I would greatly appreciate a vampire bite.
Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
Platform: Xbox One
Gamertag: BlaqSanta
Server: North America
I am also willing to join a guild dedicated to passing free bites after I am infected.
I have been looking for a werewolf bite for a while.
Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
Gamertag: gokuoder
Bite: Werewolf
Please message me via xbox live!
Gamertag: StumpyTheClown
Looking to trade my Vamp bite on Ebonheart
for a Were scratch on Aldmeri for my alt
my bite will be available 9:00PM PST
I will be on for the remainder of the night
please message me on XBL
Alliance: Ebonheart pact
looking for a werewolf bite