MaximusDargus wrote: »Look at OP. He spent time getting to max lvl, he spent time grinding to his heart content for CP. He spent time grinding for cash to get best equipment and max all his skills.
And now he is SURPRISED that things are easy?
Go fight naked, you will have your challenge. If you wouldnt rush to the top so fast maybe you would notice that there is a game going on around you.
I have in fact fought delves nekked just for fun. Sadly, it's now possible with all the nerfs.
That said, the poorly worded and inflammatory OP post (we? really?) is a lesson in grinding and whining. One always leads to the other I think. Sounds like it's time for the OP to find another game.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Look at OP. He spent time getting to max lvl, he spent time grinding to his heart content for CP. He spent time grinding for cash to get best equipment and max all his skills.
And now he is SURPRISED that things are easy?
Go fight naked, you will have your challenge. If you wouldnt rush to the top so fast maybe you would notice that there is a game going on around you.
I have in fact fought delves nekked just for fun. Sadly, it's now possible with all the nerfs.
That said, the poorly worded and inflammatory OP post (we? really?) is a lesson in grinding and whining. One always leads to the other I think. Sounds like it's time for the OP to find another game.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.
MaximusDargus wrote: »Look at OP. He spent time getting to max lvl, he spent time grinding to his heart content for CP. He spent time grinding for cash to get best equipment and max all his skills.
And now he is SURPRISED that things are easy?
Go fight naked, you will have your challenge. If you wouldnt rush to the top so fast maybe you would notice that there is a game going on around you.
I have in fact fought delves nekked just for fun. Sadly, it's now possible with all the nerfs.
That said, the poorly worded and inflammatory OP post (we? really?) is a lesson in grinding and whining. One always leads to the other I think. Sounds like it's time for the OP to find another game.
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.
Does my agreeing that the game has been nerfed negate all my input?
You remember how hard Doshia was in the beginning? April before last? Nerfed.
Yet, Grinding and min maxing has led to many people quitting this game. It's not my playstyle. That's a separate but equal point.
And getting nekkid with my static partner in game to run thru a normal 4man dungeon is not living in a glass house. It's a reminder to this squishy Kyti how she has learned to get out of the red circles...and that some content is now easier. This one thinks you may have missed my points. Or you need a snickers bar. 8)
Lord Xanhorn wrote: »Lord Xanhorn wrote: »I do tend to agree with the OP. There should be content and rewards for 100% of your player base. Not just the 95% of players who don't want to learn how to be good at their class and maximize their abilities. The only reason it doesn't exist is because everyone including the worst people in the game feel entitled to be able to see all the content and get all the best gear without any skill. Unfortunately, a lot of devolpers (not just ZOS) tend to agree with this line of thinking.
Correct. ZOS and other developers agree with the line of thinking that selling a game to 95% of a target population makes more money than selling it to 5%. I'm not good at math, but that sounds about right to me.
You should probably be grateful. You wouldn't have anyone to feel superior to if developers didn't make games for the masses.
Nope, you missed it in your snide attempt to slight what I was saying. I said I wish they made a game for 100% of their population. I'm not great at math but 100% is better than 95% last I checked.
It would not take a lot of resources to make a brutally difficult version of some content in order to appease the high end crowd while at the same time keeping everything the way it is right now the same.