Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Crafters and Traders - Trading guild and more

  • InCin101
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: InCindiary101

    Hi! Looking for Mature Adult Guild. Mainly been a crafter; trying to finish researching nirnhoned gear; Provisioning, and maxing out Enchantments. I wish to find new friends to do low level Quests and have fun with on top of finishing my crafting. Ready to teach crafting as well and share the knowledge. looking to make some gold too. On at various times but usually after late supper. EST.

    Thank you if you can find a spot in your Guild. Happy Hunting!
    AD VR3 Templar Healer/Tank
    AD VR1 Templar Blacksmithing/Woodworking/Clothing
    AD VR1 Sorcerous Enchanter
    AD VR2 Sorcerer
    AD VR2 Dragonknight
    EP 38 Dragonknight Provisioner (Meals)
    AD 47 NightBlade Alchemist
    DC 9 Nightblade (Test Character)
  • InCin101
    Soul Shriven
    Hi! Small correction: Looking to do low level VR Questing as well.... Sorry, late here... :smile:
  • imnotanother
    names added
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • puffy99
    psn: puffy9999

  • Sycropt

    - Psn: Fares940
    - Level: VR 14 (Dummer DK) - DC - Woodworking Maxed / Blacksmithing/clothing is undergoing.
    - I play around 3 or 4 times a week, from 2 to 4 hours each of these days.

    Looking forward for working with your guild.

    Best Regards.
  • tyjeon19
    PSN - tyjeon19
  • Dystwolf
    PSN: Dystwolf
    • Level: VR14 (Vamp Templar) - R50 all crafts, VR3 Sorc, VR1 Nightblade
    • Play time: 6-7 days per week depending if the server crashes/maintenance
    • More info: I am always looking to sell my merchandise and help support the guild to make sure that the guild has a trader per week.
  • Bao1340
    psn: VietNikka
    eso: Epicorc vr2
    i want to join your guild. im on everyday
  • aimee1122
    Soul Shriven
  • imnotanother
    Names that made the cut will be added shortly. Thanks. Check out the message of the day and join the guild chat.
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • freakintalldude
    PSN freakintalldude

    Level: Vet 5

    Play Time: Mostly Daily. Might miss a few days here and there.
  • zstewart2015
    PSN zstewar3
  • NickDiazFU
    PSN NickDiazFU

    Thank you.. vr6
  • imnotanother
    Names will be added shortly.
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • imnotanother
    still have open slots
    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • JimTi0724
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: JimTiErin

    VR1 - casual player
  • Melman1486
    Would love to join PSN MelMan1486
  • Jahazial
    Soul Shriven
    Vet 11
    I play everyday
    27 years old
  • LeGrandeShekel
    I'm VR 2 and play daily with infrequent exceptions
    Clothing to VR 14
    Blacksmithing to VR 8
    Woodworking to VR 8
    Enchanting to VR 7
    Alchemy to VR 1
    The less said about provisioning the better... If anyone has a banana surprise recipe they'd like to give me then I'll be able to do the writs and get myself past level 12
  • dgjones83_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: Danno83
  • Sir_PappyVW
    Hello imnotanother,

    - PSN name: Pokesum1
    - Level: 43 and in the AD.
    - Age: +21..and then some.
    - I'm an active player, I'm on pretty much every day/evening.
    - I would enjoy being a member of your guild. Can regularly have 30/30 items posted for sale. Would definitely be down for events, raffles, group trades, PVP. Hope to hear from you.

  • seras11
    PSN: amys864
  • Bon_Chen
    Soul Shriven
    - PSN : bon_chen
    - Level : VR16
    - How much you play : basically every night and whole day during the weekend
    Alliance : AD
  • pelennor_fields
    V14 Templar - V3 Nightblade

    Master crafter - Jack of All Trades - Nearly researching traits nearly completed...
    All styles prior to last update.

  • Dansisko
    Psn dansisko
    Level vet 15
    I play everyday
    I'm skill 50 in woodworking( all traits in bow), provisoning, clothings (all traits medium armor), and enchentaing
    I'm a nightblade that only uses the bow
  • mizzlefromtheroc
    Soul Shriven
    Psn mizzlefromtheroc
    VR16 Dragonknight DC Vamp
    Master crafter
    Edited by mizzlefromtheroc on October 4, 2015 3:09AM
  • DrizztRount
  • Sir_Vexez
    Soul Shriven
    PSN: Sir_Vexez
    active at least 4 hours (daily)
  • imnotanother
    Thank you for joining, I will add your names to the roster with my next log on. Please take the the time to read the MOTD and the About Us sections. Join the guild chat and introduce yourselves.

    PS4: NA - AD PSN: imnotanother (Artell Lyeselle)
    Stamina NightBlade 810+ CP - PvP/Trials/Dungeon Ready
  • Tahava
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