Doesn't agony break instantly as soon as you hit him?
Can't login right now :P
well sometimes people wont break ( so they dont waste stam) sometimes people will. petrify can combo cuz you can deal a certain amount of damage, but you can fear someone while they have agony, sorta like extending a cc. (fear does no damage)
just thoerycrafting xD
But if you use fear too, its a slot wasted? xD
well yeah im testing some stuff out, im thinking it can sorta replace fear if used correctly and if people refuse to break it and you break it atleast you get a dot sooo... yeah
fear and agony combo'd see being good in 1v1, but agony alone is doing pretty damn good.
Magicka NBs just became a whole lot stronger.
Lightarmor physical resistance got buffed. Shields got buffed instead of nerfed (also see here:
So no, magicka nb will be neither squishy nor unpopular.
Overall i think magicka NB got nice buffs, while stamina ones got quite some nerfs.
The racial staminareg passives are additive to other passives now (FlatReg * Passives * ChampionPassives) while racials for magicka reg are still multiplicative (FlatReg * (ClassPassive + Potinbuff + MinorMajorBuff) * ChampionPassive * (Racials + Vamp).
Also keep in mind that barely anyone will put the WW Ult on the first bar, so you will lose 15% Stamreg, but even if you´d slot it you still lose some reg thanks to the change of the formula.
In addition to that you lose 15% Staminareg thanks to the change of our passives, but you gain 15% Magickareg which is good.
Weapondmg Setbonus got nerfed quite a bit.
Also Dodge Nerf and overall DMG/Shield/Health nerf, basically everyone is more tanky now.
Right now if you can´t kill people in a single rotation or in a stun, they will go full defense and recover easily from it, starting from 0.
It´s not like anyone will out of ressources except perm blocking DKs - well even that i doubt.
Anyway I´d totally go for Agony if it was like Petrify, but sadly it´s not.. Fear is the way to go
Didnt know about light armour buffs, the "shield buff" seems to be only for hardened waed.(at least the thread you showed is only about it) and if the battle spirit is applied twice on skills such as blazing shield, funnel health or healing ward (dmg scaling on shield size, heal scaled on dmg, heal scaled on shield size etc) then the heal of healing ward has been nerfed by ~65%. Knowing its the only flash heal available to magicka NB, it seems to be quite a big nerf to me. Also all the heals of NB zxcept sap essence and mark are scaled on damage dealt so nerfed by 65% too... Once again I cant test but since, outside of cloak, magicka nb was already the squishiest specc in 1.6 and his main shield/heal got nerfed a lot, I dont see why it would be different on 1.7.
Dont get me wrong, I'm sure magicka NB will be in a very good position, easier to handle than in 1.6 and very popular, but I dont think it will be as strong as in 1.6 (rip deto+bats+fear oneshot). Imo it was one of the most OP specc in 1.6 but quite hard to handle because extremly squishy.
Spell dmg bonus got nerfed too... did they reduce weapon damages bonuses more? Stamina got much more new sets that increase damages than magicka, with quite some medium set increasing flat dmg or weapon damages as 5p bonuses, and a dedicated undaunted boss set (while other undaunted bosses sets are viable for both stam and magicka) so I think stamina will still have more dmg than magicka (there is no new light armor set that increases spell dmg as 5p bonus...). But yeah magicka NB will certainly have a better ressource managment than stam with the passive change and formula changes.