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Dragon Knight Chains - Fix "Get Over Here" - Still Broken 1 Year Later


Greetings everyone. I just wanted to post a quick video that details my frustration with the Dragon Knight Chains ability. It has it's current problems on live, but it looks like it will have the same issues once Imperial City is released.


So as you see, "Too High or Too Low" hasn't been fixed yet.

I also want to ask that something be chainged...... =)

That is, make being pulled to an enemy, who is crowed control immune, different. This effect has made chains go from one of the funnest abilities to use to, some times, the most jarring and death inducing ability in the game.

How about this? If we want to get chained to an enemy, then we have to not be blocking when we use chains against a crowed control immune enemy. That or there could be a specific morph meant for pulling the player to the enemy.

Thank you for looking into this.


I also seem to notice a screen shake effect with chains on PTS. Maybe something else is happening which makes me feel that chains has the screen shaking effect, but can abilities please not shake the screen?


Still broken on DB PTS despite fixes to other gap closers.
Edited by Personofsecrets on May 14, 2016 5:05AM
Don't tank

"In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • actosh
    It only got *** up because ppl used it to pull others into keeps and retake them for emp farm. Wad bad move to change chains based on dumb players idea. Wish zos would revert that.

    Maybe we get to op if we have old chains back. Ill pick it up for my list :)
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Uh huh IDK what you're doing but my chains work fine. Targets either to high or to low.
  • Personofsecrets
    Uh huh IDK what you're doing but my chains work fine. Targets either to high or to low.

    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Stalwart385
    My only issue with chains is when it refuses to work in some PvE pulls. Very irritating.
  • HeroOfNone
    A few annoying things

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler identified silver leash is still able to pull enemies up or down from area. When it happened on stream I got pulled down off spawn and install killed with a 63k damage. I watched others pull folks ip, directly into the spawn protected area, instantly killing the enemy.

    This is partly why the chains shouldn't be able to pull up or down, the buggies and the exploits with the Z-axis variable tossed in is an issue.

    My personal issue with chains is the responsiveness and when it will or won't work.

    Sometime after 1.6 came out, I took to jumping off keep walls, bridges, etc. like spiderman, taking 2-3 players over with me to meet the ground below, or sometimes even pulling one off and then coming back to someone that held block. A bit cheap, funny as hell, and it was an equalizing "we both die" sort of tactic to high heights fighting. I reported this after a day or two of testing, checking if it was legal, and got a generic "we'll look into it, here are the TOS". Never heard if it was fair or foul. Next patch however the responsiveness went to crap in ALL aspects. The pull would delay a good half second/second, sometimes hitting after someone did a crit charge, despite me casting first. I could still jump off and pull folks, but most I pull would pull to a lower Z level and would only be cast once.

    This issue has also led to wierd times it doesn't work too. If I use a detection pot and try to pull a stealth player, it won't pull them toward me nor I them, yet it still uses mana. If I chain someone as they bolt, charge, etc. But they are still in range, it seems like it counts as a dodge, doing nothing but using up mana. Compare this to crit charge or invasion, the ability with still follow them once the others charge us done, assuming they are in range.

    So, there are things to improve.

    Edited by HeroOfNone on August 5, 2015 5:57PM
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • ryanmjmcevoy_ESO
    Was doing final Darkshade boss last night and couldn't pull the spheres across the almost entirely flat surface because of "too high or low" issue. Skill is not reliable enough and either needs complete retooling or just scrap it and give us something useful.
  • Ishammael
    Get rid of chains. It was fun at the beginning, but people cried and now it's worthless. Replace with a reliable magicka based gap closer.
  • Armitas
    Should I give OP an awesome for the video or an insightful for the block/ no block idea? I'm torn.
    Nord mDK
  • Personofsecrets

    So last night I completed VDSA on the PTS.

    VDSA is one place that the "Too High or Too Low" bug doesn't happen. It is nice to have the ability work in that instance.

    That being said I still died on round three after being pulled to a crowed controlled enemy and then being engulfed in a poison cloud as a result. Combat is too fast and there are too many abilities that crowed control for this to be a problem with strategy. It is a problem caused by chance.

    This issue with chains is especially highlighted during the Sanctum Ophidia trash enemy pull that leads directly to the Possessed Mantikora fight. We might have 2 Dragon Knights pulled to the same crowed controlled enemy multiple times after it was mysteriously put under crowed control. This is a raid with high end players. Everyone knows not to crowed control enemies for the purpose of not causing the Dragon Knights any more ire with their chains ability. Nobody knows why the enemies get crowed controlled even after carefully analyzing the group composition for any abilities that could be crowed controlling. As a result the Dragon Knights face using the most jarring and jerking ability in the game. It is not immersive, it is not fun, and it is not something that should go without a solution, solutions which I have outlined in the original post.

