For veteran 14 character all it takes to level up to veteran 15 is to kill one mob or otherwise gain a minimum of experience. So on a third level-cap this game has seen everyone will be halfway through the increased level cap the moment they kill a skeever or open a lockbox. Please fix it!
Are you serious? The upcoming update adds two veteran ranks. You want it to become just one rank the moment you gain any kind of experience (killing one mob that grants experience, exploring unvisited location, opening a locked box, completing a quest, etc.)? I want two veteran ranks, not one. I want to level up not in a matter of seconds but rather hours.are u @#!ing serious? so all the xp ive earned all this time should get wiped?
hell no!!
Lock this thread FFS
Dekkameron wrote: »I don't understand why anyone WOULDN'T want banked exp to count to the next level...
Dekkameron wrote: »I don't understand why anyone WOULDN'T want banked exp to count to the next level...
If they added ten veteran ranks then that would make sense, but we only get two. Can you give me an example how anyone who has a veteran 14 main character would have a gameplay experience of two full veteran ranks instead of just one?
Dekkameron wrote: »I don't understand why anyone WOULDN'T want banked exp to count to the next level...
If they added ten veteran ranks then that would make sense, but we only get two. Can you give me an example how anyone who has a veteran 14 main character would have a gameplay experience of two full veteran ranks instead of just one?
So all the xp I earned from the last cap up til should go bye bye? Maybe I don't want too repeat stuff to get that xp back,while we're at it all the skills I leveled should go back too? Get real,stop imposing on my gametime. Its a hindrance if you DONT allow the xp I've earned to count.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »it's because the XP requirement for VR14 to VR15 is now 850k (when Imperial City drops) and we already accrued 1 million xp, if not more on our original characters to get to VR14 and beyond. So yeah our VR14 characters are gonna be leveled up to VR15 instantly..
Yes. There should be no option to gain experience in advance prior to any upcoming level cap increase.
WolfgangArmadeus wrote: »Granted the lvl grind is annoying to say the least, instantly hitting the next lvl is just silly... Its a strange occurence tho, i appreciate the instant lvl cause it means less grind, but in terms of creating an alt or starting fresh it just adds to the grind anyways... Its like they add "filler" that doesnt really affect maxed players, but makes the lvl grind more daunting for alts and under-lvl players... I dont even want to consider the extra 2 week grind for new comers, coupled with the fact that there isnt enough content to support the lvl raise without grinding in the first place...
No matter, this game lost touch a long time ago...