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So first of all. Players who not collecting trophies or are trophy hunters dont have to argue with things like " it only a trophy" or " its not that hard" bla bla. I dont care what you people think, this is only for TH. Thnaks ;).

So zenimax tell me what are you thinking? How many of your employees could get this trophy lets be honest? ;) How many people are complainig about this trophy ? Most of us have a life. Students, Parents or whatever. You want us to enjoy the game but your forget that since the trophy system was include there is a new generation of players. A lot of people dont buy this game beacause of this on trophy. Yeah ANti trophy hunters be quiet on this one If they dont get it.
There are people who really likes to collect trophies and do it to 100%. Why should many of us do that? I´m a trophhy hunter since 4 years now. I do all my games to 100% and it pisses me off that someone like zenimax dont care about players like us. I tell you what. I dont care about being a Emperor because what ar you thinking. Living 24/7 in this game? Wake up Zenimax. Its "online" but its not "no life". And lets be honest. Its not skyrim ;).

Lets check a few sites:

these are only three examples where people are complaining. and these are only the english sites I dont want to send you websites in other languages Im a user. Im sure you have translators in your company so you can look for it for yourself ;).

I also wrote to Paul Sage, Creative Director of Teso on Facebook:

"Dear Mr. Sage,

did you make the trophy list for this game for the PS4 and Xbbox1 ?. What the hell are you guys thinking to put the EMperor trophy in the list? I know you want that we have to play this game for a long time which is okay but we all have jobs families or other things to do. A lot of people dont buy this product because of this one trophy I really dont know what`s up with you guys. This is a "*** You" to all trophy hunters. The rest of the trophies ar very enjoyable but lets be honest a hand full of your devolopers could reach that title for themselves. If you dont believe put "emperor trophy Elder scrolls" and look what people ar thinking about that game and to buy it. this is ridicilous 100%. I would enjoy to travel through Tamriel and do everything and get the trophies for but not only to get to 90% because I have a life und will not sit 8 days a week ok this. I dont know if you will ever read this but I hope to change something with this message and you and your team could do something. For You ith maybe just a trophy but many people enjoy collecting those lttle pictures and to completze the lists so be a little more fair with reaching that goal. Thanks "

Stop ignoring our wishes and do something for us costumers. Its not normal that so many people are hating this game. really strange ;). Its only a trophy I know. But trophies should be doable for evevryone not only for people who not have a goal in their life. And yes because of this trophy this game ist not so much enjoyable for me. sorry Anti trophy hunters to dissapointing you ;). Remove that trophy and give those who already become enpror an acceptable bonus. and like I said a handfull of your employees could do this but only if they get fired lol.

lets look to Ubisoft. The game Watch dogs. I dont play this game but there was a trophy for playing a drink game. This drink game was so annoying and frustrating that players wrote to ubisoft to patch or do it moe reachable to obtain. hmmm what ubisoft did ? yes they dont make it easier they only do it doable for everyone.
you can play this game for 10.00000 hours and not getting it. This doenst make sense. This is not a trphy should be.
so everyone who wants to get this game 0 to 100 write down here and hope zenimax will read it on the spot of the thread forum.


  • Ace_of_Destiny
    Last time somebody posted about this trophy I said "Leave it as it is.".

    This time...I will agree.
    Remove/Change it.

    Why the change of heart?

    Just to put the issue to bed.

    ~MegaServer~>PS4 (NA) ~PSN~>Ace-of-Destiny
    I don't care what platform it is MMORPG without Text Chat is NOT an MMORPG!
  • Emperorslayer
    post this thread to every trophy site where people ar complainig about it.
    Edited by Emperorslayer on July 11, 2015 11:25AM
  • briandivisionb16_ESO
    Cool name.
    But seriously. Good luck!
    If your group is bigger than 6 members gain 75% damage reduction.

    Write this on the back of your box and see how many sales you get!

    You won't get any new PvP players until this archaic AoE crap is fixed.
    I for one won't resub until:
    1.) You fix lag.
    2.) You remove AOE caps we voted against.
    3.) 12 months have passed (this is how long we've waited for you to 'get with it')[/b]
  • Emperorslayer
    @briandivisionb16_ESO thanks dude

    Edited by Emperorslayer on July 11, 2015 11:22AM
  • QueenAyrenn
    I agree. If you haven't focused solely on PvP, you'll most likely never obtain it, no matter how dedicated to the game you are. Many, if not all, of the players in campaigns are PvP-oriented, and have done almost nothing but PvP. Surpassing them will be next to impossible, as no matter how much experience, time, and skill you obtain, they've been doing the same. They'll almost always stay ahead, rendering this trophy next to impossible to obtain.

