Switch weapons with out removing your thumbs from the sticks
The PS4 has key-binds, to use them follow these 5 ez steps.
1- From the Home screen go to setting then Accessibility, then Button assignments and enable Custom button assignments.
2- Go to the left d-pad symbol (in game weapon swap) and replace it with R3 symbol (sneak mode).
3- Back out and uncheck Enable custom button assignments, as the PS4 key-binds are hard coded and will work for everything you do on the console.
4- Now check the Add to quick menu, for quick access to your key-binds.
5- To access your key-binds from the game just hold the playstation button, scroll down Enable Custom button assignments and check it when your playing ESO and repeat this step to uncheck when your done with ESO.
These steps are Ideal only for the default controller setting in game, as it leave a low foot print and keeps the game play feeling natural. makes you wonder why this wasn't the default configuration to begin with as removing my thumbs to weapon swap is the biggest issue with combat for me.
Edited by jorgeh401b14_ESO on August 7, 2015 8:56PM "Once I'm done with the three questing zones I will travel to cyrodiil and make my claim to the throne."
Key Binds Guide For PS4 to Change the Weapon Swap ButtonPS4 / NA server