That's it for me I guess...

As usual, I crashed like every 20 minutes (with no addons even on the PTS). But the last crash I guess broke the PTS for me.

When I try logging on I select my character and was loading into Grahtwood (because I got kicked out of Cyrodiil from the crash, GG ZoS.) But here's the funny thing, I guess ZoS has decided they dont want me to play anymore so the loading screen freezes, the ouroboros stops circling and the music continues playing. If I tab out my entire screen is black, can't pull up any other application on my Computer, If I try to open task manager the black screen goes over it so I can't force ESO to quit out. I try right clicking and pressing 'close window' Nope, ZoS decides I can't do that either, So I have to reboot my entire computer.

I've done it 3 times and I really don't feel like doing it a 4th. Should've known ZoS can't produce a stable client for the PTS.
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