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Vampire/Werewolf guild Tainted Moonlight now looking for fresh blood

  • EpicOverlord85
    Just a heads up to anyone joining up we don't have many bites so it'll be a bit before everyone can be bitten, but once we have the bites everyone in the guild will be guaranteed one
  • Rebate
    Soul Shriven
    I would appreciate an invite for a long term guild playing environment.

    Gt: rebate21

    Thank you

    What alliance? Regardless I like the idea of paying it forward. So if need be ill make a new toon on the correct alliance
    Edited by Rebate on June 20, 2015 10:09PM
  • gannorton
    Gamer tag: gannorton
  • Mordant61
    Gamer Tag: MetMarius

    Happily will join up and help spread the gift. Just need to get a bite. Alrady know a great place to lvl the werewolf skill line so I can spread it shortly. Also I bring armor crafting with me so anyone in your guild who needs gear can feel free to ask. No charge. :smile:
  • ShoogyMonster
    Alrigh I believe I've invited everyone so far. If you haven't gotten your invite by when you log in jus give me a heads up and I'll send another. Also shoogy we have another AD I think so you guys could start a branch over in those provinces if you'd like

    totally my GT is the same as my user just with a space between so Shoogy Monster

  • Xragin_roosterx
    Soul Shriven
    Gt Xragin roosterx
    looking for vamoire bite. Very interested in guild
  • SacredInfinity
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining a werewolf guild it sounds fun! Invite me GT: Sacred Infinity and looking forr WW bite
  • KingOfYouAll
    I wish to join your guild and be turned.
    Daeedar is my gamertag. Look forward to seeing you in game.
  • KingOfYouAll
    Im in AD as well but really want a bite. Anyway of hooking me up?
  • undefeatdgaul
    I'm in DC. Undefeatdgaul. Would appreciate an invite!
  • ignyte1994
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: Drizzle1994
    Looking to join ad branch guild
    Who should I contact or will someone contact me?
  • sirvin
    Soul Shriven
    Please send a invite my way to the guild. I wish to become warewolf but if i cant get a bite i will try to get it this week waiting on the moon cycle and give out some bites. Played eso quite a bit on pc so im pretty experienced. Gt: Wienerschnitzol
  • KamuiStorm
    Soul Shriven
    I just want to be a vampire, not interested in joining the guild. GT: Mass Karasu
    NA server
    Ebonheart pact
    Dark Elf
    Guild: Ouroboros, message to join. Will accept all
  • dannyrugnub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, I would love to join the guild and possibly be turned. My gamertag is DW Omega. Feel free to contact me, and/or send me an invite.
  • turtlementalityub17_ESO
    hey, would love to join the guild. gt: TurtleMentality. I'm in EP looking for a vamp bit and I have no problem with turning others as soon as I'm able.
  • IceTheUnKnown10
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join this guild!
    Gt: IceTheUnKnown10
  • jonvonkilla
    gt: jon vonkilla
    xbox on na server
    ebonhart pact
    looking for vampire guild and bite. send in game invite or msg on xbl.
  • EpicOverlord85
    All of you I'll invite once I get back on a little later. I also became a vampire this morning so I'll be able to turn people once I level it up enough. :)
  • EpicOverlord85
    Alright that should take care of everyone :)
  • EpicOverlord85
    @gannorton except you because it said your account doesn't exist, you sure that was the right one?
  • adrakas
    Soul Shriven
    Is it just me or is the guild chat not working? Or does there need to be a certain number of members first?
  • umbriell
    Soul Shriven
    What alliance? I'm looking to turn one character into vamp and other werewolf and will definitely join guild
    Gt is fateofdarkness
  • TechManMatt92
    Add TechManMatt92, im willing to pay some for warewolf bite
  • YolmarTheMighty
    I'm a lvl 6 vampire. Would like to join and help boost vampire numbers. My next bite will be in 2 weeks though already have two people lined up. I'm AD btw if that matters.
  • YolmarTheMighty
    Sorry gt Lt You Go First
  • EpicOverlord85
    @adrakas I think we need a certain amount, I'm not postive
  • EpicOverlord85
    @TechManMatt92 no need to pay, we do it for free
  • EpicOverlord85
    @umbriell doesn't really matter, we're mixed
  • kayin030b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for an active guild and vampire bite!

    GT: Kayinx
    Aldmeri Dominion
    N/A Servers
  • AngelSk
    Soul Shriven
    Look a vampire Guild tô. AngelsSk

    X one
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