    Unless you've focused on nothing but PvP since release, this trophy may very well be unobtainable. If you are going to try, you most likely won't be playing PvE again...
    "Except the story about the bear. That one's true."

    - Queen Ayrenn
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    I don't know when you wrote that message to Paul Sage, but...
    We can confirm that Paul left ZOS after the launch of ESOTU on console. He, along with rest of the team, are very happy with how the game is doing and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. ESOTU continues to be in great hands with Game Director, Matt Firor and new Creative Director, Rich Lambert, overseeing development. Previously, Rich oversaw all content in the game as Lead Content Designer and worked on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. We’re very excited to have him take on the role as Creative Director!
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Emperorslayer
    I don't know when you wrote that message to Paul Sage, but...
    We can confirm that Paul left ZOS after the launch of ESOTU on console. He, along with rest of the team, are very happy with how the game is doing and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. ESOTU continues to be in great hands with Game Director, Matt Firor and new Creative Director, Rich Lambert, overseeing development. Previously, Rich oversaw all content in the game as Lead Content Designer and worked on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. We’re very excited to have him take on the role as Creative Director!

    I wrote to him las months when TESO was released. So now we know who have to change something. I will look on FB where I can find those new CD. I will write them a long message as well. Thanks for the info @The Uninvited

    thats Pauls sage leave the company after TESO was finsihed ?? Their happy ? what else should they write? They will never admit they failed with this game. As Pauls sage I would leave as well after this
    Edited by Emperorslayer on July 11, 2015 11:42AM
  • snackrat
    I was going to say I agree but then I saw how passive-aggressive and insulting that 'letter' you wrote was and changed my mind.
  • Mighty_oakk
    Fuuny how skyrims plat was so easy.

    I was really surprised when i saw the achievment, and thought never gonaa happen.

    Im not sure anyone at zenimax has ever played a console. I wouldnt hold my breath waiting on a change given their track record.
  • Emperorslayer
    @snackrat I believe it sounds harder than it is. Beacue of the Internet but its okay :D
    Edited by Emperorslayer on July 11, 2015 11:58AM
  • Cameron_Star
    I don't care much for achievements/trophies, and though sometimes I like to get them for the challenge I rarely strive to get 100%.

    Even though I'm not too bothered about never being able to get this achievement, I can totally understand why some people are outraged. I really want to know whose idea it was to include it in the game.

    The only people who can get it are ones who never sleep and play 24/7, or an account that is shared between multiple people.
  • Skwor
    So if something is just to hard remove it? Not much of a trophy hunter imo.
  • NDwarf
    Snowflake generation detected, "whaaa we can't get a trophy for just participating" ffs.

    Man up and become Emperor and get your platinum trophy or don't.
    "When people !@# with you you !@# with them ten times worse. Next thing you know, you're in a motel room with 24 beers and a half bucket of chicken. You see, that's how you get things done." Ricky, Trailer Park Boys.
  • Sithisvoid
    I remember when trophy hunters actually earned their trophies with skill. Hence them being "trophies". If they change it instead of a normal platinum it should grant a big pacifier.
    Edited by Sithisvoid on July 11, 2015 12:15PM
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Usually a trophy is rewarded to someone who did something extraordinary that made him special compared to others. So if you would remove all trophies that require some effort the whole system of tropies would become pointless.

    Btw. Even if you have a full time job, a wife and kids you can become emperor if you have enough skill and a guild how supports you.
  • RobDaCool
    Consider I never 100% any of my games this doesn't really bother me. But if you hate PVP I can see where its a problem.

    Sadly OP this is a gaming forum, people will tell you to "earn" it. They use the term "earn" up until something they have to do that they dislike.

    Besides PVP is a waste of time. I got High Warlord in WoW and now? No one cares, just like no one will care any of you got Emperor in some free to play game 3 years from now.
    Edited by RobDaCool on July 11, 2015 12:33PM
    PS4 NA -RobdacoolV2
  • Dradhok
    I don't think his point is that he is unwilling to work for a trophy but rather trophies should be attainable without playing 300+ hours a month for a slight opportunity to get them. I listened to a certain blogger on YouTube say that you need to attune yourself to getting less sleep before you start your campaign to get emperor. That simply is not a healthy achievement that they've built into the game. Many people criticize online MMOs because they are too addictive and unhealthy, VOS should really take that seriously and make sure their achievements don't perpetuate that belief.
  • Paradox
    Trying to live up to that name of yours, eh?
    Ebonheart Pact
    Tank And Spank - DragonKnight
    I've quit the game until ZoS stops acting like the community are children, and start actually listening to us.
  • SG-17
    What about the fishing trophy? I've noticed 0.0% of players have it?

