I don't mind not knowing what traits or slots because most I think we already know. I just want to have a complete list of the dropped / named sets everywhere in game that are now available in VR15 and VR16 versions. I will do the farming and grinding on my own to find them just don't want to waste my time looking for stuff that is not there. I don't think this is too much to ask for and I am certain the community as a whole would appreciate the information.
If you don't know what pieces sets go on / traits they drop in you can never even begin to accurately Theorycraft best setups / combinations. A full list of all information is needed, I don't mind if they don't tell us where they drop - that's part of the challenge, but what traits and on what pieces it does it only fair to the community.
if they tell us all that then everyone will be using just the sets that obviously improve the min max players. I think we all enjoy the thrill of building and discovery in game. I don't think ZOS will be that forthcoming so I simply asked for the basic easiest information that could be revealed.