With all of the vampires and werewolves roaming these lands, I think the fighters guild should respond to the threat with powers and skills aimed at hunting the twighlight crowd.
But vampires are so dreamy, you say?
Make the dawn guard just as appealing. What about a power to point out vampires in towns. Instant crime rating for them. Like a vampire hunter might. So not true PvP in a pve area, just guards attacking an unnatural creature.
The social penalty might slow down the demand and make secret vampire clans really fun to play.
Keep your identity secret or else the hunters could point you out the next time you are at the blacksmith.
The point out ability could have a daily or even weekly cool down for balance.
The two teams might gain points if they cure or infect a member of the other faction.
With a weekly cool down of course.
I just think all of the twighlight craze is silly and kinda points out the very little downside to vamp, were, gameplay.
This could bring balance and keep the vamps from getting needed or rarified.
What are your suggestions