ZOS_JasonLeavey wrote: »This is the official discussion thread for the web article, "Battlemaster's Corner - The Howling Temple."
Read about this featured player build, a fearless Templar, in our latest issue!
SuperAgentCT wrote: »I really like what I read for this build! I was looking to try the Aedric Warden but now I think I am wanting to go the Howling Temple route. I am an Imperial who just recently switched over to two-handed weapons and became a werewolf. A visual breakdown (skill calculator) or link to one would be nice if one could be supplied. Congrats on the feature btw!
Thank you, I created a skill calc just because that you can look at, also Thank you Cously and Dredd, you two helped inspire me to do thishttp://esohead.com/calculator/skills#1.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
Seth_Black wrote: »I just wonder ...why even post builds?
Since fundamental rule of ESO is 'pay the way you want' all builds just cause more players copy existing setup created by someone and in result they have no idea about building something that will suit their own individual play style.
'Build clone players' often can't efficiently use their class or can't change/adjust to make their group more efficient (they simply have no idea how)
Note: no other mmo gives you so many possible configurations and full freedom of choice ...and you STILL rather copy?
On my main character (Nightblade) I played as tank, healer & dd ...tried ALL of the weapons, abilities, morphs and skills and THEN I found my own perfect way to play it. I could post my 6 great builds for that nightblade but I don't think any one else will play it like I do, so there's no point.
In trials, gold pledges, pvp and everything that comes in (hopefully near) future we need people who know their class/role really good. Builds (in most cases) just destroy creativity and make people lazy.
Do you know how to perform a surgery? How to fix a car? Or even how to speak ten languages? Everyone has their field of expertise and it only benefits to learn from others. Perharps you love tinkering with builds and have the time to do so but many others have different interests in the game yet they need a build that works for them.
The only way to trully test a build is in hard content since veteran areas are a joke. Now try test your build on pugs and see how they will torch you alive, kick you, make drama, etc. Unless you have a beloved guild that will test *** with you then you basically gotta rely on those alternatives to "start". Then you can follow it to the letter or tweak it to your own playstyle.
Share builds is a great way to learn how to get even better in your own.
Do you know how to perform a surgery? How to fix a car? Or even how to speak ten languages? Everyone has their field of expertise and it only benefits to learn from others. Perhaps you love tinkering with builds and have the time to do so but many others have different interests in the game yet they need a build that works for them.
The only way to truly test a build is in hard content since veteran areas are a joke. Now try test your build on pugs and see how they will torch you alive, kick you, make drama, etc. Unless you have a beloved guild that will test *** with you then you basically gotta rely on those alternatives to "start". Then you can follow it to the letter or tweak it to your own playstyle.
Share builds is a great way to learn how to get even better in your own.