Bolt Escape keeps getting nerfs. Bolt Escapers hate nerfs. Victims of the stereotypical Bolt Escape scenario love nerfs. Bolt Escape gets nerfed more. "Might as well delete it and make a new skill." OK.
So my idea for this branches off the very biased idea that a sorc who can Bolt Escape from every fight, wins every fight. 1v1, 1v2, 1vX. All fights. Well, I would be inclined to agree (to an extent) that if you can't kill that sorc, you can't win. Now in any 1vX scene the Bolt Escape effects everybody in some way. Whether it's stunning you, absorbing your magic, making you relocate your target, or making you super angry that you can't chase down this squirrely bolt lord. So what if the real nerf made Bolt Escape only effect one target instead of the entire fighting force? What if Bolt escape wasn't a total sh** show? (I love bolt escape btw, shutup)
I want to replace Bolt Escape's blink/teleport/juke effect with one that will target strictly 1 enemy and launch them (teleport them) backwards, away from the sorcerer, placing them down at a distance equal to the old teleport distance. Just one target. Sorcerer stays put. Effect has a fixed distance from sorc to drop enemies; somebody who is further away will be dropped in the same spot as a target right in their face.
The sorcerer launches out a ball of lightning (fast moving, and I mean like lightning fast), scoops up target, drags them to a distance of 15m from sorcerer, (I think that's Bolt Escapes travel distance) and drops them on the ground (with or without knockdown animation/effect). No damage (Unmorphed).
Range would be restricted to a max of 10m.
Morphs would be simple, either add damage to spell (streaks damage) or add small (tiny) aoe stun to the dropoff point.
Or increase distance (range and teleport distance).
What do you guys think? Anything need some more elaboration?
Only one guy gets mad about getting sorced, instead of entire AvA uproar?
Edited by NotSo on July 6, 2015 9:13PM Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade