Bacongineer wrote: »I see people complaining left and right while I'm just there playing and having fun.
This thread doesn't really have a point to it. Just felt like there was a lack of positive threads around.
I think people might be taking this game too seriously.
The complaints come from those with 500+ hours logged on one character and then cry "there's nothing to do!"
Emma_Eunjung wrote: »I enjoy it, too! The reason you see so many people complaining is because they love the game, but they just want this one little thing fixed...
Sallington wrote: »The complaints come from those with 500+ hours logged on one character and then cry "there's nothing to do!"
I hate to make a dreaded WoW comparison, I had over 120 days /played on my main toon in WoW and never had a problem finding things to do (stopped playing that shortly after WoTLK launched). If Cyrodil PvP wasn't in the shape it was in now I probably wouldn't have a problem in ESO either.
Hey we all enjoy this game, it is only the PVP that gets knocked down because of the 'over-compensation balance fixes'. We understand that complete balance(all classes doing the exact same thing just looking different) would make the game very boring, but yeah us hardcore pvp'ers get a little tired when some skills are just plain broken and being abused, that's all really.
People who enjoy this game are playing it not writing on the forums (or they are at work and cant play it, which he may be...)
Sallington wrote: »Hey we all enjoy this game, it is only the PVP that gets knocked down because of the 'over-compensation balance fixes'. We understand that complete balance(all classes doing the exact same thing just looking different) would make the game very boring, but yeah us hardcore pvp'ers get a little tired when some skills are just plain broken and being abused, that's all really.
What drove me away more than anything is the performance. They advertised PvP with hundreds of players on screen at once, but as soon as a battle like that happens, the servers poop their pants and everything turns into a lagfest. Abilities don't connect, stuck in charge animations for minutes at a time, spell effects disappearing, etc.
They've even gone so far as to tell us to spread out because they can't find any other way to fix the lag. Yet, on the official website they still advertise being able to battle with hundreds of players at once...
On top of that, the multiple PvP server implementation is a total failure and just leads to each faction dominating a server of their choosing.
People who enjoy this game are playing it not writing on the forums (or they are at work and cant play it, which he may be...)