oh no, difficulty! what ever shall you do.
do some lower level side quests to level up then do it.
juanrmattos wrote: »
That is just the thing aco5712, I have travelled to every single discovered place in the map, with the exception of the crafting writs there are no other quest being drawn up to par with my range... Every single quest I'm able to pick up that is in my level has NPCs that range from level 20 all the way to 25 (Where I get killed in two strikes) or quests that are level 20, 22 and even 25 (these quest are all highlighted orange)
I like difficulty, but come on!!!
ShedsHisTail wrote: »Did you skip the newbie island?
Also, Fighter's and Mages Guild quests are a great way to pick up some extra XP, as well as the main story if you haven't done it.
juanrmattos wrote: »Tessie, the armor sets you mention are further up in the game,
juanrmattos wrote: »Thank you for reading.
I made the crossover from Mac into console (PS4), and created a Breton Sorcerer in the Aldmeri dominion, I have progressed to level 16 to the point where all 37 Auridon quests are completed... If you played this dominion, I have followed the normal course of the storyline (Auridon, Knatis Rust, Skywatch etc etc); so making the story short, I came to the point where all my following quests are taking place in Elden Root (Grathwood), BUT "all of them", even the level 16 quests are generating NPC of level 20 to 25 which makes them nearly impossible to defeat.
I know I have concentrated on the magicka aspect of my character, I even use provisions to make it stronger and have worked on my clothing to the point where even at my lower level my armor is epic and or legendary.
Have tried going back to lower level areas (Like Skywatch) but even though I'm able to pick up quests of my level, the NPC's are no less than 5 levels above mine.
Is this normal???, is it supposed to be this hard???... It didnt go like that on PC.
Thanks for any help.
Blackhorne wrote: »Have you gotten the quest and exploration achievements for the previous zones? Also, did you check to the southwest and southeast of Elden Root? As I recall there are some non-linear quests in those areas.
For what it's worth, I went through there about a month ago on PC and found a similar situation. There are some quests that appear low-level (the ones about getting the artifacts for the queen's ceremony) that do send you into higher-level areas.
Allyhoo811 wrote: »What is your current level? All main story, mage's guild, and fighter's guild quests scale to your level...So if you are level 25, it doesn't matter if the quest is level 16, the enemies will be 25.
Allyhoo811 wrote: »Did you do Khenarthi's Roost before Auridon? You typically need to complete the quests on this starter island to stay on level with the questing zones (you should have been at least Level 5 or 6 when you left it).
And are you sure you went to Khenarthi's Roost?
Allyhoo811 wrote: »Looking at your Auridon map, I can see that you skipped a couple quest hubs (the harbor area south of Firsthold for one)...They are undiscovered on your map. Not all quests appear in the achievement section of your journal, so just because you have those achievements doesn't mean you did all the quests and side quests (Typically only quests related to the main zone story have achievements associated with them). Even if you have the Auridon Adventurer achievement it doesn't mean you've done all the quests...there are more quests in a zone than are needed for all the adventurer achievements.
You have also missed several delves (torch icon) and world bosses (skull icon) that give experience. Delves are intended to be solo content, so don't worry if you don't have a group.
Here is Auridon map with locations. You have missed some content.
Aett_Thorn wrote: »You definitely missed a few things in Auridon, but you should be able to do a lot of the lower-level quests in Ghratwood. From Haven, travel west. There are a number of level 16-18 quests in that direction that you can do.
Allyhoo811 wrote: »Do you tend to avoid killing mobs when you quest? Actively avoiding killing mobs (sneaking past etc.) can cause you to be under-leveled somewhat.
@juanrmattos I understand about not being able to reach some of those sets.
You may want to consider crafted sets that are available in Auridon or Grahtwood then, such as:
- Death's Wind (Auridon) link
- Ashen Grip (Auridon) link
- Torug's Pact (Grahtwood - Recommended) link
- Seducer (Grahtwood - Recommended) link
I can empathize with how frustrating this is for you. I also know the thought of recrafting after investing such a substantial amount on gearing is probably only making it worse. However, in many cases, a green or blue gear with a set bonus (5 piece and 3 piece) is sometimes equivalent or better than a legendary set.
Again, I don't play on a console, and I know you're an experienced former Mac player, and I'm probably not telling you anything you don't already know. So feel free to ignore my attempts at helping. I just remember going through similar difficulties with my character and know that the second time around these set bonuses helped me way more than upgrading the quality of gear.