    Thank you for checking on this.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • RoamingRiverElk
    Now that blocking is nerfed so tremendously, why not give DKs a RELIABLE CLASS SKILL for gap closing so we aren't forced to use a stamina weapon just to do that one thing.
    Edited by RoamingRiverElk on August 7, 2015 5:28PM
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • Ishammael
    Now that blocking is nerfed so tremendously, why not give DKs a RELIABLE CLASS SKILL for gap closing so we aren't forced to use a stamina weapon just to do that one thing.

    Been asking for this for six months. :(
  • jayburna688
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Get rid of chains. It was fun at the beginning, but people cried and now it's worthless. Replace with a reliable magicka based gap closer.

    I love this idea tremendously!
  • nimander99
    Hey @Personofsecrets , was that a Mortal Combat reference?

    Edit: NVM, I asked that before watching the video... I know better too, it must be nooby Wednesday :p
    Edited by nimander99 on October 14, 2015 5:59PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Armitas
    It's been like this for a year. What is it going to take to get you to fix the broken stuff in your game.
    Edited by Armitas on October 14, 2015 7:54PM
    Nord mDK
  • Personofsecrets
    @ZOS_GinaBruno ,

    Are we going to get a fix any time soon?

    I've been trying to use this skill in PVP and it can just, jarringly, not work some times. The idea of bringing something to me is great - that should be in the game, but it needs to be a gap closer every time it is used.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    There was a great working chains at the game launch, I get why it was modified for Cyrodiil, but couldn't we just have 2 sets of code for chains, one lame and broken one for Cyrodiil, and the old, good one that worked for any non PVP flagged content?
    -Unknown American
  • Personofsecrets
    Honestly, if people want to pew pew at the very edge of a wall, then they should be faced with the potential consequence of being pulled off.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Tankqull
    maybe just disable the pull option in cyrodiil/IC and make it an anytime gap closer?
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Personofsecrets
    Tankqull wrote: »
    maybe just disable the pull option in cyrodiil/IC and make it an anytime gap closer?

    A. Why is pulling players in Cyroiil, even if off keeps, bad?

    B. What would magic DKS use as a gap closer in PVP without chains?

    IMO @ZOS_BrianWheeler Wheeler and his friends helped kill magic based DKs in cyrodiil with their heavy handed stamina regeneration nerf (among other things) . It's not like I can use shield charge now, but I also can't reliably use a magica gap closer on enemies that are streaking, rolling, stealthing, or even just running away.

    What the hey devs? What were you thinking? You could have just let the battle spirit debuff take care of things, but nooo, nerf DKs...... again...
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Wollust
    Well.. I never understood what's wrong with pulling those snipers from the keep down. I still think they shouldn't be able to safely snipe people while they are sieging. There should be at least one way to give those guys some risk. I do see that it would be stupid if every DK can chain himself up, that's not how it should work I agree. But pulling down? Should always work.

    Zerg Squad
  • Armitas
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.
    Edited by Armitas on October 15, 2015 11:41AM
    Nord mDK
  • Yonkit
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.

    No you can't! @Armitas don't get my exploits nerfed damn it!
    Has an Alter Ego in the form of a very large quadrupedal black & white Bear.
  • IxskullzxI
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.

  • Ishammael
    IxskullzxI wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.


    Please don't. I want to keep chains in a not-quite-but-almost use-able state.
  • Personofsecrets
    IxskullzxI wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.


    It is because of a glitch with an NPC reflective skill.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Uh huh IDK what you're doing but my chains work fine. Targets either to high or to low.


    Quote this if you /facepalm'd at zos.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Wollust wrote: »
    Well.. I never understood what's wrong with pulling those snipers from the keep down. I still think they shouldn't be able to safely snipe people while they are sieging. There should be at least one way to give those guys some risk. I do see that it would be stupid if every DK can chain himself up, that's not how it should work I agree. But pulling down? Should always work.

    This should become the new PVP META GAME.

    Edited by tordr86b16_ESO on October 15, 2015 8:19PM
  • Armitas
    IxskullzxI wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.


    Well that would get me in trouble and possibly the thread closed. If they care they will ask me.

    Well shoot cat is out of the bag.
    Edited by Armitas on October 15, 2015 9:51PM
    Nord mDK
  • Personofsecrets
    Armitas wrote: »
    IxskullzxI wrote: »
    Armitas wrote: »
    Here, maybe this will get some attention. I cam pull myself into any keep or resource tower right now with 0 player assistance using DK chains.


    Well that would get me in trouble and possibly the thread closed. If they care they will ask me.

    Well shoot cat is out of the bag.

    I think everyone that uses positional altering skills in cyrodiil is pretty used to be thrown wildly around the map by now. =)
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • EnOeZ
    Ishammael wrote: »
    Now that blocking is nerfed so tremendously, why not give DKs a RELIABLE CLASS SKILL for gap closing so we aren't forced to use a stamina weapon just to do that one thing.

    Been asking for this for six months. :(

    Try again, while being a nightblade if you want to be heard.
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