Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

A quick introduction!

  • Armitas

    The facts:
    • My name is Rich Lambert and I am one of the original founding members of the studio.
    • I’ve worn a few different hats in the 8 years I’ve been at ZOS. I was the original Dungeon Lead before I moved into the Lead Content Designer position. Now I’m the Creative Director.
    • As many people noted in their sleuthing yesterday, I was a producer on Fallout3 and Oblivion before moving over to ZOS in 2007. :wink:
    • I’m a lifelong gamer, love RPGs and have particularly soft spot for MMOs. (thank goodness my wife is as well!)

    • moods have been improving since you became Creative Director and taken an active role in the forums and become the second developer to regularly engage the forums. Previously Brian was soloing the forums so I'm sure he is glad to have some people in his group.
    • Lurking ftw.
    Edited by Armitas on August 11, 2015 2:50PM
    Nord mDK
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    Group > solo. Any day of the week, especially with Rich in your group!
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
    Staff Post
  • Auldjohn
    Congratulations, @ZOS_RichLambert! I seem to recognize you from Oblivion which I played forever when it was first released. Rushed out and bought each DLC when it became available, in the process unknowingly creating my own "GOTY" collection...

    Your ES:IV and Fallout3 credentials, plus your previous roles as a co-founder of ZOS will contribute greatly to ESOTU going forward. It must be great to have a supportive gamer spouse. (Mine is technophobe and thinks gaming is a waste of time ... hence my late-night adventures in Tamriel. ;)

    I, too, am a life-long gamer, mostly RPGs, starting with pencil & paper AD&D as a DM. Tried some MMOs but didn't get hooked until becoming an Alpha then Beta tester for URU: Ages Beyond Myst. Unfortunately the multi-player portion was cancelled just before launch.

    Discovering The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion I was hooked! Played forever til an OS upgrade killed it. Got Skyrim on Steam (plus GOTY DLCs) and played forever.

    When ESO was announced I immediately applied for Closed Beta. Became a Zenithar group tester in early August 2013 -- still play on NA, EU, & PTS.

    Returned toOblivion GOTY on Steam and bought Morrowind . Had Arena and Daggerfall (using DOSBox).

    Congrats again on your new position! I look forward to your "Road Ahead" messages and other posts. Hope to see you in a Dev session in Tamriel
    Edited by Auldjohn on August 13, 2015 10:05AM
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
    I don't see a place to post this, but I would LOVE to see items being able to stack when placed inside the Guild Bank. It would save me so much time with having to pull items out, put them in my own bank to have them stack, then take them back out and put them back into the guild bank. PLEASE MAKE IT SO ITEMS THAT ARE THE SAME STACK IN THE GUILD'S BANK!!!!!!!
  • Alucardo
    [*] As many people noted in their sleuthing yesterday, I was a producer on Fallout3 and Oblivion before moving over to ZOS in 2007. :wink:

    Hi Rich, I'm Brad, and I think I love you.
  • Cody
    make the game better!!!!!
  • Jorva
    Greetings friends!

    I just wanted to drop in, say a quick “Hello” and introduce myself officially. I’m not a huge fan of long drawn out speeches or great walls of text, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. :smile:

    The facts:
    • My name is Rich Lambert and I am one of the original founding members of the studio.
    • I’ve worn a few different hats in the 8 years I’ve been at ZOS. I was the original Dungeon Lead before I moved into the Lead Content Designer position. Now I’m the Creative Director.
    • As many people noted in their sleuthing yesterday, I was a producer on Fallout3 and Oblivion before moving over to ZOS in 2007. :wink:
    • I’m a lifelong gamer, love RPGs and have particularly soft spot for MMOs. (thank goodness my wife is as well!)

    I normally lurk on the forums pretty regularly – expect to see me out and about a bit more often.

    Nice to meet you, Rich. It is always appreciable to see interactions between personnel and players. That's what makes this game's social environment more pleasant, and puts some of us more at ease knowing there are familiar and reliable developers/directors. It can be difficult for some players to see if there is anyone from ZOS that actually listens to our pleas.

    It is a bit late but please do feel welcome into our community and I hope to see you sometime in the game!
    Jorvo Stormwolf
    Ebonheart Pact
    PC Platform
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