Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Boldly into the Frontier, DC, NA, PvE/PvP, 15 year anniversary!

  • camain8969_ESO
    Our members have an average playtime with ESO of 100 hours. The ability that those who have joined the ESO clan have already dedicated 100 hours of gaming into the game is outstanding! Just another point that proves we have active, playing members instead of counting people who just log in and quit after a day.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    In an addendum to the above post, our active members means you don't have to worry about and will NEVER be waitlisted. We have room and accommodations for up to 1500 people right now, again touching on our order and our structure!

    Check out our Facebook page where our guild reviewer reviews the newest and latest games!!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Join us now for some dungeons!!! We have a group of 40's running, veterans ranks running and a set of 50's!! Completely impromptu!!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Undaunted pledges run daily at 8pm EST, excluding event days. Cyrodil run THIS Wednesday 7pm, Dungeons 8pm Thursday!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Only another 40 minutes until our undaunted run!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Fair turnout for PvP last night! Easily captured 3 keeps and multiple farms/mines/mills!!
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  • Lordklinger
    How many members do you currently have that are VR1+? Also, I am all about improving and being the best player I can be, but are members chastised for mistakes? I am a great at FPS, but mmo pvp is something new to me. In fact, this is my first mmorpg. Lastly, are most of your members adults?

    A little about me:

    I am a working adult that plays when I can. I also am a package deal because my two RL buddies will also be joining with me. I am a DK DPS stamina build, while my buddies are a healer and tank. I currently am working on medium armor and have researched 5+ traits into each piece. Between the three of us we are able to make all types of armor, enchanting, provisioning, and potions. My main reason for joining would be to have a group that we can run Veteran level content and pvp with. We already have our own guild for a bank and are part of a large trading guild.
  • camain8969_ESO
    Hey Lordklinger,

    Currently we are at about a 95 percentile of members being above the age of 22. We have one or two high schoolers, we have several adults who have finished with college and are working now, and we have a few 29 year olds who are well established. We understand previous engagements and life happens. If you miss an event you can attend another easily (a few people missed out on our PvP event last night) they have tonight to join in on some dungeon runs or any other night to jump together with members to run undaunted dungeons. Those are just some of the scheduled events, impromptu gaming happens all the time, members message each other and talk and group up in ESO or another game, not officially guild scheduled but definitely encouraged! Members are never chastised. We do have fines but they mainly apply to two things: 1. not paying your ESO tax, and 2. Having a skewed withdraw to deposit ratio in the guild bank. (If you aren't depositing as much as you're withdrawing you'll have a talk with our lawman and he will decide your fate, typically it's a small fine.)

    Being new to the MMO genre is exciting, and we are always welcoming of people who are new and/or experienced to different genres. I'm sure you've read that we are very helpful and nothing exemplifies this better than the current member note system on ESO. We have labeled each member what position they play, what crafting they do, and what squad they're in; if you need help with understanding tanking methods simply check the guild roster find a tank that's online and send them a party or group invite and talk with them. Everyone is extremely helpful and we give our members plenty of help, real world (such as jobseekers) to game help (from finding out how to be the best build in an RPG [including single player games]) to good weapon setups in FPS games (CoD and BF, speaking of which we are running a BF4 event Saturday night). Simply put we adjust to our members and help them in any way possible which builds a community where people become brothers and friends for life.

    The only thing I will caution you about is if you decide to join with your two friends just don't group up with them and form your own clique within the guild, join in with a new guy or girl as much as you can and this will further our mission; that whenever on you'll always have someone to talk to or play with if desired. We are, as I'm sure you've read, interested in quality members, we currently have about 40 members so with the next 10 coming in soon we will be getting a trader. We have a tabard (it costs 2k in the guild store) and clearly have a guild bank that is 99% materials and 1% set items incase someone needs that last piece to get the 5 set bonus. If you don't want to worry about crafting you don't have to, we have master craftsmen in most of the areas. Whereas if you would like to continue crafting we ask that you not charge members as 99% of the members constantly deposit materials into the GB. If you need a few materials you can ask them to run a few dungeons with you and break down the loot other than that it's a no go asking for payment.

    Finally, most importantly we have a current number of 11 veteran members with 4 people being very close to achieving it. Our highest Vet ranked player is myself at Vet 3 followed by 2 Vet 2s, and the rest of the 11 are Vet 1s.

