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Console group finder doesn't work after the first three dungeons.

Anyone else notice this? Have tried many times over many hour long periods for a week now on two characters as dps/tank and dps/heal roles. Best it's done is form a group of 3 with one of each role within 20 minutes but than never fills the last DPS role in an hour's time. Usually it just fails to find anyone at all.

This is quite disturbing considering the group finder for the beta test worked so well. Of course that was just the first 3 dungeons.

What's the deal Zenimax? It's obviously not a lack of players queuing issue.
End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Thymos
    How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?

    I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?
    The Older Gamers Recruitment Thread
    Always accepting new members for NA and EU server. PvP PvE RP all welcome. Must be 25+ yo to join.
  • idk
    On PC the GF has been one of the poorest designed game systems we have in ESO. It was so bad it became mostly unused. It was so bad that even after they said they fixed it most wouldn't even give it a try. I wouldn't be surprised if your seeing the same thing on consoles.
  • WelshAssassin1987
    I'm having terrible luck with the group finder. It's either an extremely long wait, half a group, or getting grouped with a group finder troll who thinks its funny to join and leave straight away. It needs some serious work.
    PSN: Welsh_Assassin26

    EU Server: Ulfmark Ironwolf - Nord - Stamina Sorcerer - EP
  • Ishta
    This is especially frustrating when we also lack a text chat feature. Which would certainly aid forming our own groups.
  • pecheckler
    Thymos wrote: »
    How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?

    I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?

    Absolutely not the case. Just last night I was in a guild chat channel with over 30 different people claiming to be queued for elden hollow of which at least 15 were tanks or healer role. We had to get that going manually which was a huge pain.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Thymos
    So you guys queued up for the random group maker, instead of wanting to group up with guildmates as a sure thing, which had to be done manually?
    The Older Gamers Recruitment Thread
    Always accepting new members for NA and EU server. PvP PvE RP all welcome. Must be 25+ yo to join.
  • Rosveen
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?

    I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?

    Absolutely not the case. Just last night I was in a guild chat channel with over 30 different people claiming to be queued for elden hollow of which at least 15 were tanks or healer role. We had to get that going manually which was a huge pain.
    This is interesting because it proves that the finder doesn't work properly. However, this is the first time I hear about people prefering the finder over forming a group with guildies. Why is that? It would be far easier on PC to do it manually, everybody plays group content this way. Is there a technical/UI issue making it more difficult on consoles?

    On topic: we desperately need a list of all active groups with appropriate filters.
  • Forcedchaos
    Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in MMO's. I play a healer and can't get a group, this is unheard of. The console crowd will leave the game because of this mark my words, console gamers are very different than PC gamers,(I'm both). Zenimax better get this fixed. I already have lost the desire to run dungeons because of this.
    Edited by Forcedchaos on June 20, 2015 10:47AM
  • KruxAF
    Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in MMO's. I play a healer and can't get a group, this is unheard of. The console crowd will leave the game because of this mark my words. Zenimax better get this fixed. I already have lost the desire to run dungeons because of this.

    did you not read my post? !!! the site is only a couple weeks old
    so we must spread the word!! its easy to use!
  • Forcedchaos
    KruxAF wrote: »
    Dungeons are my favorite thing to do in MMO's. I play a healer and can't get a group, this is unheard of. The console crowd will leave the game because of this mark my words. Zenimax better get this fixed. I already have lost the desire to run dungeons because of this.

    did you not read my post? !!! the site is only a couple weeks old
    so we must spread the word!! its easy to use!

    Having to do something like this will make people want to quit the game even faster. Having to go to an external website just to group? Ask Destiny how well that was recieved by the console crowd. It's ridiculas to have to do that when the tools should be in game. This is an MMO right?

    Edited by Forcedchaos on June 20, 2015 10:57AM
  • KruxAF
    its not ridiculous. at all. until there is a companion app to make
    it even easier, i find this extremely helpful. the group finder doesn't seem to work well in game
    i agree but in beta it worked fine for me. were at a massive market now. more people using it.
    lots of kinks to fix. until then, stop complaining and be thankful. this website takes 3 min to post and
    typing a gt in on your console while looking at your phone could not be any easier. i used this site and had a group of 12 in minutes and a group of 24 in the same
  • NewBlacksmurf
    It works from level 12- VR3 as I've used it on Xbox one.

    I've learned that it takes just as long as PC so just queue and assume 1 hour.
    I've gotten group faster and then also had partial groups form.

    As Twitch live mentioned....bugs still exist in the grouping tools but it does work.
    Utilize friends, guild and the tool simultaneously for better results.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • RobDaCool
    I've yet to successfully find a group. They either need to redesign it or just drop it.
    PS4 NA -RobdacoolV2
  • pecheckler
    It works from level 12- VR3 as I've used it on Xbox one.

