IMO dragon knights hold the medal for most well-rounded class. They were the first class created back during the initial phases of ESO's development, and they've had the most time put into working on the class. Balance-wise they may not be on par with the other classes (more or less powerful depending on who you ask), but they have the tools to tackle any situation. They have a self heal, an aoe root, a damage shield, aoe damage abilities (both magicka and stamina based), single target damage abilities (both magicka and stamina based), heavy utility through things like fiery chains, reflective scale, and talons, as well as three useful ultimates.
Nightblades, on the other hand, lack a powerful self heal, they lack an aoe root or proper aoe control ability, they dont have any defense against ranged attacks like reflective scales provides for dk's, and they dont have a damage shield. Dont get me wrong, I love my nightblade, it's my favorite class and has remained my main character since PC launch and through to PS4, but nightblades are lacking a lot of abilities types that would make them as well-rounded as the other classes. Sorcerors suffer some similar issues, especially for stamina builds. Templars are probably closest to dragonknights in terms of being a well rounded class, but still lack a few things like an aoe root.
Magicka Nightblades could see more love, actually. The best finger-breaking multi-damage-buffing Funnel builds do around as much as a slacking Sorc weaving Force Pulse/Crushing Shock with Liquid Lightning as a DoT. Unfortunately, only Sorcs had loud enough community to make ZOS notice things.Nightblades, on the other hand, lack a powerful self heal, they lack an aoe root or proper aoe control ability, they dont have any defense against ranged attacks like reflective scales provides for dk's, and they dont have a damage shield. Dont get me wrong, I love my nightblade, it's my favorite class and has remained my main character since PC launch and through to PS4, but nightblades are lacking a lot of abilities types that would make them as well-rounded as the other classes.
Magicka Nightblades could see more love, actually. The best finger-breaking multi-damage-buffing Funnel builds do around as much as a slacking Sorc weaving Force Pulse/Crushing Shock with Liquid Lightning as a DoT. Unfortunately, only Sorcs had loud enough community to make ZOS notice things.Nightblades, on the other hand, lack a powerful self heal, they lack an aoe root or proper aoe control ability, they dont have any defense against ranged attacks like reflective scales provides for dk's, and they dont have a damage shield. Dont get me wrong, I love my nightblade, it's my favorite class and has remained my main character since PC launch and through to PS4, but nightblades are lacking a lot of abilities types that would make them as well-rounded as the other classes.
1-shoting trash mobs doesn't prove any class to be good.damage wise its pretty good, its just in PVE instead of kill and dodging I feel like everything that hits at close range 1 shots
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »No night blades are NOT balanced .... Nor are sorcerers, templars, or dragonknights. All classes are both over powered and under powered and we really need all 4 to be re-worked other wise more threads like this will pop up about "which is best class" and every one keep having a flame wars about which class is the most OP and bla bla bla.
1-shoting trash mobs doesn't prove any class to be good.damage wise its pretty good, its just in PVE instead of kill and dodging I feel like everything that hits at close range 1 shots
Once you reach 20k+ DPS on your Magicka Nightblade during Mantikora fight in Sanctum Ophidia (or 16k+ on The Serpent) as easily as other classes do, we may understand this topic as redundant. On average, you're 4k+ DPS behind.
IMO dragon knights hold the medal for most well-rounded class. They were the first class created back during the initial phases of ESO's development, and they've had the most time put into working on the class. Balance-wise they may not be on par with the other classes (more or less powerful depending on who you ask), but they have the tools to tackle any situation. They have a self heal, an aoe root, a damage shield, aoe damage abilities (both magicka and stamina based), single target damage abilities (both magicka and stamina based), heavy utility through things like fiery chains, reflective scale, and talons, as well as three useful ultimates.
Nightblades, on the other hand, lack a powerful self heal, they lack an aoe root or proper aoe control ability, they dont have any defense against ranged attacks like reflective scales provides for dk's, and they dont have a damage shield. Dont get me wrong, I love my nightblade, it's my favorite class and has remained my main character since PC launch and through to PS4, but nightblades are lacking a lot of abilities types that would make them as well-rounded as the other classes. Sorcerors suffer some similar issues, especially for stamina builds. Templars are probably closest to dragonknights in terms of being a well rounded class, but still lack a few things like an aoe root.
First I'd like to say that if every class had skills for all the situations you mentionned, we'd be playing a 1 class game, not 4. Balance doesn't mean having equivalents in each class. You say dk has wings to coutner ranged play, and that nightblade has no such skil. Well, cloak is a counter to ranged attacks. Of course it's not a counter by definition, but it works to defend yourself against range, and even against more. And then you could say that dk has no skill to reposition himself.
I'm not saying one is stronger than the other, I'm saying your vision of balance is flawed.
There's nothing fair on being forced to put absurdly far more effort than any other class and still be ~4k less DPS output on average.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »When you build a Night-Blade you really have to use some thought into were you want to put your traits. The common practice of " All or Nothing " into Stamina or Magicka does not seem to be useful, in a useful Night-Blade build.
There's nothing fair on being forced to put absurdly far more effort than any other class and still be ~4k less DPS output on average.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »When you build a Night-Blade you really have to use some thought into were you want to put your traits. The common practice of " All or Nothing " into Stamina or Magicka does not seem to be useful, in a useful Night-Blade build.
Let's do an elementary PvE task like a static AoEs placement to provide competitive DPS output:
Magicka Sorcerers: Daedric Mines... Liquid Lightning... Thundering Presence... The last 2 alone have 50-66% power of Impulse spam-casting and all you need to do is to place the skills on the ground then just watch and wait until the mobs are melted to death. Oh wait, you can still spam-cast Impulse apart from having all the above at the same time.
Magicka Nightblades: Let's see... Twisting Path... Yeah, 500-750 DPS after "great" +33% buff in 1.6. Wow, really!
And don't forget to use Agony. Read the death recap - it's your first weapon of choice for AoE situations.
Underpowered = unbalanced.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »Are they under power'd compared to the other classes?
YES, yes they are ( in some aspects). Although if you look at how the class is "laid out" they are, again to me, seeming to be very well balanced.
Underpowered = unbalanced.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »Are they under power'd compared to the other classes?
YES, yes they are ( in some aspects). Although if you look at how the class is "laid out" they are, again to me, seeming to be very well balanced.
No one ever said that it should be overpowered, but on the same level as the others.nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »Being an over powered class does not in any way, make a class balanced.
nobertpaulb16_ESO wrote: »YES, yes they are ( in some aspects). Although if you look at how the class is "laid out" they are, again to me, seeming to be very well balanced. May be instead of upping their power to be " competitive ", the other classes should be looked at and more closely tailored along the same lines.