Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 21
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

~ Daggerfall's Dungeoneers ~

Hey there!
Our group has been growing at a steady pace and we are up to 20+ people. Our players are more than 50% active at any given time and are always up to playing with each other. We all know the grouping mechanism in-game isn't the most efficient thing they have created. We are looking for even more like-minded players to join of all levels so we have a more diverse group of people to have a faster, easier way of finding groups to run content with. Please if you are interested put your Gamertag below, or message me directly at my GT: Prestidigitor, and i will add you as soon as i possibly can.
Edited by Prestidigitor on June 28, 2015 4:07AM
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  • Prestidigitor
    Message me in-game at my GT: Prestidigitor. Or reply on here. Thank you.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Prestidigitor
    Please be open minded for now since it is at start and have little players. I need actively recruiting people to help out as well. Doesn't have to be daggerfall's covenant. All are welcome.
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  • TorqueGT
  • Prestidigitor
    I will add you when I come on tomorrow. My hours of work are pretty crazy. Thank you.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Roclat
    Sounds like what I want.

    GT is Roclat
  • Bacon
    Sounds like just the guild I'm looking for.

    GT: Whacktastic Bil
    “I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” ― Winston S. Churchill
  • Prestidigitor
    Fantastic guys. I'll add you the second I get on when I get home. I'm glad I can provide what you are looking for. Just remember when you join you can also recruit players looking for the same thing as well. helps us all out that way. Have a great night.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • chefcrank
    I'd like to join level 15 resto spec Templar, gamer tag is xXchefcrankXx
  • Prestidigitor
    The moment I get on, I will invite all of you. Thank you for your interest and support. I look forward to playing with you!
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Garvo
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like a sweet guild. I'll message ya later today if possible. Also got three other of my buds I can invite as well.
    Here is my GT though: TsK x BraVo
  • Prestidigitor
    Thanks everyone! Still looking for people to help me out. Much appreciated!
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Jobobagonush
    Sounds awesome. GT JrMcBumJuice
  • MisterBud
    I'm in. GT: Mister BudMan
  • TSaVO1012
    Count me in GT: TSaVO102012
  • Roclat
    Sent invites to

    Mister Budman

    I think.... Assuming I did it right lol
  • Prestidigitor
    Appreciate it roclat. Just a reminder everyone has the ability to add members to guild.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Prestidigitor
    Still looking for people interested in a PVE guild that is trying to build up on the games broken grouping system to make I easier for us to find people to play with. In any content.
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  • Prestidigitor
    At a good size of 20 people, with more than 50% on at one time. Still looking to increase our size to diversify the levels to make it easier for people to find players to group up with within their level range. Hoping for more interest to make this a successful, better alternative to ESO's broken grouping system.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Prestidigitor
    Adding more now, won't be on until early tomorrow.
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  • ApexSwoledier81
    Trying to find people to run dungeons with on group finder is useless, sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. GT is ApexSwoledier81
  • Prestidigitor
    You will be added momentarily. Thank you.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • SchmuckOnWheels
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like a good deal to me.

    GT: SchmuckOnWheels.

    Let's do this
  • Prestidigitor
    I will send you an invite the moment I load up. Currently on a 13 hour trip so it will be tomorrow. I apologize for the inconviencr.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Prestidigitor
    Hey guys. Still going strong. If interested let me know on here or through messaging. Thanks.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Prestidigitor
    Got 6 new guys today. Keep messaging for invites
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  • Luvgoodgreen
    Soul Shriven
    Experienced healer dying for pve guild. Gt: luvgoodgreen
    Group finder is most definitely a joke....and not a very funny one.
  • Prestidigitor
    I thought it was kinda funny how bad it was. Invite incoming soon.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • Narjira
    I am a caster dps/healer dragonknight.

    Active most weekdays. Vet 7 currently.

    GT = Strife h2o
  • Prestidigitor
    Sounds great, I am currently not going to be on this weekend but I will see if I can have someone in the guild can invite you.
    Click on Guild Below to join
  • edward.duffyb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    GT Volksturm
    invite me
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