    I've learned that it takes just as long as PC so just queue and assume 1 hour.
    I've gotten group faster and then also had partial groups form.

    As Twitch live mentioned....bugs still exist in the grouping tools but it does work.
    Utilize friends, guild and the tool simultaneously for better results.

    How does one "utilize" guild". Join every channel and verbally and ask then start sending messages to folks within the level range? That's so ineffective and time consuming it shouldn't be recommended or expected.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Chufu
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Anyone else notice this? Have tried many times over many hour long periods for a week now on two characters as dps/tank and dps/heal roles. Best it's done is form a group of 3 with one of each role within 20 minutes but than never fills the last DPS role in an hour's time. Usually it just fails to find anyone at all.

    This is quite disturbing considering the group finder for the beta test worked so well. Of course that was just the first 3 dungeons.

    What's the deal Zenimax? It's obviously not a lack of players queuing issue.

    You can also use while waiting for a group ingame ^^ I know that the ingame-tool is easy to use, but it doesn't find the groups very fast.

    But I can recommend (3 languages (DE/EN/FR), you can post without registration, you can edit/delete your own groups and some more features will come next).

    By the way: Geoffrey Marsi told us in the last ESO-Live-Episode on 06/19/2015, that ZOS will have a look at the groupfinder, so the hope never dies :wink:
  • Funkopotamus
    Works fine... It is just that -%- of the players are enjoying the content at a slower pace and there are a lot of players with multiple characters in the 10-30 lvl range.
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
  • Alphashado
    pecheckler wrote: »
    Thymos wrote: »
    How many players are actually able to play the following dungeons, or at least ready to?

    I am inclined to believe it is a lack of players queuing, or at least queuing properly. Want to make a group of 4 DPS all the time?

    Absolutely not the case. Just last night I was in a guild chat channel with over 30 different people claiming to be queued for elden hollow of which at least 15 were tanks or healer role. We had to get that going manually which was a huge pain.

    Examples like this are given constantly, yet there are certain people that insist it's working fine. Both on console and PC.It boggles the mind. Plus it only decreases the odds of zos fixing it.
  • Tennetty
    I tried using it last night for a spider dungeon but never got into a grouping... I wonder if it's broken or just no one was playing that dungeon at the time... I like the concept though.
  • CriD
    I'm baffled that someone had a guild with 30 members looking for the same dungeon and they didn't just go do the dungeon in mini groups of the guild.

    What's the point in joining a guild if you all just sit in queue for the same dungeon and talk about wishing people would queue up.

    I personally do not use the queue. Until I'm in a guild I think ill like, I just go to the dungeon n ask others who are waiting there via Xbox live messaging if I can't get them on voice chat. Never had to wait more then 15 minutes.

    Yes the queue is pretty long, but if your lazy, or don't understand what a guild is, don't blame the queue.

    6 out of 6 dungeons all loaded into within 15 minutes of going to the dungeon and finding randoms that way.
  • KingRebz
    Bro if you find this makes any sense..I salute you.

    The majority of this game that are saying this game is fine really are becoming the minority whereas the minority now who are complaining about this game are becoming the majority. THIS is the murder of the game that she wrote.
    Edited by KingRebz on June 22, 2015 1:57AM
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • MaximumAttackG
    doesnt work at all, either I get into a group with 1 person, or I get into a group that isnt in group chat and doesnt have a clue that theyre even in a party, let alone how to teleport to a dungeon. its the brainless community.
  • Jaronking
    I haven't had a problem with It and am a DPS nightblade and I haven't had to wait longer then a Hour and a half at most with 30 minutes being the shortest. I find a group faster then it takes me to get into PVP right now lol.
  • Anakee
    It may not help a whole heap now,but it doesnt get better, even at veteran. So me and some friends have made a guild purely on getting dungeon groups we are about 20 vets now but all levels are welcome and it will help you down tbe road, plus i dont mind coming in the lower ones from time to time and helping roll them if you need your skill points. We are AD on Eu. Forum thread for recruitments on the ad eu guild recruitmemr if you want to know more. Message Anakee for an invite :)
  • pecheckler
    When the game first launched on PC I could find a group as a tank in less than 30 minutes without fail continuously from level 15 to VR5. Usually only took a few minutes.

    I figured with the significantly larger player base that on console it would be much less.

    Last night I asked a trade guild channel with 40 people in it how many players were in queue and my earballs instantly imploded from the ensuing rage.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Whitey161
    Soul Shriven
    IM a tank my mate is a healer, we group, jump in the queue and then go and start on our own, hopefully, and usually someone will join and come join us. the number of ppl who join the group then don't even bother coming to the dngeon is frustrating though.

    I personnly just think many ppl don't use the group finder and don't know its there
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