digitalpackrat wrote: »Wow aegis is an amazing place to steal. Used it all weekend. My clothier and black smithing went up nearly 10 levels. Thx for the info. Anyone have a good place to steal wood weapons or shield. Woodworking is not keeping up in level compared to the other 2 anymore
One of the absolute best places (besides the bank area) to steal early on in Aldmeri Dominion is Aegis of Auri-El in Vulkel Guard. If you are looking for armor they have almost everything and for getting fence items they have a great ratio also. Once you clear everything... log out and log right back in and make your rounds again. Rinse and repeat until you get everything you need. And if you are looking for green gear pieces just steal the items you need and if they don't pop green destroy them and relog until you get what you want or get tired of it.
At Vet levels these same locations yield fence items that are mostly greens with a fair dose of blues.
For Daggerfall Covenant the docks of Daggerfall are a great area for looking for fencing items especially since its right close to the entrance for the outlaws refuge.
For Ebonheart Pact... easy mode is the vendors and crafting areas of Davon's Watch. If you get caught here near the vendors just being careful and watching the movement of the guards you can easily get out the main gate and jump the edge right next to it and hug the wall to get to the refuge before you are stopped by the guards. The biggest problem is avoiding any guards that are pursuing other players.
@Gan Xing, I haven't played through to the pact lands, but when you reach veteran lvl [
digitalpackrat wrote: »Where are your favorite places to steal? Please include your faction
i am doing the dominion campaign and so far my favorite locations to find easy to steal items for sale, recipes, and motifs is the bank in volkal guard
For stealing weapons and armor I like elden root in grahtwood, in the same room where the wayshrine is near the exit to go outside are a bunch of npc vendors and there are a lot of light medium and heavy armor and weapons galore but be patient. A lot of movement and can get caught stealing
I also like Marburk in greenshade. Near the exit of the city to the north where u turn in writs is a table with weapons and armor quite easy to steal plus the guards are easy to avoid in this city even if u get caught u should have little problem making it to the tables to break down your items
heh~ my rotation puts ya'll to shame
AD faction preferred, in DC the three cities of evermore, hallin's strand and sentinal these three cities (per rotation) yield 45+ safeboxes (with the proper cp passives), yield 90+ gold per box plus green, blue or the odd. purple lootable here and there
on a good day, you can manage 40k+ gold in an hour and a half per day
workin on a guide to share with my fellow sneakthieves i'll be posting soon
digitalpackrat wrote: »That sounds awesome jwt can't wait to see it. A guild I am in got a guild trader on Monday and I have been selling stuff like mad and been out looking for more to sell. In 4 days I have made over 100k g. Found out about a new run in malabal tor that was been yielding decent money and motifs and blue and purple recipes. Though the run is a bit involved. Not sure if it's good enough to share yet. Gonna try it a few more times and if it stays consistent I will write something up. It's over at the wayshrine at the north east corner there's a trade post and a few buildings have easy to loot bags and urns and desks
GuyNamedSean wrote: »For money I go from Rawl'Kha to Cormount, then to Elden Root to sell everything off. Rinse and repeat. Easy money. Sometimes I'll hit up Evermore or maybe the Tribunal Temple.
I just looked at Rawl'Kha, seems popular, most of the lockboxes were gone (there was prolly just someone ahead of me). Shornhelm is a good place, lots of places to pick from, good loop. I'm gonna check on other cities.
Here is a good site for us who want to find lockboxes easily:
Nice find! I'm all for hitting up some lockboxes, however I always seem to get caught in the process. What can I do to reduce the risk? Will dropping points in skills that reduce detection radius help with this?
Medium armour & passives, I'm a NB...I get caught regularly in anything else, never in my medium, & I'm Imperial so not a sneaky class.
Wish I was a vamp cat at times, I hear they're almost invisible in medium sneak mode.
Medium armour & passives, I'm a NB...I get caught regularly in anything else, never in my medium, & I'm Imperial so not a sneaky class.
Wish I was a vamp cat at times, I hear they're almost invisible in medium sneak mode.
redcloud1187_ESO wrote: »
Don't forget to count how guards and DON'T forget ur M16 and mask so they don't see it face