    Shoot me an xbox live message if you're still interested. We are running dungeons at 8:00P EST tonight.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    30 minutes left before we jump into some dungeon runs!! Come join us for some PvE fun! Our next PvP event is this SUNDAY!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    We are still recruiting! PvP runs will begin tomorrow night! Come join us!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Due to xbox live being down for many members last night we postponed PvP till this Tuesday!! Join in!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Good news! A few of our guild members are part of the illustrious Microsoft Xbox Preview Program! A beta program for the xbox. Guess how you can get in? That's right, only by knowing someone who is in, similar to the werewolf and vampire bites in ESO. If you're interested in this shoot us a message and join our guild!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    For those of you wondering, 220 (minimum, some members report needing more) mages guild books is the magic number to get to rank 10 in the mages guild! It took a few of our guys about 10+ hours running around looking at a map and finding books to finish it up!
    Edited by camain8969_ESO on July 31, 2015 2:25AM
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Worried that we are just 'one of those guilds that says we do things but secretly we don't.' Try us out for a few days! You'll be glad you did. Ask our members, 100% recommend us and 100% are proud to be in BitF. Join the guild that lives up to what it states!

    Do you have a concern or comment? Post here or message me via xbox and we will see if we can resolve it!
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  • wt25
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys, I'm mostly into PVE so far and have no guilds yet. If you're still recruiting, I'd like to join your guild. My gamertag is wildtype25. I have a level 21 Nightblade, I am still quite new. In IRL I do work many shifts so I wont be able to join in all events.
  • camain8969_ESO
    Hello Wildtype25,

    Don't worry we have nightly undaunted runs, and weekly PvP and PvE runs. If you happen to miss all of these or have a hectic/abnormal work schedule simply join up with the other members in the guild who are in a similar position and make your own event. No one in the guild will ever chastise you for asking for help or wanting to play together. That's what we are about! I will add you in the morning, next time you're on just check your notifications tab and our invite will be there! Don't worry about being a low level either we have many guys making secondary characters and we have a few that are lower leveled as well. Any of the officers or sergeants we have, although many are varying veteran ranks, will gladly help run you through a delve or dungeon. We look forward to meeting you and seeing how we both can benefit from this!

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    Edited by camain8969_ESO on July 30, 2015 4:15AM
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Great news to veteran seekers! We have an over whelming number of veterans running and playing constantly!!! Those of you not lucky enough to have the time to gain the veteran rank don't fret! We have 4-7 members below level 20 (includes secondary characters) and if you're a little higher than that we have plenty of levels from 30-49 that will gladly pair up with you!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Other guilds claim to have structure and order, follow the guild that has been trailblazing and gaming for 15 years! Join a guild where our members, not just officers, are concerned with making you the best player you can be in any game, including solo games!

    You know what they say, with age comes experience! Why would you invest your time into a guild that doesn't know what their members want, let alone care about their members?

    A concise list of this weekend's activities include the following:

    Friday night - PvP runs in ESO, Game Chat in The Witcher 3, CoDAW match playlist, and Assassin's Creed Unity runs.
    Saturday - Quest Help in ESO, Destiny PvP runs, Game Chat in The Witcher 3, Game Chat/Dungeons in Dragon Age Inquistion, and FIFA 15 matches.
    Sunday - Dying Light quest help and co-op runs, ESO nightly Undaunted runs, and Halo matches.
    Monday - Total War (PC) co-op campaigns/grudge matches, Sims (PC) Chat, ESO nightly Undaunted runs, and Evolve matches.
    Edited by camain8969_ESO on July 31, 2015 2:17AM
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  • ColdGravy
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I am a completionist across xbox 360 and xbox one. I am looking for all styles of play in ESO, especially for PVE runs and PVP! Just completed graduate school and will be settling into work, but gaming is my passion.

    Gt: Cold Gravy
  • ptkush
    Soul Shriven
    Hey this seems like a great guild. I am looking first and foremost for a trading guild that I can use as a VR1 Daggerfall character with lots saved up to sell and no guild membership yet. But it would also be nice to have some squadmates to accompany me to battle in pve group dungeons and pvp.

    About me:

    I'm a lifelong gamer at the ripe old age of 30. I graduated college and moved to Las Vegas 7 years ago and I currently work seasonally for a casino. Right now is off season, so I have lots of time to waste playing (and loving) my first ever mmorpg.

    I've been a fan of Bethesda for years and played around 1000 hours between my two favorites, Skyrim and Fallout 3. But my sister (FalloutGurl4 on Twitch and XB, and whom I will probably recruit to this guild as well) makes my Bethesda fandom look amateurish.

    I'm also new to XB, as I was loyal to Sony for around 18 years up until about a month ago. I stream quite regularly on Twitch at, specializing in racing games like driveclub, forza, and recently, rocket league, but playing all types of games as a well rounded gamer.

