Loving the game played beta on pc but it didn't feel right, now on console it does. I'm now almost v4 and the higher the level content these issues are becoming a lot more annoying. I have been playing mmo's for going on 10 years now here is my input.
1. The weapon swap button being L on the d-pad. I mean have zeni ever played a game? this seems a ludicrous design decision. I understand that fitting the combat style to pad is hard but I don't think they could have picked a worse button. NEED NEED NEED the ability to remap buttons on this game, give us the head ache of fitting it to our play style, but really need to add this fast. high end pvp and pve content needs the ability to move/cast while swapping bars.
2. "
Wow huge crit" If only lol. I really need to see how much damage I'm doing or not doing, the builds are so diverse and other than using my god given jedi powers I don't know what gives me a dps increase. I NEED the numbers!
3. Buffs and de-buffs! Egg timers at the ready, does zeni have stock in an egg timer company because keeping track of buffs and de-buffs without seeing them is rather annoying. Not doing an optimized rotation feels dirty to me, so just casting something because "eh maybe it's dropped off idk

" is nuts. Let me see them!
Well there you have it let me know what you think, hopefully this post lands in front of a dev's, heres hoping.
P.s long dungeon queues are looooooonnngggg, another annoyance.