So first of all. Players who not collecting trophies or are trophy hunters dont have to argue with things like " it only a trophy" or " its not that hard" bla bla. I dont care what you people think, this is only for TH. Thnaks

So zenimax tell me what are you thinking? How many of your employees could get this trophy lets be honest?

How many people are complainig about this trophy ? Most of us have a life. Students, Parents or whatever. You want us to enjoy the game but your forget that since the trophy system was include there is a new generation of players. A lot of people dont buy this game beacause of this on trophy. Yeah ANti trophy hunters be quiet on this one If they dont get it.
There are people who really likes to collect trophies and do it to 100%. Why should many of us do that? I´m a trophhy hunter since 4 years now. I do all my games to 100% and it pisses me off that someone like zenimax dont care about players like us. I tell you what. I dont care about being a Emperor because what ar you thinking. Living 24/7 in this game? Wake up Zenimax. Its "online" but its not "no life". And lets be honest. Its not skyrim

Lets check a few sites:
these are only three examples where people are complaining. and these are only the english sites I dont want to send you websites in other languages Im a user. Im sure you have translators in your company so you can look for it for yourself

I also wrote to Paul Sage, Creative Director of Teso on Facebook:
"Dear Mr. Sage,
did you make the trophy list for this game for the PS4 and Xbbox1 ?. What the hell are you guys thinking to put the EMperor trophy in the list? I know you want that we have to play this game for a long time which is okay but we all have jobs families or other things to do. A lot of people dont buy this product because of this one trophy I really dont know what`s up with you guys. This is a "*** You" to all trophy hunters. The rest of the trophies ar very enjoyable but lets be honest a hand full of your devolopers could reach that title for themselves. If you dont believe put "emperor trophy Elder scrolls" and look what people ar thinking about that game and to buy it. this is ridicilous 100%. I would enjoy to travel through Tamriel and do everything and get the trophies for but not only to get to 90% because I have a life und will not sit 8 days a week ok this. I dont know if you will ever read this but I hope to change something with this message and you and your team could do something. For You ith maybe just a trophy but many people enjoy collecting those lttle pictures and to completze the lists so be a little more fair with reaching that goal. Thanks "
Stop ignoring our wishes and do something for us costumers. Its not normal that so many people are hating this game. really strange

. Its only a trophy I know. But trophies should be doable for evevryone not only for people who not have a goal in their life. And yes because of this trophy this game ist not so much enjoyable for me. sorry Anti trophy hunters to dissapointing you

. Remove that trophy and give those who already become enpror an acceptable bonus. and like I said a handfull of your employees could do this but only if they get fired lol.
lets look to Ubisoft. The game Watch dogs. I dont play this game but there was a trophy for playing a drink game. This drink game was so annoying and frustrating that players wrote to ubisoft to patch or do it moe reachable to obtain. hmmm what ubisoft did ? yes they dont make it easier they only do it doable for everyone.
you can play this game for 10.00000 hours and not getting it. This doenst make sense. This is not a trphy should be.
so everyone who wants to get this game 0 to 100 write down here and hope zenimax will read it on the spot of the thread forum.