    I was a serious trophy hunter on PS3 and Vita, but since the new gen has been out, I've focused more on streaming and just playing the games for fun (sometimes playing hundreds of hours beyond achieving 100%, sometimes ignoring trophies altogether). I held the #1 spot on's rare trophy leaderboard for over 2 years. Check out this page to see what I've done with trophy hunting: (to really grasp the vastness of the list, do this: in the progress drop down tab, select "complete", meaning only display games at 100%; and for the "sort by" selection, choose "difficulty", which shows the games in order of completion rarity).

    I hope this is enough of a resume to get me into the top notch type of gamer guild. My gamer tag on XB is XBptkush (someone already had ptkush, which is my screen name for literally everything else gaming related).
  • camain8969_ESO
    You both will make amazing additions to the guild! I'll add you when I hop online next!!

    For those of you still looking, check out the bio and resumes of the quality members we are receiving, there are even more who don't comment on the thread, now compare apples to apples what type of members are the other guilds recruiting? We don't just take you in, we brush you off, give you a nice wax and polish and then we set you free; to which you often turn around and help others!

    We appreciate everything our members do for one another and for the guild. Do you have what it takes?

    Join BitF.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Another great week starts off today! There's always time to join in in our fun and exciting activities! Join Boldly into the Frontier, the guild that exceeds all expectations, does any other guild have structure, order, and activities like we do? Many things are member oriented and member ran, which means you, yes you, decide when and where and often how our events go!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Join us Monday for a PVP run!! We currently have enough members to run 3 undaunted dailies simultaneously!!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Not only are we doing undaunted runs tonight but we are jumping into some veteran dungeon runs!! There's still time to group up!! Send us an xbox live message or post here!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Good morning fellow Gamers!!! For people who aren't taking their last summer vacations, moving into college, getting ready for school, or jumping on their last hurrahs our doors are always open and we would love to welcome you in! If you're a part of the other group, relax, we want you as well but we also understand real life doesn't revolve around the guild, and no one will penalize you for going on a vacation or taking a break. Take a deep breath, we've been here for 15 years, and we are not going anywhere. Even after ESO sees a massive drop in players and people begin moving on to other games or other systems this guild will exist. Our secret? We adapt and follow and work with our members! We have structure and order!

    This weeks line-up (it is rather light as a large number of guild members are on vacation/moving):

    Daily/Nightly Undaunted Vet and Reg runs [it's your responsibility to find a group within the guild],
    Saturday: Evolve Evacuation @ 4, ESO Quest Help @ 6
    Sunday: Day off
    Monday: ESO PvP runs @ 8, CoDAW TDM @ 6:40
    Tuesday: ESO Craglorn questing @ 7
    Wednesday: Dying Light quests @ 6
    Thursday: ESO Vet Dung runs @ 7
    Friday: ESO PvP runs @ 7, ESO Quest help @ 5:30-6:30, Destiny Crucible @ 5, Destiny Raid (TBD) @ 8.

    Are you finally interested in joining a guild that truly helps its members? Join us and ask several of our new members who have bank access what quality type this guild is. Every single one will tell you that you are extremely lucky to be a part of this guild. We have members who joined us after getting to Vet rank, we have members who are between 10-40 and we have plenty of veteran ranks. We have recruited several members who were a part of another 'active' guild but when they heard of us they quickly left that guild and applied for membership within our guild.

    Our membership is easy! Ask and you're in. In ESO you have limited accesses, other games have similar rules, but for the most part after you ask you're in and you can play with and join any guild event! Because this is an ESO forum I'll detail the process here:

    After you apply to the guild and pass the entrance questions:
    1. Do you have a working microphone?
    2. Are you mature? We have women in the guild and although 99% of us swear we still are gentlemen around these women.
    3. Do you have time for guild activities? We love our members to participate in our events! It makes everything worth while, we do understand real life things and events but we have a minimum requirement of 3 activities a month, unless you tell an officer you'll be gone for an extended amount of time. Remember we work with you!
    4. Do you enjoy playing with people and learning about one another? This is a guild not a "I'll quest with you and never talk." We are all friends.
    5. Will you explain how you will benefit the guild? We search for quality members and only quality members stay, we ask for a dedication and devotion to the guild, this comes in many forms, mainly from participation.
    6. Do you enjoy winning? We play to win and play to have fun in that order. Most people don't have fun unless they are winning, after all who enjoys pouring time into something just to lose?

