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Lockpicking OMG

So, I can't seem to get the whole lockpicking dealie. I've watched a few people do it, and I'm just over here like "zomgwtf am I doing?" I have never played a game with lockpicking mechanics like this. Can anyone explain to me how I'm supposed to do it?
  • MissBizz
    I'm assuming you have watched some how-to's on youtube...

    Personally, (on console) I find I need to be super fast at letting go once my controller starts vibrating. On PC you need to let go at the right time early on in the pin starting to shake. For me - I had troubles doing it at the beginning because I was holding on too far into the pin shaking - although if you're having an issue with the pin popping back up.. that would mean you're not holding down long enough. Practice makes perfect!

    [EDIT] I'm not sure what videos you have watched, but this one seems to do a good job of actually explaining it rather than just quickly showing. https://youtube.com/watch?v=j9o8Xak1_pM
    Edited by MissBizz on July 9, 2015 7:40PM
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Elder_Martin
    I've noticed that there is a slight advantage in lockpicking when your controller is plugged in (if you're on console). I feel like I am reacting quicker when it is plugged in. To give you an idea I have not put a single skill point in to Ledgerman and I have about a 99% unlock rate on Master chests.
    I am the real Mudcrab Merchant.
    Gamertag - Elder Martin
  • Darkrosesus
    Kyle_ESO8 wrote: »
    I've noticed that there is a slight advantage in lockpicking when your controller is plugged in (if you're on console). I feel like I am reacting quicker when it is plugged in. To give you an idea I have not put a single skill point in to Ledgerman and I have about a 99% unlock rate on Master chests.

    I haven't noticed any difference with the controller plugged in as opposed to not. It's all about feel & dexterity for me.
  • Dradhok
    I used to think it was impossible, but I've gotten the hang of it and can open advanced locks with ease. I like to work the pins from left to right. Really no advantage just a preference. Buy about 50 locks and hike a coast you'll find a lot of chests to practice. I like to push down until it just starts shaking and let go. Pay attention to where you let go and then quickly push it back down to that same spot. Letting go at that spot will set the pin.
  • Ranique
    The mechanic is actually better then e.g. Skyrim, but also more frustrating.
    The things you have to react to are subtle and requires a bit of feeling for it. At first I was screaming and yelling at them but this is how I mastered it.

    1: to start with you have to realize that the picking of a single cilinder will fail if you push it too far. So a good thing to start with is to pick only simple locks and see where it fails. Then simply push that cilinder down again to the same point and move on to the next. This means you will loose more lockpicks then needed, but it also gives you room to practise with the reward of actually picking the lock. This will only work at first on simple locks cause on others you will run out of time.
    2: once you mastered that, try to "guess" where you have to stop. At first you will find yourself loosing more time cause you guessed wrong, but with simple locks you got a lot of leantime to make mistakes, so don't worry too much. After a while you will see your guessing to improve. then you know you are on the way and are capable to move on to more advanced locks.
    3: never panic and keep a steady hand!
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • Violynne
    These instructions are for console players:

    Note there's a very slight delay between button release, so you'll need to practice and listen. But with these instructions, you can crack advanced chests in no time.

    Step 1 - Move the pick to the right. Don't start in the middle. I'll explain why in a bit.

    Step 2 - Press and hold the pick. The tumbler will start to depress. During this time, you'll want to listen AND watch for the tumbler when it begins to shake. When you hear the sound, immediately release the button.

    On simple chests, this is generally fast enough to lock the tumbler. For intermediate and advanced chest, you'll most likely not hit the target, but that's okay. If you watched where the tumbler failed to catch, try again, but this time, release it just a bit before. This is where the millisecond delay comes in.

    Repeat Step 2 until all 5 tumblers are locked. Loot the chest.

    For advanced chests, speed is going to play its part, which is why you want to get into the habit of moving to the right first. As you practice, you'll easily open chests since not only will you begin to recognize the pattern, but get a feel for the sound as well.

    I don't use rumble on the controller, but I wouldn't use this as a guide as rumbling also has a delay for reaction.

    Hope this helps :)
  • Torresius
    To be honest I think lock picking is to easy.
  • Inufandom
    Thanks for the help. I picked my first lock!
  • SugaComa
    Inufandom wrote: »
    So, I can't seem to get the whole lockpicking dealie. I've watched a few people do it, and I'm just over here like "zomgwtf am I doing?" I have never played a game with lockpicking mechanics like this. Can anyone explain to me how I'm supposed to do it?

    Watch, feel, listen.

    Watch as the spring shifts off center, feel the vibration, hear the tension change ... Push R2 till all three occur (all happen at same time so find which you prefer) then let go, it should darken the dowl on the spring and hold in place if not, visualise were it was and repeat trying to get the release so it stays.

    I always start right then move left as this means as timer runs down it's less distance to move on between dowls.

    Good luck and happy lock picking
  • Turelus
    Inufandom wrote: »
    Thanks for the help. I picked my first lock!

    Awesome! Glad to see the community was able to help you.

    Keep at it and you'll be blitzing them in no time. One thing I found always helped me was to listen for the audio hints rather than watching for the visual ones.

    Additionally if you level your Ledgerdomain high enough you can get pasisves which makes the chance to foce most locks 80% meaning you can skip the mini-game entirely most of the time.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Platorian
    I didn't get it at first but it's so easy now. I haven't broken a lockpick in god knows how long
  • LoreRiley
    Too easy to me
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    They all lock in 3 places, either at 1/4, half way or 3/4 down. These are the distances where they will start to shake. Just remember this and it will be a lot easier.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Xendyn
    It's a bit better if you watch the springs instead of the pins. The springs will start to shake first.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

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