    I don't care about platting this game, I just found that funny.
  • demendred
    Even though I'll never get it, I say keep it. *chuckles* They won't take it down anyhow.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Hiero_Glyph
    Attaining Alliance rank 10 is a suitable replacement for the Emporer achievement.
  • Rosveen
    Shows what these so-called "trophy hunters" really are...

    The emperor title is perfectly attainable, it's just rare and requires time and dedication. You should recognize it as a coveted prize for a worthy accomplishment. You should accept that some trophies might be too difficult for you to acquire. You aren't entitled to 100% completion. The most valuable trophies should be awarded for going above and beyond what a regular player would do - otherwise it's just a participation prize.
  • dday3six
    You know the minium time to platinum FFXIV was 6 months because of one trophy "An Adventure's Life". There have been other trophies that required years to acquire. MMO's are long term, it only makes sense that trophies should be long term as well. If you need more easy plats, I'm sure you can find used Copies of Terminator Salvation, NCIS, and Hannah Montana.

    Furthermore I'm a parent, a student, and a former Emperor. Maximizing time is key.
  • MornaBaine
    Dradhok wrote: »
    I don't think his point is that he is unwilling to work for a trophy but rather trophies should be attainable without playing 300+ hours a month for a slight opportunity to get them. I listened to a certain blogger on YouTube say that you need to attune yourself to getting less sleep before you start your campaign to get emperor. That simply is not a healthy achievement that they've built into the game. Many people criticize online MMOs because they are too addictive and unhealthy, VOS should really take that seriously and make sure their achievements don't perpetuate that belief.

    I honestly don't care about the trophy but knowing I will NEVER be able to get that dye really ticks me off. How many of you have read your medieval and renaissance history and know about sumptuary laws? For those of you who don't know, Wikipedia's entry is pretty good:

    Sumptuary laws (from Latin sumptuariae leges) are laws that attempt to regulate permitted consumption. Black's Law Dictionary defines them as "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc."[1] Traditionally, they were laws that regulated and reinforced social hierarchies and morals through restrictions, often depending upon a person's social rank, on permitted clothing, food, and luxury expenditures.

    Throughout history, societies have used sumptuary laws for a variety of purposes. They attempted to regulate the balance of trade by limiting the market for expensive imported goods. They were also an easy way to identify social rank and privilege, and often were used for social discrimination.[2]

    This frequently meant preventing commoners from imitating the appearance of aristocrats and sometimes also to stigmatize disfavored groups. In the Late Middle Ages, sumptuary laws were instituted as a way for the nobility to cap the conspicuous consumption of the prosperous bourgeoisie of medieval cities, and they continued to be used for these purposes well into the 17th century.[2]

    Essentially, ZOS has set things up so that we are a world of "haves" and "have-nots" with the "aristocracy" comprised of people who will pretty much dedicate most of their waking hours to playing this game. Those who are NOT part of ESO's aristocracy are forbidden from wearing any clothing that might cause people to "mistake" them for members of the nobility. They have decided it's very important that the "peasants" always LOOK like peasants and be constantly reminded of their lower status which they have no hope of ever breaking free of. Lots of fun, right? Not so much ZoS.

    Now I'm not advocating for a socialist utopia wherein ZOS simply gives everyone EVERYTHING so we can all be "equal." But I DO think it was an absolutely terrible idea to tie dyes to the achievements. Every single achievement in this game should have an associated trophy, from the silly to the sublime. They should be bound but sellable to vendors. Putting dyes in, in place of that, was an incredibly lazy move. I mean really, something like a dye is magically controlled and your character can never make or buy it? C'mon smart and make it a gold sink. Let people buy the dyes they want at the dye stations with in game gold. This way you still have to play the game to achieve them because you have to in order to make the gold in the first place. But then at least they are all achievable goals and people can use their time to get what they want.

    And that armor you wear to fight Molly Balls? That should totally be a costume you get to keep that shows up on your costume tab after you do the fight.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Septimus_Magna
    If you want all trophies dont play this game, the Grand Overlord achievement in pvp is even more impossible to get for players who only play a few hours a day. Only a hand full of people worldwide have reached the max pvp rank. To compare there have been about 150 former emperors since launch.

    If you only play ESO for the trophies you're gonna have a bad time my friend.
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • log234
    For the first half year this game existed there was no such trophy, I believe the trophy came along with the dying system in 1.3 as a work-around for giving emperors the ruby red dye without having to come up with a new game mechanic for doing so.
    Edited by log234 on July 11, 2015 1:35PM
    First ever Emperor of Dawnbreaker (EU)

    Aldmeri Dominion:
    • Aendir Celion (Former Emperor): Bosmer - NB - Bow & DW
    • Varda Eléntari: Imperial - Templar - DW

    Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all those who needs a bot to finish a game.

