Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Can we hope for lag to be gone on August 31?

  • Tankqull
    The bots were casting a variety of abilities including AE's, also while fighting sweepers, base-pop and each other. They were clustered tightly so all of the combat resolutions had to be done in a single server cell which is the most strenuous. Now we aren't saying "huzzah! It's cured!" because this is just a single test and as we've stated, isn't a silver bullet as there are plenty of other scenarios we still need testing on.

    unless your bots start to mimicing actual player behaviour all testing is moot...
    Edited by Tankqull on July 28, 2015 9:36AM
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Sacadon
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    Population cap of a Campaign will be shared between the City, Sewers, Cyrodiil and Cyrodiil's caves. Access to IC is still under discussion but will be getting tested on PTS, starting with everyone getting access.

    From an architecture standpoint, Cyrodiil, Imperial City, Sewers and the Caves are all seperate zones entirely. What goes on in one zone doesn't effect what occurs in another zone from a combat performance standpoint.

    Sometimes when I campaign is locked and I enter a cave/dungeon I cannot get out until there is room in the cyrodil campaign. Will this also happen to those poor souls who enter the sewers or dungeons in the IC?

    Also you state 120 bots fighting = no lag. What about 500+ players like in the old days? Also, did the bots clutter and started spamming meteor, caltrops, healing springs, steel tornado, /flute and dawnbreakers?

    /flute is OP
  • AJ_1988
    Personally I don't think it should be made to need all keeps to enter the city as the city will have pvp zones in it. Each alliance has a bridge in their starting side of the map. What about having capture points in the city that you need to claim the throne as well as the keeps. But that being said the lag would spike. I dunno just an idea
  • Yuke
    No more *** capture points plz. Main reason for server lagging = stack on the flag an spam purge/springs/caltrops...
    Save Us, Microsoft.

    Noricum & Kitesquad™
  • JDar
    Please make the entrance in a way the ganker can feast day and night.

    There should be no combat zones around the entrances. Which is what they should do to protect outlaw havens as well. If they ever get around to completing the justice system that is.
    Edited by JDar on July 28, 2015 4:55PM
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