Yeah they're pretty bad, after 2 weeks of nonstop calls and emails I got them to credit the 3000 crowns I purchased to my account, but I'm still waiting on that explorers pack..
This comment is to inform you that we moved this thread over to the PlayStation®4 Technical Support subsection of the forums this way we can possibly better assist. We also had to remove several comments from this thread for bashing, rude, and others in the thread seems to be here to troll or being completely non constructive. We ask if you wish to reply to a thread to help takeomasaki89 that you keep it constructive and keep the insulting and baiting comments away.
Upon researching your open tickets and account information, we see that your ticket is in the correct location for it to have a resolution.
This issue is still being investigated, and an agent will be sure to update your ticket when we have a solution to this issue and with the next steps to take regarding this issue.
Please be aware that submitting additional tickets may result in them being closed without a response, and can actually increase the length of time it will take to investigate the issue being reported. We understand your frustration, and thank you for your patience.