@Bubka2005 @97durango will have an invite out to you both sometime today.
TastyPasta wrote: »GT is TastyPasta
I'd definitely be interested if you'd have me
deathcharger72_ESO wrote: »Can I join the group my gametag is acidpuppy and I play on xbox one as a lvl 9 sorcerer right now but leveling up fast
hamish_mb16_ESO wrote: »If you have people in their Veteren levels I would have interest in joining. Looking to find regulars to PVE with and do dungeons at night. I am PST. Cheers,
GT: The Pickledpunk
bulldawgxrage wrote: »Would like to join a mature group to team up with, been soloing since I just recently started. Low level Wood Elf Nightblade. GT: Bulldawg x Rage
Mxadarkknight wrote: »Looking for a guild that's relaxed and does dungeons. Hit me up my xbox one gt is: mxa dark knight