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The Vampire Covenant - [Aldmeri Dominion] - [PVP Trading]

About us:

The Vampire Covenant is a guild exclusively for the for the elite vampires of The Aldmeri Dominion, North American server on Xbox One. We are here to promote brotherhood, trade, and strength in numbers. To rise in the ranks of our dark society one need only be active in The Covenant's affairs. This simply means using guild chat, joining us for PVP groups and events, and making contributions to the guild's bank and store.

We usually have a trader in Elden Root!

We have master enchanters, clothiers, blacksmiths who are always willing to help our members out, weekly raffles, and an active guild chat.

The Vampire Covenant is looking for quality active members.

If interested in joining please submit an application on our website or below on this thread telling us what sets you apart and why we should choose you to join us.
Edited by DrakonStormborn on August 30, 2015 2:46PM
  • DrakonStormborn
    Bump, very happy so many of you are eager to join us
  • Kaztiael
    Soul Shriven
    Lf vamp bite and guild very active wanting both pvp and pve aldmeri dominion sorc destruction gt is Kaztiael
  • DrakonStormborn
    We will get you on the list Kaztiael.
  • whitethumb
    Pretty active member, looking for a vampire bite and for a guild. xbox one, aldmeri domain, strong crafter GT Adeius
  • DrakonStormborn
    I'll see what I can do Adeius.
  • bobbedigital
    Soul Shriven
    I'll Join,
    GT: D1G1TA1
    Message me if you have any questions or concerns.
    [Also joining another, non-vampire, guild on the side; hope you guys don't mind]
  • DrakonStormborn
    We're all about our member, not rules. We'd love to have you!
  • IllusiveG
    Soul Shriven
    Imma a novice Nord Vampire wondering if I could get an invite and be able to learn the ropes to being an elite Vampire.

    Gt: Illusive Gamble
  • DrakonStormborn
    Of course! Expect an invite Illusive Gamble.
    Edited by DrakonStormborn on July 17, 2015 4:41PM
  • Derelicta20
    Submitted an application via your guild's website (hadn't use guild launch in a loooooong time), don't know if it went through or not though since my browser is being rather finicky.

    When life gives you lemons? Don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! GET MAD! 'I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?!' Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am?! I'm the man who's going to burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm going to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

    —Cave Johnson, Portal 2
  • DrakonStormborn
    I'm not seeing any new ones at the moment, I'll send you an invite as well xDERELICTAx
  • DrakonStormborn
    Still looking for Vampires to be recruited to the guild. We now have a guild trader.
  • DBSaints

    I'd like to join
  • DrakonStormborn
    Thanks for the intrest DBSaints! Look for your invite!
  • DrakonStormborn
    We have been steadily growing and are at about 200 members as of now. Still looking to recruit active members.
  • reaves94
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join my gt is reaves94 I'm in need of a bit though
  • SquilliamTheWiz
    Im looking for an active guild, all the ones I have aren't very interactive and im looking for a good group of players to quest pvp, and dungeon with. I have three vamps so I can multi-role in dungeons scenarios. I have a mic, communication i feel is a must in order to play better. let me know if your down to add me.
  • DrakonStormborn
    Ill get you both invites soon.
  • luckybush56
    Inv me plz my gamer tag is advisorychimp73,tyvm!
  • IrishCupcake388
    Soul Shriven
    Also looking to join, im an Aldmeri nightblade just aquired my bat swarm and looking to dive into pvp and pve dungeons, looking into the spectre nightblade build so i hope i can be some use to you :) Gamertag is IrishCupcake388

    Thank you and have a good day!
  • DrakonStormborn
    Thanks for your interest I'll send you all invites.
  • DrakonStormborn
  • DrakonStormborn
  • packituppp
    Gt- pack it uppp max rank vampire nightblade mostly a trader but will definitely join for some group pvp
  • DrakonStormborn
    Awesome I'll send one your way
  • Desommettor
    If I can get a Vampire bite I would be more than willing to join and stay in your guild. I like running with a a group of players i know but hard to find a good guild. My Gamer tag in game is Desommettor. if i can get a bite and a good group of people to run with it sounds like a good time to me. I will be on tonight after work.

  • luckybush56
    my GT is advisorychimp73
    my friend GT is sensibleplace78
    plz inv us ty!!!
  • DrakonStormborn
    Sending them now!
  • skullraptor
    Soul Shriven
    GT is Skullraptor
    Need bite. Active every night
    Edited by skullraptor on August 6, 2015 9:15AM
  • SaintVoodooInc
    GT: Saint VoodooInc
    Level 8 vet very active
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