All opinions and baised observations. But here are the facts. eso lacks in efficent communication, people are having difficulty tradeing, doing group content, communicating with their guikds, and even getting into guilds.
KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »All opinions and baised observations. But here are the facts. eso lacks in efficent communication, people are having difficulty tradeing, doing group content, communicating with their guikds, and even getting into guilds.
These are not facts. I'm new to the game since console launch and I disagree. People are having difficulty trading? Not I. I have 120 items in the guild store and things move fairly quickly.
Doing group content and communicating with guilds. Use your guild channels and guild master can update the guild message.
Getting into guilds? I'm in 4 and I didn't even try getting into guilds until a month ago and they are all 500 people. Use these forums for the guild threads. Get on a waiting list.
KaleidoscopeEyz wrote: »First, it's incredibly easy to prove. Not, for you. But you're not the one who needs to prove it. For ZoS? Yes, it really should be easy for them to keep track of. All they need to do is thread up the chat logs. If they're not keeping any, then that is both incredibly stupid, and an enormous liability.
I'm assuming voice chat here on the console, which I doubt they are recording. If they are, do you really think they area going to review all of this voice chat? Not gonna happen. If it's typed chat on PC, you would be correct.
starkerealm wrote: »ZO doesn't hate you ... it's just not very smart in their product design.
Actually? It's fairly sharp. ZoS had an idea of what they wanted, and they engineered a system that produces those results. It prevents a homogeneous auction system that results in no player interaction (to speak of), and promotes a system where players will actually have to interact with one another directly, to some degree, in order to get stuff.
You would never, in an MMO with a global auction house, have to actually talk to other players to find out where you could find something on the AH. You'd just go to one and check. Here, there is room for actual interaction like that.
So, no, it does what it's supposed to. You might not like that. Or want that. Which is fine. But, it's not a stupid design. Just one you're not fond of.
These are not facts. I'm new to the game since console launch and I disagree. People are having difficulty trading? Not I. I have 120 items in the guild store and things move fairly quickly.
Doing group content and communicating with guilds. Use your guild channels and guild master can update the guild message.
Getting into guilds? I'm in 4 and I didn't even try getting into guilds until a month ago and they are all 500 people. Use these forums for the guild threads. Get on a waiting list.