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Console vs PC

  • Divinius
    I've said this before, and I'll say it again...

    They could make it so that every player level 10 and above gets automatically scaled up to Vet 14 with 3600 CP, with all skills and bonuses unlocked, and a temporary set of maxxed-out gear, while in Cyrodiil, and people would still complain when they get face-stomped by another player who had no advantage other than months of PvP experience.
    This is totally unnessessary. I'm a level 29, and started fresh 2 weeks ago in Chillrend (Vet PVP) at level 10. I was able to do well enough to earn two gold rewards yesterday for finishing in the top 2% of my campaign. I'm completely viable against almost all opponents and have only been killed by a VR14 maybe twice. If you're smart the "unbalanced" campaigns are't a problem at all.

    Put on some heavy armor. Equip a self heal or two. And ... for the love of all that's good in the world put some points into health. If you do all these things while keeping your head on a swivel and staying out of the red area, you'll be a beast at PVP at any level.

    It doesn't cease to amaze me that people complain about dying while never putting points into health.
  • Emperor_Will
    This is totally unnessessary. I'm a level 29, and started fresh 2 weeks ago in Chillrend (Vet PVP) at level 10. I was able to do well enough to earn two gold rewards yesterday for finishing in the top 2% of my campaign. I'm completely viable against almost all opponents and have only been killed by a VR14 maybe twice. If you're smart the "unbalanced" campaigns are't a problem at all.

    Put on some heavy armor. Equip a self heal or two. And ... for the love of all that's good in the world put some points into health. If you do all these things while keeping your head on a swivel and staying out of the red area, you'll be a beast at PVP at any level.

    It doesn't cease to amaze me that people complain about dying while never putting points into health.
    All great info, but makes no difference to console players who're trying to compete for emperor. I was rank 1 on the Versidue-Shae leaderboards before being kicked from that campaign, it took long hours to maintain a lead against other players. Now what chances of becoming emperor do i have against vr14's considering it was a challenge to obtain rank 1 against level 10-49's? Absolutely none. Should i, or other players in my position be forced to quest untill vr14 or make a new account if they wish to become emperor?

    So basically, ive bought a 'new' game, invested considerable hours. Now, having reached level 50, im statistically weaker than the majority of players inside pvp and i have absolutely no chance of becoming emperor regardless of how many more hours i might play. Awesome.
    Do you have any idea how hard it is to become Emperor? I was as high as 8th overall because I took a week's vacation. The amount of time you spend in PVP is way more important than your character level. In order to even get into shouting distance you need to play 10 hours a day, be really good and hope that KM Cold's XBox broke. In reality, as far as Chillrend is concerned there are maybe 10 people total who have a real chance at it, and hundreds of really good players you'd have to leapfrog to ever have a shot. If you need all these extras in order to get in the discussion than chances are you aren't good enough to begin with and all those hundreds above you would be that much better too.

    Also, I held Chalman's front door 2 days ago for 15 minutes versus 10 people with a level 27 character and a resto staff. Most of them were higher level than me. Being under leveled isn't a death sentence.

    On a side note, I've seen less than 10 VR14s in 2 weeks. It's not hard to avoid them. 80 to 90% of players in veteran PVP aren't veterans.
  • nastuug
    Divinius wrote: »
    I've said this before, and I'll say it again...

    They could make it so that every player level 10 and above gets automatically scaled up to Vet 14 with 3600 CP, with all skills and bonuses unlocked, and a temporary set of maxxed-out gear, while in Cyrodiil, and people would still complain when they get face-stomped by another player who had no advantage other than months of PvP experience.

    Then what's the point of leveling up? Sort of defeats the purpose of developing 90% of the game at that point. I suppose you would agree to charge players a lesser price for only wanting to enjoy PVP and omit the rest of the game?
  • Gorthax
    demendred wrote: »
    Gorthax wrote: »
    console people crack me up.

    FIX CP issues, Fix people camping ww and vamp spawns, give us addons, fix this fix that lol

    GG people GG

    Yea, it reminds me of a time when computer players cried and moaned like children about it.

    yes and they were told that they are simply roleplaying as Dawnguard, doesnt matter how it is spun, once someone claims they are roleplaying nothing will be done. The only difference is that console people WILL get their way.
    Edited by Gorthax on June 24, 2015 8:40PM
  • BigM
    I understand where the OP is coming from, it just wouldn't matter you would still getting upset with players still taking you out fast even if V14 vs V14.

