How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?
I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?
This is interesting because it proves that the finder doesn't work properly. However, this is the first time I hear about people prefering the finder over forming a group with guildies. Why is that? It would be far easier on PC to do it manually, everybody plays group content this way. Is there a technical/UI issue making it more difficult on consoles?pecheckler wrote: »How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?
I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?
Absolutely not the case. Just last night I was in a guild chat channel with over 30 different people claiming to be queued for elden hollow of which at least 15 were tanks or healer role. We had to get that going manually which was a huge pain.
Forcedchaos wrote: »Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in MMO's. I play a healer and can't get a group, this is unheard of. The console crowd will leave the game because of this mark my words. Zenimax better get this fixed. I already have lost the desire to run dungeons because of this.
Forcedchaos wrote: »Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in MMO's. I play a healer and can't get a group, this is unheard of. The console crowd will leave the game because of this mark my words. Zenimax better get this fixed. I already have lost the desire to run dungeons because of this.
did you not read my post? !!! the site is only a couple weeks old
so we must spread the word!! its easy to use!
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »It works from level 12- VR3 as I've used it on Xbox one.
I've learned that it takes just as long as PC so just queue and assume 1 hour.
I've gotten group faster and then also had partial groups form.
As Twitch live mentioned....bugs still exist in the grouping tools but it does work.
Utilize friends, guild and the tool simultaneously for better results.
pecheckler wrote: »Anyone else notice this? Have tried many times over many hour long periods for a week now on two characters as dps/tank and dps/heal roles. Best it's done is form a group of 3 with one of each role within 20 minutes but than never fills the last DPS role in an hour's time. Usually it just fails to find anyone at all.
This is quite disturbing considering the group finder for the beta test worked so well. Of course that was just the first 3 dungeons.
What's the deal Zenimax? It's obviously not a lack of players queuing issue.
pecheckler wrote: »How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?
I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?
Absolutely not the case. Just last night I was in a guild chat channel with over 30 different people claiming to be queued for elden hollow of which at least 15 were tanks or healer role. We had to get that going manually which was a huge pain.