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Come friend, Listen to a story on the humble beginnings of the Imperial Legion Militia

"Come friends! Let me tell you a story that only a true Imperial loyalist would understand! A story about our humble beginnings!" Siricol announced. "You." he pointed. Sitting in the in a corner seat was a fair skinned boy with brown hair and brown eyes. His armor, tattered and torn, looked as if it had seen the better days of glorious battle. "You look like an Imperial!" Siricol accused.
"My family is originally from Cyrodiil." The recruit muttered.
"Your armor, that of a noble family?" Siricol questioned.
"This belonged to my grandfather. I wear it to remind myself of him when I start to get homesick." The recruits eyes began to glaze over and his lips started to quiver as if Siricol Struck the recruits grandfather down in front of him. "What brings you to this quaint tavern in such a distant land?" Siricol questioned.
"I... I want..." the recruit hesitated. "I want revenge."
"Revenge?" Siricol repeated "Did you lose your family during the invasion of Cyrodiil?"
"I don't know. It all happened so fast." the recruit muttered, while looking down at his tankard of untouched ale. "I was out fishing near the imperial City when I heard screams coming from the Imperial City. So many screams. I have never heard screams like that in my entire life." the recruit muttered. "I was so scared, without even thinking, I threw my pole on the ground and began to run towards the bridge that was not far from me." "Before I got to the bank of the stone bridge, I saw them." he stuttered "I think they were Demora. I have never seen a Demora in person before. I only read about them in books and even then I thought it was only a tale to scare young-lings."
"What did you do?" Siricol asked.
"I ran back to our farm to look for my family." the recruit's eyes finally released their first glimpse of innocence. As the tear began rolling down the recruits face, he said "They weren't there... So I grabbed the one thing that meant most to me, and that was my grandfathers armor from when he was an Imperial trooper and ran East." The recruit did his best to hold his composure in front of Siricol, but unfortunately he could not hold back his tears anymore. Siricol watched the recruit cry tears of loneliness and worry over the assumed loss of his family.
"My friend." Siricol said "That was long ago. This war has been going on for some months now. But I have a way for you to seek revenge and help the Legion."
"You do?" the recruit looked up. Siricol could see the shred of redemption gleaming in the recruit's eyes.
"Since the invasion of the Imperial City and Cyrodiil by armies of daedra from the god of schemes, Molag-Bal. We have lost contact with the Imperial Legion. I have gotten together a few loyalists here in Mournhold! We meet occasionally here at The Flaming Nix. I am looking for more Imperial loyalists or sympathizers. If our numbers grow, we can restore order to chaos through Imperial rule. It is my oath as an Imperial Soldier to uphold the visions and wishes of the Empire. With all that is happening between the war with Molag-Bal and each other, I suspect the Imperial presence has been crippled. Since we have no contact with the Imperial Legion, I have decided to form a militia of Imperials and sympathizers to re-establish that Imperial presence throughout the lands of Tamriel. Can I count on your loyalty and support?" Siricol questioned.

The recruit, hesitant with fear sat there for a few moments looking down at his Grandfather's armor. "Yes," he replied.
"Then I need your help," Siricol voiced. " I need you to go out and spread the word of the Imperial Legion Militia to all those who will listen," he continued. Siricol could see the excitement filling the recruits eyes. shimmering and dark, like they were filled with black soul gems.
The recruit stood up with haste, knocking over his stool. "Anything for the Empire; Anything for my family," the recruit shouted.

The above story is one of many. The word needs spread about the Imperial Legion Militia. The Legion needs good soldiers to count on to ensure the Empires survival through these dark and dangerous times. Can we count on you?

If you are interested, reach out to me on Xbox One: Collins6542. I am in the Ebonheart Pact, but any and all Imperial loyalists and sympathizers are welcome! My Akatosh guide you on your journeys.

Siricol Elivar (collins6542)
Imperial Legion Militia
Ebonheart Pact
Xbox One: Collins6542
Avatar: Siricol
Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
Ebonheart Pact
Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Collins6542
    If anyone is interested please just leave your gamer tag in a comment and I will add you.
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Sleep724
    I've had a similar idea for an imperial legion guild but working full time its been difficult to implement it. Do you run pvp mostly?
  • Collins6542
    Honestly it is pretty open. I am just rolling with it and completely open to suggestions. If you're interested in being involved, I'll promote you to legate which has everything unlocked besides removal from guild and demotions.
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Collins6542
    I'm just trying to find individuals first then go from there
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Sleep724
    Yeah I would give it a try :). Do you have any idea in what direction you would like your guild to go when you get more people? Like questing, dungeons, pvp, Imperial Armor requirements etc. My GT is Sleep VII
    Edited by Sleep724 on August 17, 2015 11:36PM
  • Collins6542
    Cool! I am thinking a mix of dungeons, PVP, and role playing. For admission, to fit the storyline the character would have to be imperial decent or in imperial armor. I am pretty open to suggestions. I added you, I'll promote you so you can help with guild decisions if you would like. I don't want this to be my guild, I want this to be everyone's guild and I would like to see Camaraderie between players.
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Collins6542
    "What comes tomorrow, comes then, and only Stendarr knows what challenges we'll face." - Merric at-Aswala @TESOnline
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Collins6542
    The Imperial Legion Militia is an Xbox One NA guild. Even though the Imperial Legion has been crippled by the King of Schemes, Molag-Bal, we still follow Empire Laws and Regulations. The Imperial Legion Militia is here to restore what has been destroyed. We focus primarily on teamwork, camaraderie, and role play. We're looking for loyalists who are of good moral standing with the Empire, like to have fun, take pride in being an Imperial, and are proud to display the great armor of the Imperial Legion as we ride into glorious battle to defend the Imperial Legion in PvP and PvE scenarios. The Imperial Legion Militia is not a guild that focuses on shaming others, so do not expect a bunch of immature milk-drinkers who mainly focus on min/maxing everything. We will promote a fun character building experience through gameplay. Until we grow into large numbers, only expect moderate guild regulations. Help spread the word to all Imperial loyalists who escaped the Imperial City and Cyrodiil looking for safety!
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Bleakraven
    I'd join you guys if you were on PS4 :) Sounds awesome, good luck!
  • entreritjqwe
    Looking for a guild with trader to sell on
  • Nyro87
    Sounds is the guild doing so far?
  • Collins6542
    It's getting recruitment slowly but surely at 10 members now.
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • RuneX
    Hit me up if you're curious about setting up an alliance with another Guild. We have a solid group of folks who part of our guild and we're Ebonheart.
  • Collins6542
    Edited by Collins6542 on August 21, 2015 9:50PM
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Ravens Sonata

    I have 6 chars 4 DG one EP and The other AD
    Highest is vet 7, lowest is lvl 8
    All my chars are Templars and Sorceresses

    I am a PvE'r tho I have been into Cyrodill mainly for Fighter Guild Bounties and Delves.

    I do ALOT of questing - exploring delves dingeons etc,

    Willing to assist others

    Would Love to start doing Group Dungeons including Craglorn, but I dont know anyone

    BTW -- Im XB1 Na Server

    ( all my chars are Bretons and Imperials
    Edited by Ravens-Sonata on August 22, 2015 5:07PM
  • Collins6542
    Wonderful! That is quite a list of awesome characters I must say! :smiley: would be valued asset to the legion :)
    Xbox One: Collins6542
    Avatar: Siricol
    Guild: Imperial Legion Militia
    Ebonheart Pact
    Mournhold, Deshaan Tamriel
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