Some topics need to be brought up frequently untill improved/addressed.
Group finder received a lot of critics. Previously I had very few problems with it. Playing a tank I got into a group easily.
Lately I noticed something however I havent before:
Running a lowbie healer templar, with only Healer as group role adjusted. Avarage wait time for starter dungeons are around 1-1,5 hour.
When getting into queue one of the following happens:
- Group assembled, usually 1-2 people remains doing whatever they are doing. They cannot be communicated with. If the group leader is inexperienced he wont kick them out of the group.
- Group assembled, 1 person leaves, the others follow.
- Group leader fails to put the gorup back on queue if not full
Eventually I leave the queue and start it from the beginning with the need to wait another 1,5 hour.
If group assembled, group leader can initiate the dungeon teleporting everyone inside. Give it a countdown timer allowing players to find a safe place, wrap things up. Like 1-2 mins.
Put in a tutorial how to use the group finder tool. Sometimes I have a feeling players have absolutely no idea how to use it. They just stand outside the dungeon in hope someone comes by and they can join.
Big fat Nord Dragon knight with a huge hammer. - Tank
Stealthy argonian witch templar - Healer (lowbie)