This is weird. I am on the PS4 and going through the same areas as you. I am level 9. finished the beginners island and still working on the main island.
I know this didn't happen on Daggerfall alliance (I have 2 level 40 characters there) and never ran into the problem of the enemies being leveled higher than me - I am usually a couple levels higher than them.
It sounds like either you didn't get every quest or somehow lost XP (didn't get the full amount you should have).
Have you thought about going into the PvP to gain levels to reduce the difference between yourself and the NPCs?
To avoid confusion.
1: Crafted sets can be crafted in alll maps (but the actual sets can differ per map). So you can craft sets in e.g. auridon.
2: Circus of cheerfull slaughter is a guild quest. they are always of your level and fully scaled. You have not shown any screenshot where you do a level 16 quest where the npc's that belong to this quest are level 20 or up. The only thing you've shown is that you have a lasting winter active. If you jsut follow the main quest and skip the sidequests (or even look for them), that one is typically the point where you hit issues. The quest leading to it is level 20 and the prerequisite one is level 18. So not doing the sidequests does make a huge difference.
Looking at your auridon map, it is a typicall map where you skipped the out of the way sidequests, There it is a minor difference in XP-gained, but in Grathwood it is a huge difference cause you end up doing just2-3 quests there before you reach elden root.
My advice. get 100% complition in auridon and if needed in kenarthi's roost.
From haven take the north exit (east of the mages guild) to Brackenleaf. You can do several quests and a delve there.
From haven take the western exit to southpoint on the way there, and in southpoint self you can do atleast 5 quests. This should help you a lot allready. After that, go north of eldenroot and do all but the main quests (like a lasting winter. You can do them as last. after these it is just a final instance and the main story sends you forward to greenshade.
Elder scrolls (all of them) have never had just a laid out path for you and required you to epxlore. Just following the main questline will make you miss a lot.
For PvP - look into Battle Level option. It is supposed to buff your character to match up to VR levels (the buff is supposed to be based on a %, the closer you are to VR the less buffs you get). I do not have experience with all this myself, just what I have researched and been told.
You know that "speed boost" that people give you in towns - that comes from the PvP as well. It is supposed to be very quick to get - so maybe give it a try and let me know. I haven't been to the PvP arenas either - not a huge fan of PvP.
juanrmattos wrote: »Yes, I'm getting that... "EXPLORE-EXPLORE-EXPLORE".
I had considered getting the console version but without add-ons I think it would be substantially less fun for me. I don't mind some mindless exploring, but the thought of having to keep web sites up while playing on a console so I can ensure I didn't miss anything would frustrate me. That being said, do you have a good reference map you're using?
Use your summons for this one. i use clanfear and wingged twilight they allow me to solo ALL pve (non group dungeon) things.juanrmattos wrote: »Thank you for reading.
I made the crossover from Mac into console (PS4), and created a Breton Sorcerer in the Aldmeri dominion, I have progressed to level 16 to the point where all 37 Auridon quests are completed... If you played this dominion, I have followed the normal course of the storyline (Auridon, Knatis Rust, Skywatch etc etc); so making the story short, I came to the point where all my following quests are taking place in Elden Root (Grathwood), BUT "all of them", even the level 16 quests are generating NPC of level 20 to 25 which makes them nearly impossible to defeat.
I know I have concentrated on the magicka aspect of my character, I even use provisions to make it stronger and have worked on my clothing to the point where even at my lower level my armor is epic and or legendary.
Have tried going back to lower level areas (Like Skywatch) but even though I'm able to pick up quests of my level, the NPC's are no less than 5 levels above mine.
Is this normal???, is it supposed to be this hard???... It didnt go like that on PC.
Thanks for any help.
juanrmattos wrote: »Thanks for the reference map (I so wish I had seen it about 4 hours ago)... I spent most of the afternoon exploring Khenarthi's Roost, I couldn't discover anything new and the map seemed too empty to be complete, went "nuts" looking for a third Skyshard at no avail (Wish I would've known there was only two). I also tried several times to break into the terrain behind the Mistral castle, kept dying on deep water trying to get in from both sides (Just impossible to climb the walls directly behind town).
Khenarthis Roost has six skyshards.
Use your summons for this one. i use clanfear and wingged twilight they allow me to solo ALL pve (non group dungeon) things.
Rev Rielle wrote: »In terms of public dungeons, you usually have to complete one or more missions related to them before they will acknowledge on your map that you've completed one.