I have b**ched my fair b**ch in other threads, and while im sure I will continue to do so I did want to actually post some constructive ideas, but first im going to shoot down some go to skape goat solutions before posting mine.
-"nerf block casting" the idea that people can do damage while blocking. I disagree here because to block or be tanky and still do damage the person has already given up damage or something within the system to be able to achieve this, it would effectively be like saying if you go full dps we need to nerf your defense even further, that's not fair *** you already did give up defense to do damage, so no.
-"reduce the regen penalty to x% instead of 100%" the whole nerfing stamina idea is stupid in the first place and no compromise that keeps that change is going to be fun, we can fix this without such inept changes.
my idea
first I would like to shift some power. as of now heavy armor cannot stand alone as your sole form of mitigation (as seen in several boss fights in the game, were even at 50% mitigation a tank can still be 1-shot) I would like heavy armor to be able to get by at tanking on its own. I have said this in other posts and I will say it again, remove the block cost reduction passive and add flat damage reduction like the nord passive at something like max 15-20% this means while wearing at least 5 pieces of heavy armor you would shave that much damage off as well as whatever amount your total armor mitigates.
now as personofsecrets has noted flat DR does not stack well with blocking, and im okay with that, as I think heavy armor and sword and board should be able to stand on there own and not require each other for tanking, but provide bonuses if you do use them both at various other costs (usually damage)
next would be to drop the amount of damage blocking blocks a little bit, maybe down to 30-40%, maybe less if required. this reinforces the idea of using block to mitigate the secondary effects of abilities instead of mitigating so much damage. sword and board still increases this a bit and can even be buffed if required to grant more actual block mitigation.
overall changes?
-heavy armor tanking without blocking becomes viable and heavy armor gets a much needed buff no matter what style of weapon you are using.
-standard blocking reinforced as a secondary effect mitigation tactic rather then a huge damage mitigated one.
-sword and board reinforced as a damage mitigation set at the cost of damage.
-because oh how flat damage reduction and block don't stack well heavy armor sword and board tanking remains good but not overpowered.
-stamina not gutted

this is the kind of core balance changes I would like to see, and this opens up more forms of tanking (heavy armor dual wield, medium armor sword and board, etc) without broad stroke knee jerk reaction changes. . .like gutting stamina regen for example.
ESO player since beta.
previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
( ^_^ )
You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
DK one trick