Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

WestWindBrigade (Xb1)(EP)(NA SERVER)(PVE)(PVP)

Looking for players who are online frequently doesn't have to be all the time I understand that people have lives outside of eso
You will not be kicked for inactivity like some of the bigger guild

Also we are mostly Ebonheart Pact but we do have a few members in other alliances

Your level and class don't matter and if your new we'll help you if we can

Mostly looking to form a tight knit group to slay enemies with

Lil bit about myself I get along with most people and love anime hence the name of the guild love rpgs and adventure games if you feel like you'd fit in in my guild drop your gamer tag in the comments section and either my council or I will add you to the ranks there is room to move up the ranks and if we build trust possibly become a member of the Council

Have 29 members currently and looking for more
We have a great group of people in the guild so far and most of us are very willing to help in any and all ways we can

We also have 5 Werewolves and 1 Vampire (that I'm aware of) in our midst that will bite for free
Must be in the guild for a at least a week or prove that your worthy of the bite

Also have a community crafting bank where we share crafting materials and unneeded equipment to deconstruct and gain experience in your craft

Hope to hear from you,
Guildmaster of WestWindBrigade
Edited by SnugSilver1 on August 11, 2015 4:19AM
  • SnugSilver1
    Questing/dungeoning guild by the way
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking for people to join need more players for dungeons and other quest
  • SnugSilver1
    Noob friendly btw
  • SnugSilver1
    Would ideally like to get 10 people and then go for there
  • MrCloneHero
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I am interested in joining your guild. My xbl is clone1203. My character is level 7 I believe (I am currently on vacation and can't remember). I will be able to play on Saturday, July 4 when I return from vacation. If you would like to, you can also add me on skype at mrclonehero.
    "... no battle is ever won ... victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools"
    -William Faulkner, The Sound and the Fury
  • SnugSilver1
    MrCloneHero I will add you as soon as I get off work
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking for more players I'm online now and will add asap
  • SnugSilver1
    Back online in the a little bit still looking for players
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking for players leave a reply if your interested
  • SnugSilver1
    Need players
  • Gigabyte501st
    Soul Shriven
    I would love to join my gamertag is Gigabyte501st
  • deltarebelsnipe
    Hello my gamer tag is deltarebelsnipe. I have a vr1 wood elf nightblade werewolf. I'm currently a 16 dark elf dragonknight. I'm looking for a good group of people to quest and adventure with in the ebonheart pact. Message me if you are interested. Thanks
  • SnugSilver1
    Gigabyte and delta my buddy is going to add you soon
  • drahmil
    Ok guys invites have been sent thanks for joining!
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking for more players open to anyone who is interested
  • Mordant61
    Message me Ebonheart pact NA server Gamertag is MetMarius. Almost VR1 and have no problem helping out.
  • SnugSilver1
    Awesome I'll add you as soon as I get on
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking leave gt for an add
  • SnugSilver1
    Still recruiting players
  • SnugSilver1
    Still need more players for dungeons and other things all Ebonheart are welcome possible other alliances
  • SnugSilver1
    we are a small guild that is looking for people to join up and go questing and dungeoning with currently just a few people looking for anyone in the Ebonheart Pact any level is fine
  • Avail
    Soul Shriven
    GT: IXSwissXI eh
  • drahmil
    Thanks man one of us will send you an invite later tonite
  • Crazyeye78
    Would love to join
    GT: Angrycrazyeye
  • SnugSilver1
    Your invites have been sent thank you for the join
  • SnugSilver1
    Still looking for players to add to the guild
  • CrypticEasy

    Interested. Gt: Cryptic Easy
  • gachomuchacho
    Soul Shriven
    interested GT: partwosmc
  • SnugSilver1
    Hey if you guys ^ see this my buddy Woll add you as soon as possible as I'm at work
  • SnugSilver1
    Hit our 10 members but still adding people if you wanna join send a message to GT SnugSilver or DaveMainMan and we'll add you as soon as possible
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