Lately EP has been rolling the map on Chill from 3pm-5pm est when they are pop locked and DC and AD are at one or two bars. Being down to your last keep and getting rolled by 70+ when there are only 20 DC defending gets old really fast.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see the word Chillrend it makes the veins in my biceps pop! The DC in Chillrend simply won't form two attack groups of adequate size and strategically attack two enemy targets at once. EP and AD do it to us all the time. Instead of splitting the enemy forces up and forcing them to react to us, all DC will march to GLADE in single file, right into the bottleneck, and continue to headbutt the entire EP defense force. Nine out of ten times this usually ends up in DC wiping and EP collecting AP.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see veins in my biceps pop! The DC simply form groups of size and attack. EP and AD. Instead of bottleneck, and headbutt defense. Nine times this usually ends up in EP collecting AP.
AydzPredatorofEP wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see veins in my biceps pop! The DC simply form groups of size and attack. EP and AD. Instead of bottleneck, and headbutt defense. Nine times this usually ends up in EP collecting AP.
I edited out all the unimportant stuff.
do you even lift bruh?
Lately EP has been rolling the map on Chill from 3pm-5pm est when they are pop locked and DC and AD are at one or two bars. Being down to your last keep and getting rolled by 70+ when there are only 20 DC defending gets old really fast.
tinythinker wrote: »I think I recall seeing Arcadian Knights (sp?) and Axios Nekrous still advertising in zone as well.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »AydzPredatorofEP wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see veins in my biceps pop! The DC simply form groups of size and attack. EP and AD. Instead of bottleneck, and headbutt defense. Nine times this usually ends up in EP collecting AP.
I edited out all the unimportant stuff.
do you even lift bruh?
What the hell did you do to the quote? And yes to your question.
Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see the word Chillrend it makes the veins in my biceps pop! The DC in Chillrend simply won't form two attack groups of adequate size and strategically attack two enemy targets at once. EP and AD do it to us all the time. Instead of splitting the enemy forces up and forcing them to react to us, all DC will march to GLADE in single file, right into the bottleneck, and continue to headbutt the entire EP defense force. Nine out of ten times this usually ends up in DC wiping and EP collecting AP.
This is true. I played on Chill for a long time. There is just no real organization in my opinion. Running a large guild that has no TS requirement makes it like a bunch of pubs just running around in my opinion. No one's on crown. People doing their own thing. Raid is spread out across multiple keeps all over the map.
If you watch how EP and AD roll, how tight they are on crown and move like a tight ball and coordinate their attacks, it is obvious these are not pugs and are on some form of voice comms. This is why a smaller group often destroys larger "pug" groups.
There are a few guilds on Chill that have a lot of potential and are better organized than the others. Hopefully people will learn and grown stronger.
AydzPredatorofEP wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »AydzPredatorofEP wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see veins in my biceps pop! The DC simply form groups of size and attack. EP and AD. Instead of bottleneck, and headbutt defense. Nine times this usually ends up in EP collecting AP.
I edited out all the unimportant stuff.
do you even lift bruh?
What the hell did you do to the quote? And yes to your question.
Bruh. i bet you lift..... i bet you lift those Hot links all the way to your mouth BRUH!
You're so freaking cool. Friend me in game i want to talk about squat thrusts and curling (the canadian sport)
God_flakes wrote: »Publius_Scipio wrote: »Every time I see the word Chillrend it makes the veins in my biceps pop! The DC in Chillrend simply won't form two attack groups of adequate size and strategically attack two enemy targets at once. EP and AD do it to us all the time. Instead of splitting the enemy forces up and forcing them to react to us, all DC will march to GLADE in single file, right into the bottleneck, and continue to headbutt the entire EP defense force. Nine out of ten times this usually ends up in DC wiping and EP collecting AP.
This is true. I played on Chill for a long time. There is just no real organization in my opinion. Running a large guild that has no TS requirement makes it like a bunch of pubs just running around in my opinion. No one's on crown. People doing their own thing. Raid is spread out across multiple keeps all over the map.
If you watch how EP and AD roll, how tight they are on crown and move like a tight ball and coordinate their attacks, it is obvious these are not pugs and are on some form of voice comms. This is why a smaller group often destroys larger "pug" groups.
There are a few guilds on Chill that have a lot of potential and are better organized than the others. Hopefully people will learn and grown stronger.
I'm sorry but this is just more than I can bear. Those "coordinated tight balls" you praise are the single largest cause of LAG. They're all inside one another key mashing the same aoe's or healing springs/barriers and everyone around them freezes and can't do a damn thing. And they know it. It isn't something to praise or emulate. It's the bane of this game. And please don't tell me "it's how you win". I get it. So what? I don't even look at the score anymore. I just want to play without being lagged and pain trained by 40 enemies.
God_flakes wrote: »Those big guilds in Chill ARE using comms. I KNOW. I used to lead for HD. Most people go in T's when asked. And I know HD asks people to. I know Axn does. I also know sometimes people don't have it and won't get it and yet you still want that extra body out of desperation cuz you're so badly outnumbered. ;(
God_flakes wrote: »Those big guilds in Chill ARE using comms. I KNOW. I used to lead for HD. Most people go in T's when asked. And I know HD asks people to. I know Axn does. I also know sometimes people don't have it and won't get it and yet you still want that extra body out of desperation cuz you're so badly outnumbered. ;(
Don't lose hope on DC.
Why not lose hope? This weekend two organizers and the GM's of the most active DC guilds on Chillrend will be holding a meeting with the intention of forming/forging a revived Alliance. If you are an active player in DC and/or a regular member of any of those guilds: stay tuned for some announcements.
- Kinitikos
Rook_Master wrote: »Publius, it would help our faction tremendously if you would stop flooding DC zone chat with your ERP.
ScruffyWhiskers wrote: »When I log in on Chillrend in the morning (EST) last few weeks DC has had all the scrolls except one AD scroll. Usually emp and often EP just has farra and kings. Blue keeps it until the afternoon. Even then blue will be kicking butt most of the day even when down to 2 bars. Right now blue is driving on the last AD scroll as we speak and still manages to put out fires at chalamo and fare. I don't see how you can say that blue is sub par.
Funny thing is that yellow is leading and I rarely see them have more than one bar. It's been a weird month or so on Chill.
Rook_Master wrote: »Publius, it would help our faction tremendously if you would stop flooding DC zone chat with your ERP.
God_flakes wrote: »Those big guilds in Chill ARE using comms. I KNOW. I used to lead for HD. Most people go in T's when asked. And I know HD asks people to. I know Axn does. I also know sometimes people don't have it and won't get it and yet you still want that extra body out of desperation cuz you're so badly outnumbered. ;(
There are some times that we require TS, some times we do not. That decision is left to the person in charge of the group. We pick up players because we recognize that there are a lot of good players that don't want to commit to one guild. We do heavily insist on people getting in TS and have kicked people from group for not following crown.
We do our best to stay organized and often wipe groups twice our size, as we did last night to VIPcombat FOUR TIMES at dragonclaw and warden, twice when he tried to ambush us on siege and barely killed one of our 20 players with his 40. Poor *** kept going for that scroll at warden but DC rallied and got the job done.
We did run into the WRX group last night as well, and damn are they some good players. Good fight at Warden. Oh, and they also wiped VIP combat's group at warden as well