    You pass these questions and you're in the guild. You get basic access to players and friends. Once you prove you're dedicated and want to stay in this guild you may attempt to rank up and gain GB access. This is done via:
    1. Have 2 (two) guild members speak on your behalf, typically its informal and most people will say . "He's a cool guy/girl and I enjoy playing with him/her."
    2. Attend at least 1 guild event, whether is an undaunted run or a PvP run or anything with the guild.
    3. Be sociable
    4. Participate in our Biweekly tax
    Fairly easy hoops to jump through. You will however loose GB access if you don't participate in taxes (these are for YOU, we only use the tax money to bid on traders), or if you don't adhere to our trade rules and if your withdraw to deposit ratio is greater than a 1:1.

    After you acquire our GB access you'll be known as an Explorer, if you're interested in more access and moving up to Frontiersman or Sergeant, and maybe even an Officer, you can ask me personally; obviously it gets harder and harder to rank up the higher you move.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Here are a few of our guild members resumes to prove how prestigious and quality driven our members are:

    1. Guild member for 6 years, current officer, online daily, makes free armor in ESO for anyone in need, offers quest help at all times, will provide links to guides, knows his class inside and out and can lead in my stead, donates more mats and money than asked, plays and participates in every guild event and initiates all members in grouping up, young adult member (20's), master blacksmith, master clothier, EST.

    2. Guild member of 1-1.5 months, current Frontiersman, donates more mats and money than asked, provides tank help to any member, gives insight on MMO's and worldly advice (remember we are friends and this member has provided job opportunities to other members), participates in every guild event and initiates all members in grouping up, current Werewolf (all members who have WW or Vamp give FREE bites), adult member, loves to talk, activist, is able to make tons of money in the guild trader from being so active, EST.

    3. Guild member of 1 month, current Explorer, master craftsman, twitch video streamer, adult member, donates more than asked, always available to quest/dungeon run, professional gamer, loves to talk, knows his class inside and out, participates in most guild events, PDT.

    We can go on and on about our members and how proud we are to have such quality amazing members, not just in ESO.

    If you are interested in joining Microsoft's Elite Xbox Beta Test Program (this means you'll get backward compatibility before everyone else, as well as everything/anything new coming to Xbox before it hits the masses) you can get an invite from many of our guild members, and the ONLY way to join the test program is from being friends with someone who already has it!

    You can get an invite from any officer! GT's are: Titilywink, GaminSteve1, Peacemang91, Roman1477, and Keltrik.
    We currently have a proposition going through the guild that rewards members with tax deductions and motifs for inviting members and having said members stay. Everything is currently tentative but a current proposition is a 500G tax break per recruit and after 10 members a dwarven motif will be given out! This represents that all our members have a say in final decisions affecting the guild!!!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Personally I'm tired of these 'guilds' giving true guilds a bad reputation. Come home and find out what it means to be a member of a truly active, truly helpful, and truly has a strong member basis. 99.9% of 'guilds' associated with ESO are 'Trading guilds first but active [INSERT LIE HERE]' this is just a sad excuse. Why even have a guild if you aren't connected with your members? 'Legion' boasts to have an 'outrageous' number of members that are 'always online and active and will invite you to everything!' after having a member join us after being in Legion for a month he confessed that the guild was terrible. That everyone wanted money for a service and that she was scammed numerous times.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Several of our members have just launched a review based YouTube channel! Check out some of their videos in recent games and look at their exclusive footage of new games coming out! (Captured from Gamescom) Check out our Facebook page and shoot us a message! Be part of the future, be part the of team that wins, be part of BitF.
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Unlike other guilds, 100% of are members are active (weekly) and 100% are in our alliance (Daggerfall Covenant)! Some guilds form 'alliances' with guilds in other alliances for number boosting, we simply refuse to do this! All of our members should play together and have a community together, you can't do that by having someone who is a different alliance that can't contribute but only takes! This hits another great point on Boldly into the Frontier, we all contribute on a scaled basis. Due to this we can afford traders, we can afford to give our members free gear and free upgrades, we can afford to focus on member growth and member development! Join the guild that focuses on you and helps you grow to the best gamer, the best character, and the best class in this game and all other games!
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  • camain8969_ESO
    Exciting news from Microsoft!! Our Xbox One Preview members can now play Gears of War, Mass Effect 1, and Shadow Complex. When playing these games online you're able to play with people on their 360! This is just one of the amazing perks we can give our members!! Interested in becoming a part of the preview program? Become a guild member! The only way to get in is by knowing people who are in, isn't it your lucky day? It only took you 15 years!
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