If it is still a problem for you in the slow paced test server pvp environment i fear your problems in pvp are not due to imbalances of certain skills...
no it's not
jnorris91ub17_ESO wrote: »IMO, stamina based crits are problematic on live, and Dawnbreaker is a problem on live. Nothing else feels overwhelming to me, and I only wear nirn on my weapons. If nirn were made to be balanced and those big stam based crits were brought in line, we would have a more balanced damage profile in the game to look at.
kkampaseb17_ESO wrote: »Dawnbreaker of Smiting needs its DoT to not happen simultaneously with the initial damage when it is animation canceled. That is the only change that needs to happen.
Oh dear those sorcs.. so predictable.. Dawnbrkr is bugged, evry1 know it.. Need to be fixed and tuned down a bit.. Ofc no1 remember now, when 1.6 got released evry1 were using meteor.. till som1 realised dawnbrkr is bugged = nice dmg and so most of population followed, cause we like esy way, dont we?
Oh dear those sorcs.. so predictable.. Dawnbrkr is bugged, evry1 know it.. Need to be fixed and tuned down a bit.. Ofc no1 remember now, when 1.6 got released evry1 were using meteor.. till som1 realised dawnbrkr is bugged = nice dmg and so most of population followed, cause we like esy way, dont we?
Hey, I don't even even have Dawnbreaker slotted
no it's not
Oh dear those sorcs.. so predictable.. Dawnbrkr is bugged, evry1 know it.. Need to be fixed and tuned down a bit.. Ofc no1 remember now, when 1.6 got released evry1 were using meteor.. till som1 realised dawnbrkr is bugged = nice dmg and so most of population followed, cause we like esy way, dont we?
Oh dear those sorcs.. so predictable.. Dawnbrkr is bugged, evry1 know it.. Need to be fixed and tuned down a bit.. Ofc no1 remember now, when 1.6 got released evry1 were using meteor.. till som1 realised dawnbrkr is bugged = nice dmg and so most of population followed, cause we like esy way, dont we?
Well tbh it does not matter if it´s bugged or not. The initial hit crits for 20k+ on live (vampire) and i am able to time it perfectly with curse because it ignores dodge. You can´t instakill nonvamps with dawnbreaker on live and you would still instakill vampires even if the dot was delayed.
I´ve stopped using meteor because every class has hardcounters for this ultimate and it´s too expensive for what it does. Sadly sorcerers don´t have a good reliable class dmg ultimate. This does not exactly leavy many options. I would not be using it as a DK or NB. I can´t comment on templars and i know that even if it wasn´t bugged it´s the best choice by a mile for my playstyle.
jnorris91ub17_ESO wrote: »bump for more visibility?
jnorris91ub17_ESO wrote: »Well tbh it does not matter if it´s bugged or not. The initial hit crits for 20k+ on live (vampire) and i am able to time it perfectly with curse because it ignores dodge. You can´t instakill nonvamps with dawnbreaker on live and you would still instakill vampires even if the dot was delayed.
I´ve stopped using meteor because every class has hardcounters for this ultimate and it´s too expensive for what it does. Sadly sorcerers don´t have a good reliable class dmg ultimate. This does not exactly leavy many options. I would not be using it as a DK or NB. I can´t comment on templars and i know that even if it wasn´t bugged it´s the best choice by a mile for my playstyle.
A 2 ability combo that cannot be dodge should not be able to one shot a player, vamp or not. This is exactly the problem that I'm bringing up.
However, cutting damage across the board for PvP is also not the answer when just a handful of damage sources are imbalanced.
Honestly, crit just needs to be removed from the game. It's creating too many problems.
Thalmor-Nordmaster wrote: »Oh boy this again. I have used it and not so great results I cant always pick and choose based on if my target is a vamp or a mutt.On vamps and mutts it is powerful but I have had them surprise me and shred me then t-bag me or dance around me or sweep me or other things.
So i find it better to use soul harvest "shields dependent". Or I can lead off with shooting star which gets me some ultimate for a quicker boost to soul harvest.DoS fixed or not gets me killed costs 200 ultimate whereas SH costs me 50 and I get to keep moving. Might try other things when goes live. I have not seen camo or evil highlight enemy players and make them glowy like npc undead. Does this happen and I am missing it? Should it happen?
Have a nice day