I agree with you that sorc pve dps doesn't compare to others. If you look at the leaderboards ther are very few sorcs near the top. I took off entropy and used spell power pots instead. The way I look at it every entropy could have been an overload attack. I really hope that they increse sorc dps somehow. Having a set that boosts lightning damage would help a lot. Not right that fire gets boosts from class passives, racial passives, and many set bonuses.
So, what is the highest single target dps achieved by a sorc? Ran AA with some friends last week and pulled some good numbers. I'm posting a screen shot of my dps against the storm atro. It was only about a 35 second fight, and I had the bonus of a group member running elemental drain. Post some screen shots of 30 second or longer fights, and see if you could beat mine. [img][/img]
byrom101b16_ESO wrote: »It has been said so many times now - but you must have missed them.
WHAT is the point of posting sub 1 minute fight dps meters where the vast majority of your damage comes from Overload.
... and you are using a pet in a Trial...
That would make you the only one doing it pretty much.
Then again, people are too much focused on Single Target damage whereas they should focus on AoE. Who gives a f.. if you have 2k less ST but you have 20k more AoE
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Then again, people are too much focused on Single Target damage whereas they should focus on AoE. Who gives a f.. if you have 2k less ST but you have 20k more AoE
True to some extent but still AOE damage is very hard to measure since, basically, it depends on how many mobs you have in your aoe zones. You can double output by just having double mobs without it having anything to do with your build or your rotation. And it's quite hard to reproduce a situation where you have precisely the same number of mobs around.
Where do you guys check your AOE output ? I use the Craglorn scorpions groups but they don't last enough... maybe the group of trash mobs before the Mantikora ?
AoE dps is important for Vdsa, but my biggest focus is single target. I am using dual wielding nirn swords, but haven't leveled it high enough to unlock the twin blade and blunt passive.
In the video posted above he is getting some really high numbers, I'm not sure how to get my hits up that high.My unbuffed spell power sits around 2900 and I can't figure out how to get it any higher than that.
On that test we used Aggressive Warhorns which boosts your critical damage by 30% + Combat Prayer 8%
Sorcs can do great sustainable DPS still. Overload builds won't last the entire fight, but sorcs can hit 14-16K on Manti/Serpent without Overload. So if they start out with Overload and sustain it for a portion of the fight hitting >20K, then swap to the usual 14-16K rotation when it runs out it will level out to a rather pleasant number. It's kinda like an extra execute period for initial burst damage.
Judging from the top trials scores in EU currently, sorcs are a massive factor (4-5 in the top groups sometimes).
byrom101b16_ESO wrote: »I don't like these kinds of posts because they feed the easily-led the lie that Sorc dps is competitive in PvE when it isn't.
However, for better results swap your toggleosaurs for Entropy and Velocitous Curse, and if someone else isn't running Elemental Drain - remember to apply it yourself for the boost to your elemental damage numbers, although it looks from those numbers as if they are.
On that test we used Aggressive Warhorns which boosts your critical damage by 30% + Combat Prayer 8%
That makes a lot of sense, as I had neither when i did it.Sorcs can do great sustainable DPS still. Overload builds won't last the entire fight, but sorcs can hit 14-16K on Manti/Serpent without Overload. So if they start out with Overload and sustain it for a portion of the fight hitting >20K, then swap to the usual 14-16K rotation when it runs out it will level out to a rather pleasant number. It's kinda like an extra execute period for initial burst damage.
14k seems to be my ceiling. I think my gear is top notch so I just have to work on perfecting my rotations.
My current setup:
4 martial Knowledge
2 Adroitness
2 Cyrodil's Light
2 Worm Cult
2 Toroug's pact swords, nirnhoned
Master fire staff
Unfortunately I don't have pvp buffs atm, so that doesn't help.Judging from the top trials scores in EU currently, sorcs are a massive factor (4-5 in the top groups sometimes).
There are very few sorcs on the top of the leaderboard for any trials in NA, strange.
Your gear is pretty sound. I would suggest swapping out the nirnhoned to precise as the build you are currently rocking as no crit. You will notice better results. I would also recommend putting 1 Elfborn 1 Spell Erosion and the rest into Elemental Expert until you reach 100 and the put 30 points towards Spell Erosion. After that I would start stacking the rest into Elfborn. You can place points into Thaumaturge for pvp as most sorcs use their magic based abilities over their elemental.
