I'll tell you what, you can have stamina regen while blocking back if ZOS completely removes block casting and ultimate regen while blocking from the game.
Thats the problem in cyrodiil. zergs have 5-6 dks that just rush in holding block the entire time and spamming whip and talons then when everyone is nice and rooted without stamina (because in the infinite wisdom of ZOS talons doesn't give cc immunity) they just dragon leap.
OR how about those dual wield NB's that follow the DK's into a crowd and hold block and spam steel tornado with mace impenetrable Completely ignoring your armor and doing 8k a hit.
I think NO STAMINA REGEN WHILE BLOCKING is amazing and really hope that sos keeps it.
rabble rabble exclamation point pvp one one exclamation point one
I'll tell you what, you can have stamina regen while blocking back if ZOS completely removes block casting and ultimate regen while blocking from the game.
Thats the problem in cyrodiil. zergs have 5-6 dks that just rush in holding block the entire time and spamming whip and talons then when everyone is nice and rooted without stamina (because in the infinite wisdom of ZOS talons doesn't give cc immunity) they just dragon leap.
OR how about those dual wield NB's that follow the DK's into a crowd and hold block and spam steel tornado with mace impenetrable Completely ignoring your armor and doing 8k a hit.
I think NO STAMINA REGEN WHILE BLOCKING is amazing and really hope that sos keeps it.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Oh wow you have to actually drop block now and you don't like? Stop the programming and change it back for the QQ.
I'll tell you what, you can have stamina regen while blocking back if ZOS completely removes block casting and ultimate regen while blocking from the game.
Thats the problem in cyrodiil. zergs have 5-6 dks that just rush in holding block the entire time and spamming whip and talons then when everyone is nice and rooted without stamina (because in the infinite wisdom of ZOS talons doesn't give cc immunity) they just dragon leap.
OR how about those dual wield NB's that follow the DK's into a crowd and hold block and spam steel tornado with mace impenetrable Completely ignoring your armor and doing 8k a hit.
I think NO STAMINA REGEN WHILE BLOCKING is amazing and really hope that sos keeps it.
Sry, just have to correct you, Streak does not go through block and never has since 1.6 went live. The only time it went through block was for 2 weeks on PTS when it was a disorient, people complained and it was changed to a stun.Speaking of the live server right now, block-casting isn't really that big of a problem in PvP - there are other disgusting issues which are much more disruptive to the balance, but they aren't getting addressed, so why bash on block-casting when it is actually one of the few things that holds the balance reasonably well together with the game's high burst damage?
Blocking has several counters - luminous shards, streak, fear, fossilize for instance - so all classes already have an anti-blocking mechanism.
Please don't put this system in yet - see how the other changes to shields, healing and damage handle before you break things more than you have to.
Sorcs do have one CC that hits through block, Rune Prison. Now that it's insta cast it does have some use, sort of like a weaker Petrify.Wait what... so there is one thing in the toolbox sorcs don't have access to now? Glad the game was better balanced in that regards, ha ha.
@ZOS_BrianWheeler any word on this issue?
@ZOS_BrianWheeler any word on this issue?
MaximusDargus wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler any word on this issue?
In last ESO Live they claimed that there is absolutely no issue and they are getting positive feedback about "0 stamina regen while blocking"
Apparently the 20+ pages of feedback about "0 stamina regen while blocking" can be ignored because:
- ZOS thinks that its absolutely impossible to provide a feedback about something before its on PTS (because its not like, any person with a brain, able to think logically, can tell that ubernerfing something to absolute 0 is never going to be good)
- they think that anyone who wasnt on PTS is not allowed to submit feedback,
Because of that in last ESO Live they stated that "we are getting positive feedback about 0 stamina regen while blocking so we will keep it untill we will update live game".