancel of course). Same treatment as vampires: "Get away from me you ugly monster!", guards attacking you on sight while morphed...
Maybe even some kind of "Control over the beast" (de)buff, with multiple stages, and a risk of randomly turning into a WW. If you have fed recently as a WW, you have more control, otherwise... random morphs, behold!
Extra for PvP: No hate from NPCs.
If some kind of implementation of this were to happen... I'd fall in love with it. Probably.
Your thoughts / comments / ideas / random lurking around / else... below.
#edit: typos | clarification on guards attacking you as vamp