Unfortunately I don't have videos of my sorc that are current (still 1.5 stuff) as I am mainly been focusing on my Templar for the same stereo type that they cannot do dps. But seeing forum post like this and the comments it generates makes me want to prove people wrong yet again.
Your gear is pretty sound. I would suggest swapping out the nirnhoned to precise as the build you are currently rocking as no crit. You will notice better results. I would also recommend putting 1 Elfborn 1 Spell Erosion and the rest into Elemental Expert until you reach 100 and the put 30 points towards Spell Erosion. After that I would start stacking the rest into Elfborn. You can place points into Thaumaturge for pvp as most sorcs use their magic based abilities over their elemental.
Unfortunately I don't have videos of my sorc that are current (still 1.5 stuff) as I am mainly been focusing on my Templar for the same stereo type that they cannot do dps. But seeing forum post like this and the comments it generates makes me want to prove people wrong yet again.
I use my sorc for both pvp and pve. I have most of my champ points in elemental expert, but a good amount of them in Thuamaturge for pvp moves like curse, frags, etc. I was torn between precise and nirn, but figured the nirn would be better off. I'll give that a shot and see how it goes. If you do bust out that sorc again, I'd love to see some videos.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
I run DC as well so no duel
I do have the alchemy passive, but there still is about a 5 second period where you will not get the spell power buff. Would you recommend using an alchemy glyph on jewelry or stay with spell power/cost reduction?
When do you guys run? I'd love to check it out, especially considering I always see you near or at the top of the leaderboards.
I've been tempted to run a PvE based alt so I can fully spec my sorc for PvP.
have never seen a 12 man group with more than 3 sorcs yet on the european leaderbords, normaly its two at most if one at all...
have never seen a 12 man group with more than 3 sorcs yet on the european leaderbords, normaly its two at most if one at all...
Sadly, the reason for a lack of sorcs at the top of the leaderboard is due to not many people able to do content at the skill level required for those type of raids. Very few sorcs can actually pull the dps required and have the skill set not to stay in red and die.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
have never seen a 12 man group with more than 3 sorcs yet on the european leaderbords, normaly its two at most if one at all...
Sadly, the reason for a lack of sorcs at the top of the leaderboard is due to not many people able to do content at the skill level required for those type of raids. Very few sorcs can actually pull the dps required and have the skill set not to stay in red and die.
yeah sorcs must attract the mentaly handicaped playerbase whiule every other class does not...
or could it be i know that sounds heretic that bringing the sorc up to competetive values requires extremly good players wich is the reson for the few PvE-sorcs?
byrom101b16_ESO wrote: »
... and you are using a pet in a Trial...
That would make you the only one doing it pretty much.
have never seen a 12 man group with more than 3 sorcs yet on the european leaderbords, normaly its two at most if one at all...
Sadly, the reason for a lack of sorcs at the top of the leaderboard is due to not many people able to do content at the skill level required for those type of raids. Very few sorcs can actually pull the dps required and have the skill set not to stay in red and die.
yeah sorcs must attract the mentaly handicaped playerbase whiule every other class does not...
or could it be i know that sounds heretic that bringing the sorc up to competetive values requires extremly good players wich is the reson for the few PvE-sorcs?
Problem of sorcs is instead of theorycrafting they like to spam forum and QQ about nerfsWhen you remember 1.6 PTS you know what i mean.
have never seen a 12 man group with more than 3 sorcs yet on the european leaderbords, normaly its two at most if one at all...
Sadly, the reason for a lack of sorcs at the top of the leaderboard is due to not many people able to do content at the skill level required for those type of raids. Very few sorcs can actually pull the dps required and have the skill set not to stay in red and die.
yeah sorcs must attract the mentaly handicaped playerbase whiule every other class does not...
or could it be i know that sounds heretic that bringing the sorc up to competetive values requires extremly good players wich is the reson for the few PvE-sorcs?
Problem of sorcs is instead of theorycrafting they like to spam forum and QQ about nerfsWhen you remember 1.6 PTS you know what i mean.
Yes this is unfortunate. I only know 2 sorcs on the DC (excluding myself) that actually theory craft and test rotations and what not. It is sad that most sorcs don't want to put in the time to make themselves better.
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"