We now have about 25 members, growing a little faster than the guild leader and I can keep up with so please bear with us. I will try and get online to say hello to everyone to soon.
Just a reminder, we are getting a great little guild together.
We are a group of laid back, mature (in age only) gamers. We are at various levels in the game with the majority in Ebonheart Pact.
We have crafters, questers, PVPers and people that just want to kill things! There is always someone ready to help a fellow guildie in need.
We have a a brand new forum (filling with content slowly), dungeon runs planned for Thursday 25th and loads more guild events in the pipelines.
Drop your gamertag here or head over to our forum for an invite.
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
Love the way it sounds....would love to be part of the guild and help it grow!!!
I'm a lvl 28 ebonhart high elf dragonknight (don't laugh:))) ) hope to get an invite! My GT: FastClau
We are still after a few more members... need to hit that magic 50! If you would like to join you can do so; on the new forum, by posting your GT here or just ping me a message on live GT is RabidHellBunny .
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
New starters are welcome, we have some very helpful people in our guild that can show you the ropes or answer any questions. I'll get an invite out to you tonight.
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
Looks like our dungeon run tonight will be postponed.
Any outstanding invites will be sent when servers are back, if not tonight then tomorrow morning.
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.
The weekend is nearly here... would you like a fun, sociable, friendly guild to run with? People will be on running dungeons, PVP, quests or just chilling out in Davons Watch crafting.
I'm sure Jag will be keeping us entertained singing about how his horse tastes like raisins.
Details of Tuesday's event are on our forum... Hide and Seek!!
A guild is only as good as the work that goes into them... us guild leaders are busy behind the scenes trying to make this an amazing guild for the members.
That being said you only get out of a guild what you put in. So jump into guild chat and join the fun!
Guild Master for Knights of the Blade - XB1, EU Guild.