On the current live version of the game, if a player is wearing a set with a "% chance when hit" set bonus (such as Malubeth or Bloodspawn) then any hit against an active damage shield has a 0% chance of triggering the set effect. Only until the shield is depleted and the damage is applied to your health pool can the percent trigger chance work properly.
On the PTS, those same sets with "% chance when hit" will work through a damage shield. So now Bloodspawn, Malubeth, and others will trigger while a shield is active.
I do not know if this was a long outstanding bug with those sets and damage shields, or an actual change which wasn't written down. However I feel as if it was actually an undocumented buff because of the new set for "20% chance when hit to gain 760 stamina". It's possible a shield was stopping that set from triggering because the amount of damage passed through a block was going into a damage shield.
But now I've been testing Bloodspawn with my max magicka build sorc. It's been amazing, especially with a still strong 16k Conjured Ward on PTS. I get ultimate back much faster in 1vX situations, enough to have a meteor back almost 15% faster at all times.
Edited by Fat_Cat45 on August 2, 2015 6:24AM