    Meridia, Stendarr, Dibella and Julianos
  • Gidorick
    I'll NEVER get that achievement/trophy... I'm cool with that. I LIKE that the people who get the Platinum Trophy for ESO have really accomplished something. I do, however, agree that it was kind of a stain move on ZOS' part... lol.
    Edited by Gidorick on July 11, 2015 1:22PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • pppontus
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    Dradhok wrote: »
    I don't think his point is that he is unwilling to work for a trophy but rather trophies should be attainable without playing 300+ hours a month for a slight opportunity to get them. I listened to a certain blogger on YouTube say that you need to attune yourself to getting less sleep before you start your campaign to get emperor. That simply is not a healthy achievement that they've built into the game. Many people criticize online MMOs because they are too addictive and unhealthy, VOS should really take that seriously and make sure their achievements don't perpetuate that belief.

    I honestly don't care about the trophy but knowing I will NEVER be able to get that dye really ticks me off. How many of you have read your medieval and renaissance history and know about sumptuary laws? For those of you who don't know, Wikipedia's entry is pretty good:

    Sumptuary laws (from Latin sumptuariae leges) are laws that attempt to regulate permitted consumption. Black's Law Dictionary defines them as "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures in the matter of apparel, food, furniture, etc."[1] Traditionally, they were laws that regulated and reinforced social hierarchies and morals through restrictions, often depending upon a person's social rank, on permitted clothing, food, and luxury expenditures.

    Throughout history, societies have used sumptuary laws for a variety of purposes. They attempted to regulate the balance of trade by limiting the market for expensive imported goods. They were also an easy way to identify social rank and privilege, and often were used for social discrimination.[2]

    This frequently meant preventing commoners from imitating the appearance of aristocrats and sometimes also to stigmatize disfavored groups. In the Late Middle Ages, sumptuary laws were instituted as a way for the nobility to cap the conspicuous consumption of the prosperous bourgeoisie of medieval cities, and they continued to be used for these purposes well into the 17th century.[2]

    Essentially, ZOS has set things up so that we are a world of "haves" and "have-nots" with the "aristocracy" comprised of people who will pretty much dedicate most of their waking hours to playing this game. Those who are NOT part of ESO's aristocracy are forbidden from wearing any clothing that might cause people to "mistake" them for members of the nobility. They have decided it's very important that the "peasants" always LOOK like peasants and be constantly reminded of their lower status which they have no hope of ever breaking free of. Lots of fun, right? Not so much ZoS.

    Now I'm not advocating for a socialist utopia wherein ZOS simply gives everyone EVERYTHING so we can all be "equal." But I DO think it was an absolutely terrible idea to tie dyes to the achievements. Every single achievement in this game should have an associated trophy, from the silly to the sublime. They should be bound but sellable to vendors. Putting dyes in, in place of that, was an incredibly lazy move. I mean really, something like a dye is magically controlled and your character can never make or buy it? C'mon smart and make it a gold sink. Let people buy the dyes they want at the dye stations with in game gold. This way you still have to play the game to achieve them because you have to in order to make the gold in the first place. But then at least they are all achievable goals and people can use their time to get what they want.

    And that armor you wear to fight Molly Balls? That should totally be a costume you get to keep that shows up on your costume tab after you do the fight.

    What you're proposing is essentially to make the true "hardcore" achievements in the game have 0 value. Might as well go do a few quests rather than fight hundreds of players to become emperor. I'd say for everyone who's not an RP:er (which would be a massive majority) there must be a reward for it to be worth attaining.

    You can live without that specific hue of that specific colour, I'm sure.
  • DDemon
    I will probably never get the trophy myself due to restricted play time available to me, but, why should everything be easily attainable?

    It's an achievement, something someone has to work quite hard for to get, and in my opinion, well deserved once achieved. Why should 'YOU' get this trophy without putting any of the effort in?

    Someone mentioned alliance rank 10 in order to get the trophy, this rank is trivial to get for even the most casual player. If the achievement is THAT important to someone, then surely they will find a way to get it.

    In my opinion games should be a challenge, in days of old, some people wouldn't even be able to finish certain games due to the difficulty factor. Nowadays, every single single player game is able to be completed by anyone almost with their eyes closed.
  • Mario80
    Well I wish there will be more trophies like that, something that is really an achievement, not just trophies for buying the game, and I dont care what TH think :-)
    I really think that Sony an Ms should sell an app that unlock all the trophies for your game so you can just play and them they will make more money, sad world.
This discussion has been closed.