    What they should of done is sell the transfer for 20 bucks which is still a great deal but you have to start fresh. We all know majority of PC players would still want the game on consoles. Sure there would be a few only wanting it with everything they had on PC but I believe that would be a small percentage. Sometimes a company has to go with the lesser and not always the big profit. Sometimes it has to be fair to the players!
    “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
    ― Stephen Hawking
  • FancyTuna8
    I haven't done pvp in this game yet, but from reading the forum I can't understand why they wouldn't do some balanced matchmaking where possible. I play a game called world of tanks, and in that one you only play against tanks that are within your tier by 2 tiers, meaning a tier 5 tank only plays with 3-7; while a tier 7 tank only plays with 5-9, and no match will have more than that two tier difference for all the tanks involved. The tanks all receive a weighting based on the type of tank and the tier, and the teams' total weighting must be within 10% of each other. Again, I'm ignorant of pvp here, but it seems like the siege setups must have teams of equal players--why not assign a rating to characters based on level (and whatever else might be pertinent.)
  • AdamBourke
    Currently the 50 to Vet thing is perfectly understandable, you can not be Vet 1 in a non-vet campaign, and I am not sure how else they should handle that.

    I think that you should be allowed in non-vet campaigns as long as you were non-vet when the campaign started. You shouldn't be removed part-way through. Perhaps rather than upscaling the player stats, they could be downscaled to Lvl 50 in this case?

    The campaigns are only 5 days... it's not going to cause the non-vet game to be overrun with VR14s...

    PS4 - EU

    Please put the Eyevea/EarthForge wayshrines back on the map?
  • King Bozo
    King Bozo
    I don't think this is an issue any longer. I see more and more vets each day in pvp. People are grinding and maybe you should do the same if being a maxed out vet is important to you. No matter if you are v14 a group of 50 non vets will kick your arse peroid.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    nastuug wrote: »
    Divinius wrote: »
    I've said this before, and I'll say it again...

    They could make it so that every player level 10 and above gets automatically scaled up to Vet 14 with 3600 CP, with all skills and bonuses unlocked, and a temporary set of maxxed-out gear, while in Cyrodiil, and people would still complain when they get face-stomped by another player who had no advantage other than months of PvP experience.

    Then what's the point of leveling up? Sort of defeats the purpose of developing 90% of the game at that point. I suppose you would agree to charge players a lesser price for only wanting to enjoy PVP and omit the rest of the game?

    LOL you are soooo confused.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    No no no no no shut it down pack it up turn it off no no no do not bring the whole BS of console wars into ESO. ESO has enough problems as it is and the forums are already cluster *snip snip* enough as it is with rage from the removal of former emperor and bugs.
  • Makkir
    What if a PC player who wasn't VR14, full Nirnhoned, lots of CP transferred to console?
    I think the intent of your post is to address the "OP Players" in Cyrodiil on console but you got to remember a lot of players transferred who weren't even V14 yet.
  • Divinius
    nastuug wrote: »
    Divinius wrote: »
    I've said this before, and I'll say it again...

    They could make it so that every player level 10 and above gets automatically scaled up to Vet 14 with 3600 CP, with all skills and bonuses unlocked, and a temporary set of maxxed-out gear, while in Cyrodiil, and people would still complain when they get face-stomped by another player who had no advantage other than months of PvP experience.

    Then what's the point of leveling up? Sort of defeats the purpose of developing 90% of the game at that point. I suppose you would agree to charge players a lesser price for only wanting to enjoy PVP and omit the rest of the game?

    You missed my point entirely. I'm not saying that ZOS should do that at all... I'm saying that even if they did do that, the people that are complaining that "PvP is not fair" would still be complaining, because they'd still be losing.
  • leshpar
    nastuug wrote: »
    Kaitona wrote: »
    Console players are generally more attractive than PC players, 76% of people would agree with that I think.

    The Holy Gabe would harshly disagree with you, dirty troll.


    All hail our Lord and Master GabeN. May our framerates be high and our steam sales low.
  • demendred
    What they have in common is a speriority complex. And whining about trival crap.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Pallmor
    leshpar wrote: »
    nastuug wrote: »
    Kaitona wrote: »
    Console players are generally more attractive than PC players, 76% of people would agree with that I think.

    The Holy Gabe would harshly disagree with you, dirty troll.


    All hail our Lord and Master GabeN. May our framerates be high and our steam sales low.

    And lo did Master GabeN cast the evil Half-Life series into the depths of hades. "Away with thee, Half-Life 3! Thou days art over!" And we wept and rejoiced and anointed his feet. And he in turn graced us with a Steam sale on Gears of War 2.
  • mdhammond
    We have backwater campaign wich excludes vet rank accounts. What's the difference?
  • asteldian
    I would like to propose this as a short-term solution...

    Very short term, as many non-transfer characters have already passed the vr1 mark.
    I'm almost vr3, makes little difference though. I can still be 2 hit by vr14's and it'll be weeks, if not months before this will be any different.

    This will be even worse for the casual players. Consider a chart showing console players levels against a chart of pc players levels. There are so many reasons pc players shouldnt even be playing with console players, having a console only campaign would be a small compromise.

    I have bad news. It will never be different. VR14s can be 2 shot by other VR14s, and if not in decent armor even one shot.
    I understand the frustration, but in reality a temporary server is no solution.
    Keep in mind, on PC there were VR10s (the max at release) within 5 days and at the time there was no non vet campaign, so believe me, PC players fully understand the issue console players face, but the reality is than even without PC transfers there will be plenty VR14s roflstomping you.
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