I Play a woodelf archer on PS4. There have been a few quests, One in particular frustrated me today, Where my wood elf character was apparently too short to reach a quest item perched on top of a bookshelf.
The quest I was on when i finally felt irritated enough to write a forum about it was SHIPWRECKED SAILORS, in GREENSHADE.
My woodelf is not even the smallest size out of the size slider but she is small enough that i had to Glitch myself between the bed and the bookshelf (effectively getting my character STUCK) to reach the quest item.
My suggestion for solutions are either make it so quest items are no so high up or make it so wood elves have a limit to how small you can make them. I am tired of finding myself too small to reach things and either getting stuck and wasting gold getting unstuck and send ALL the way back to the shrine or just giving up and abandoning quests midway through. Or allow us to have a chance to remake our characters.
This One Desires Pretty Armor.
Female : Wood Elf Archer: Dominion : Ps4