We are Australian based so we fit in a lot with players who play at the weird hours haha
Anything else we should know about the guild?
dagonyatb14a_ESO wrote: »Sounds fun. Would love to join up
34- Khajiit Nightblade (Dominion). Trying out NB healing.
Psn: dagonyat
Hey, any room for a PVE AD main with EP and DC alts? WarriorPoet1980 on PSN. I'm looking for some people that don't mind helping to steer me in the right direction(s) for level 50 and beyond.
If you're still recruiting I'm very interested. Pretty much soloed since release. Be great do see how the other aspects of the game works
PSN Elit3_Play3r_213
We are Australian based so we fit in a lot with players who play at the weird hours haha
Anything else we should know about the guild?
Well I try to get a trader every week, I have ranks setup for who has how many weeks of selling access. You don't have contribute to be in the guild but if you want to use the store you do have to pay. I usually go through the list of members once a week or more anyone who was not paid and has not logged in for 2 months or more gets booted. I do that so our member count is active, a 500 member guild is of no use if 490 are inactive, you know? I think we are in the 230's to 240's currently.
dagonyatb14a_ESO wrote: »Sounds fun. Would love to join up
34- Khajiit Nightblade (Dominion). Trying out NB healing.
Psn: dagonyat
We are Australian based so we fit in a lot with players who play at the weird hours haha
Anything else we should know about the guild?
Well I try to get a trader every week, I have ranks setup for who has how many weeks of selling access. You don't have contribute to be in the guild but if you want to use the store you do have to pay. I usually go through the list of members once a week or more anyone who was not paid and has not logged in for 2 months or more gets booted. I do that so our member count is active, a 500 member guild is of no use if 490 are inactive, you know? I think we are in the 230's to 240's currently.
Thanks mate, FYI we were on last night and did not receive any guild invite.
Can you try again?
We are Australian based so we fit in a lot with players who play at the weird hours haha
Anything else we should know about the guild?
Well I try to get a trader every week, I have ranks setup for who has how many weeks of selling access. You don't have contribute to be in the guild but if you want to use the store you do have to pay. I usually go through the list of members once a week or more anyone who was not paid and has not logged in for 2 months or more gets booted. I do that so our member count is active, a 500 member guild is of no use if 490 are inactive, you know? I think we are in the 230's to 240's currently.
Thanks mate, FYI we were on last night and did not receive any guild invite.
Can you try again?
Just sent another one, let me know.
We are Australian based so we fit in a lot with players who play at the weird hours haha
Anything else we should know about the guild?
Well I try to get a trader every week, I have ranks setup for who has how many weeks of selling access. You don't have contribute to be in the guild but if you want to use the store you do have to pay. I usually go through the list of members once a week or more anyone who was not paid and has not logged in for 2 months or more gets booted. I do that so our member count is active, a 500 member guild is of no use if 490 are inactive, you know? I think we are in the 230's to 240's currently.
Thanks mate, FYI we were on last night and did not receive any guild invite.
Can you try again?
Just sent another one, let me know.
Hi mate, still no invites for any 3 of us... Not sure what is going on... Any other way we can sort this? We are mega keen to join!!
GreenhaloX wrote: »@bryanhaas, I definitely appreciated all your feedback and tips with my Maelstrom ranting thread, and I would love to join this guild of your which the weekly fee is no problem at all. I'm also looking for a good group/guild with a good trader spot as well as doing daily/weekly dungeons/trial runs, and this seems to one of such, but I recently put in a request for another similar guild yesterday. I haven't heard from any of them yet. If I don't hear something from that guild by the later part/evening of today, I will hit you up either in-game message, if that will work as well and/or back on here for an invite. Keep me in mind, for the time being, though. I also have lots of good loots to put on sale and have consistently been racking in daily sales. My PSN: greenhalo.
GreenhaloX wrote: »@bryanhaas, I did receive an invite to your guild, but I apologize and unfortunately had to decline. I ended up starting my own guild, which has been up and coming, and also I belong to 4 other merchants only trading guilds. So, I was not able to accept another guild's invite; otherwise, I would have. Would be nice if ZOS increases the amount of guilds we could be in. I think 10 would be a good number (if you're reading this, ZOS!) 5 for trading only guilds and 5 for separate events/activities guilds. Children of the Void seems like a good guild. Good wishes with the ventures of your guild.
We have retained our trader in Auridon, still open trading slots.
I will also be putting up items for well below their worth in the trader each day, so far it has just been XP pots but who knows maybe you will find a Dro mothra page for 666 gold or even a tempering alloy!