New to game, need friends.

Soul Shriven
Just started the game yesterday, looking for a few people to play with. Add me
Gamertag oO LeeJames Oo
Character name - Leeto
  • curtisbrough
    Soul Shriven
    Are you in the Europe server? I'm also new and need people to play with if you're interested?
  • Drakk89815
    Server and which console you are on mate.
    Xbox One - Drakk89815
  • pepperybrine
    If you are on pc-europe, you can join me and my friends:
    Gamertag Pepperybrine
    Character Skjorff Chilheart
    Guild The Eet-Team
    Good luck finding friends!
    Character: Skjorff Chilheart the WolflikeTankyswankyhulk, BLOOD FOR THE PACT
    Guild: The Eet-Team
    Pc Eu server
    Skooma is bad, and beer is bad also, so don't do drugs kids, they are bad, skooma is bad
  • annikaii
    Soul Shriven
    XBOX1 EU
    Annikaii :) add me if you're on that server/platform
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