Wait 2 days 7 hours to set home?!?!?

I tried to change my home in Cyrodiil, asked me for 15k Alliance points ( which I had). Then it asked me if I wanted to travel now or later. I choose later, now I am still part of my original home, and can not change it for 2 days 7 hours? This is not right.

PSN: Kronical_Ninja
Edited by howard8844_ESO on August 24, 2015 7:23PM
  • Taylor21554
    you might have to wait until the campaign is ended I'm not quite sure
    "help I've fallen,and I can't get up!"
  • howard8844_ESO
    I would assume the same. Though they never state that, and I have no idea why they would take my Alliance points away, then allow me to change in 2 days 7 hours, with 14 days left. Not saying your wrong, just if that is the case, it is a broken mechanic
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    You'll get a free (forced) campaign change when IC is released. Save your APs and wait until then.
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on August 24, 2015 8:04PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Enodoc
    When changing campaigns, you have the option to change "Now" or "When current campaign ends". Maybe you chose the second one by mistake. There's also a timed lockout on changing campaigns, so if you had recently changed it, you may still be within the 3-day cooldown period.
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