1.WW transforming is very slow and you are just sitting there like a duck waiting to get shot
2.WW Ulti needs 288 Ultipoints(which is completely idiotic) to transform
3.WW Fear has a very slow animation...
4.Cost of Skills is high.. with 3x Skillcost reduction Howl still costs 2k stamina/use
5.You are Target Nr1 due to the fact that you are bigger than anyone else (And with Packleader WHITE color on top of that)
6.Cant charge WW ulti while you are transformed...
7.Cooldown of feeding on an enemy is annoying.
Would be nice if:
A.WW transformation is INSTANT or that you take 50% less dmg during the slow transformation
B.WW Ulti cost set down to 200
C.WW Fear is Instant Like Mass Hysteria
D.Some kind of SkillCost Reduction Passive on Skills (With 3x Skillcost reduction+20%Reduction CP my Howl still costs 2k Stamina)
E.Some kind of Damage reduction passive of like 6%
F.After activating Ulti you can gain max up to 50% ulti WHILE transformed
G.Some kind of 3-6% Weapon Dmg increase because you cant slot Flawl. Dawnbreaker
H.HOWL OF AGONY should under no circumstances be REFLECTABE srlsy...(atm it can be reflected...)
Happy Hunting
4) Something needs to be done ot make the Alpha morph more useful, especially in PVP. Due to the fast paces of the fights there's usually little time to do heavy attacks, and any time gained is usually done so through use of devour and pouncing. This makes the berserker the go to morph even when there are several of us running in a pack at once, especially due to the difficult of pulling off effective group transformations.
a) Have the alpha morph further boost regeneration, or cause its various howls to also proc a heal for any werewolves nearby?
b) Make this morph immune to stuns, while leaving the berserker morph vulnerable to them.
At first I want to say that I tried @Lefty_Lucy 's Werewolf build on PTS and... IT'S AMAZING! Really! I was very suprised that I won't die all the time, and while my Weapon Damage was lower than my Live ~2700, rage-spamming my attacks still deal decent damage.
In PvP, I've encountered few funny things. People still think that WW is weak, so they're rushing at me 1v1. First time, I was ganked by some heavy armor tank DK with Board. Normally in situations like that I panic and die. This time I've almost killed him like 3 times, and he won by running around obstacles and waiting when I detransform. Almost like Tank DK... I've felt very powerful...
Second time, some blue guy saw me and he tried to chase me. When I transformed, he used poison arrow on me. My Wolfie? Nothing! Maybe I took some dmg, but at the end he was lying on the floor, being delicious.
Of course I've died a lot. Especially when pulling 10 mobs and this flag-Xyvkyn boss on me. Or jumping in the middle of organised guild and trying to fear them. Or standing near Blues spawning piont taking all arrows to the knee.
Of course that wasn't full Lefty's build, but nice thing is that to achieve that result, the only thing I need to do is change my armor set. And only that. So I can still be PVE DPS Hunding/Morag/Shadow Walker when running dungeons, and be able to do something useful as a WW.
So, my ideas to improve Wolfies:
1) Transformation time. When transforming into Werewolf we should have some kind of god-mode. Dying before you could do anything is annoying. Transformation time is ok, but you should be invincible while doing it. After that they can kill youAnd while de-transforming, we could leave thing as they are (You're out of berserk mode, so you're a weak human).
So from "lore" point of view - when transforming - no damage, bacause you're entering beast mode, you're fearsome, wild creature etc etc. No one can kill you. When detransforming - you're loosing your beast powers, you're exhausted, tired, and vunerable. So things are more or less balanced.
2) When I'm in WW form, the only thing that I'm thinking about almost ALL THE TIME is that I must devour, devour, devour. And clap my hands. Not running, not chasing someone, not "hunting" and searching for opponents. Only Nom Nom Nom. And Clap Clap Clap. Especially annoying when someone killed you and you want to go back. And you run, run, run, bam, re-transform, and that's all. My solutions are:
a) Longer timer. Easiest to implement. Even while you haven't eat anyone for a long time, you can still get back to previous bar state by devouring "in advance".
b) While on battlefield you "smell blood" and your wild instincts won't allow you to loose your adrenaline. I.e. timer won't go down when you're attacking someone. And as it is now, while someone is attacking (And annoying) you. Detransforming while in the middle of a fight is stupid.
Personally I think that option b) is the best. So when you're transformed, attacking someone and taking damage prolonges your time as WW. You begin do detransform when you're calming down, you have nothing to hunt, every enemy is dead. And when you encounter another enemy, you're pumping yourself again.
3) Ultimate gain. This point might be needles if two previous ideas will be implemented, but being unable to gain ultimate while in WW form ends in endless running and spamming light attacks in human form ONLY to gain this big amount of Ult points. So I should be able to be in WW form as long as I want and there is some action near me, or I should be able to reenter my WW form more often (By gaining Ult faster and/or in WW form).
4) I've almost forgot about that xD So, the most annoying thing while devouring corpses is that I must wait some time, standing, doing nothing useful, then when I'm probably able to feed, I need to find this "sweet spot" where I CAN devour anything, then I need to adjust my cursor position, because I've moved it for about 3 milimeters in unknow direction. When I finally find the spot and I'm able to press [x], I can gain my waisted time + 3 additional seconds, before doing it again. And then someone interrupts me and I must fight back or do this whole "find the spot" minigame again. Or enemy that I wanted to eat just disapears, leaving me with devouring animation and no additional time gained.
So, Werewolfs should be able to devour more easily. Maybe just standing on corpse for 1 second should activate devouring or anything, I dunno...
Besides that I think that they're in a good state. We'll see if they need more buffs when my or others suggestiong get implemented.
-Cost of skills is an issue, this would be fine, if we had increases stamina regeneration in form.... we don't so it doesn't make sense as is.
-Devour takes too long... players rezz too quickly and npc despawn way to fast, one sec or less
-Fear needs to be instant cast, not one sec
-Transformation could be a little faster
-Time could be a little longer
Also, does anyone use brutal pounce at all?
-Cost of skills is an issue, this would be fine, if we had increases stamina regeneration in form.... we don't so it doesn't make sense as is.
-Devour takes too long... players rezz too quickly and npc despawn way to fast, one sec or less
-Fear needs to be instant cast, not one sec
I would like to add something i've noticed on live but hasn't changed on pts. Werewolves seem to be heavily focused on heavy attacks, not only for the pack leader time regen but also for to maintain their stamina. Having their primary stamina management tool on a long charge up and requiring melee range makes it difficult to sustain their expensive skills and nowhere in their tree do they have a skill cost reduction passive, just an observation.
Also, does anyone use brutal pounce at all?
The biggest issue with this change is that it pushes you towards werewolf as both ultimates which is a massive issue.
If the concern is about the fact that everyone is a werewolf or a vampire, then introduce a new skill line for pure races to be able to get, such as Knights of Srendarr. Thismcould have passives that offset the werewolf and vampire ones and some actives - but with no downside they would be weaker. Alternatively (and easier to implement) would be change a fighter's guild passive to provide a regen stamina and health bonus if you are not supernaturally afflicted ( maybe skilled hunter could be added to bounty hunter or visa versa), called blessing of Akatosh for example.
Should make werewolf work like overload for sorcs, with how long you can stay in it based on how much ultimate ya got.