Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun! A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history
Which platform are you on? Might make a difference. I know for PC you can go to and click on the "Manage Membership" button at bottom right. Probably works for consoles, too.
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IF ONE HAS IT...ALL SHOULD HAVE IT!! )==================================================( ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny )===================================================( I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
The ride never ends, your here with us forever >:D
My biggest fear in life is, ending up marrying a girl who is lactose intolerant, think about it you would have to purchase double the amount of milk every week, cause you enjoy the goodness of full cream milk and she is drinking soy beans, and her milk takes up extra room in the fridge, or when you are doing a midnight run to the fridge to get a nice cup of milk and to accidentally pour some Soy milk. I couldn't imagine a worst way to do married life. - Barry Scott
Just go to your PS or xBox membership and cancel the autopay option. That way you can always reactivate it in the future if you want to. It will be stop automatically when the next cycle hits.
"You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave! "
Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.
Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend